The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Bernkastel limply hit the ground upon being released forcibly from Ultraman's grip, skidding to a stop with her face buried in dust and gravel. She coughed, wiping at her face to get debris off her skin, though the repeated slams into various surfaces covered her cheeks and nose in extensive scratches and cuts. The shock attack had made her extremities' muscles lock up on top of that.

"What bad timing you have to ask such a thing... you look like you can barely move," Bernkastel spoke in a raspy voice. Whis made it seem simple: make it so the body could react to an opponent's attacks on its own, independently of the brain. Except Whis had mastered it to where his very molecules could act, and he was at full health. She didn't have the keen eye to spot how to unlock the power since the only other user of it was Vegetto. Could Gogeta luck out and manage to perform even the most basic form of Ultra Instinct after practically being beaten within inches of his life? That would be a real miracle... or an absolute impossibility.

"Nnngh... your body-- it has to move without you telling it to for Ultra Instinct to come in." Bern propped herself up on her elbows as she dragged her legs under herself. "But if you try to think about it, you'll only distract yourself. And the pain will slow you down." She loosened the bow around her neck and took it off, revealing the smoking hand-mark on it as she wrapped her hand's bloodied knuckles with the ribbon, wincing. "Ultra Instinct or no... I want you to keep fighting as long as you can help it." Bern's legs wobbled, noticing how this section of the city looked dilapidated. Not a person in sight, so he must have moved them away from their original location.

"...Maybe we won't have to rely on brute strength to win. We can outsmart him," she stated pensively. "We can use the empty buildings to our advantage. I'll be the bait to lure him and you play along. Let him think he has us cornered. I'll give you a head start to recover."

Without waiting for a response from Gogeta, she began flying off in the opposite direction, away from him and Ultraman. Suddenly, she clutched at her bruised, blistered neck and cut-up face with her hands as she opened her mouth to scream. Touching them made the repeated-impact injuries throb, and her body was threatening to succumb to fear of pain... but to lure Ultraman in, she had to swallow her pride and allow her body to express pain without any mask. She had to play out the bait-and-switch believably-- if he saw her as an enemy trying to flee then the sight would satisfy an eye for an eye and get him to zero in on her for more.

"I taste blood... it's my blood-- it hurts! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Eeeeeaaaaaaugh!!"
Valley of Black Crystals

“Is that so?” Lucifer said. “If that’s the case, then you’re free to think like that. That is the beauty of freedom.” Lucifer stood up and dusted himself after Cuki seemingly went back to normal, despite her rant. “But I do question the longevity of your actions. It takes a lot of effort to create a narrative so you’re on the moral high ground compared to those “pesky” mortals”, right? But I won’t judge you. You clearly already made up your mind to see things you want to see, rather than the whole picture. I guess that’s the consequence of those who refused to look with their own eyes and have to see with others.”

Lucifer walked towards Cuki, bending down so their faces are closed. “But know this, Cuki, a will is a powerful concept that certain beings do not possessed nor understood. If you don’t want to take anything else from what I say, then know this. You underestimated the bottomless potential of will that *mortals* possessed.” His eyes widened, smiling with glee, and stared at Cuki with no judgment of her character. Instead, he wanted to showcase his own philosophies. “Have some confidence in your comrades—their will have been on a declined, but I believe they will overcome. This battle will be a testament of such.”

Reality Metropolis

Ultraman slid backwards from the powerful kicks Gogeta dealt on him, placing his hands on his chest to show signs of damage. Before he could offer a proper reaction, his ears picked up at the distress signal from Bernkastel flying away. He lowered his head for a briefly as he placed himself in deep thought.  He walked several steps forward, stopping by Gogeta as the latter laid on his stomach. “Stay down, Warrior. Mercy doesn’t come by often.” Ultraman crouched down and leap forward, blasting him to the direction of the fleeing Bernkastel.

Closing in on Bernkastel, Ultraman spoke. “Your injuries is becoming more apparent, and your physical prowess is not enough. Give up, and we can end this.” The Kryptonian said as he extended his arm to her. “Don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.”

Cuki’s Apartment

Spina’s head whipped back when Panich headbutted him; before he can recover, he hurled towards the ground, having his head buried in the dirt by her explosive punch. As debris flung outwards, specks of dirt rain around Panich, causing it to rupture into very tiny explosions due to the dark energy twirling around her. The Old Saiyan became unresponsive after Panich’s taunt as his arms went limp.

The Coin Hunter’s Coin Activation was interrupted by Brachi’s attack, flying back into Bara’s attack, being completely engulfed in their attacks. As the explosion erupted everywhere, several pieces of the armor came off its body—one of them being a piece of a mask, and two coins fell on the ground. As the smokes disperse, it showcase the right side of their head. The brown hair and multi-colored eye, their expression wasn’t in shock nor anger, but had the face that everything was going according to the plan, even if a few mishaps had occurred.

“Or what? You think you can win simply because you stopped me from activating? Don’t get too full of yourself, you freaks.” Placing their hands together. “Battlizer Power: Fire Blast!” Forming a powerful ball of energy within their hands, the Coin Hunter launched it towards Bara—but it didn’t hit her. Instead, it crashed against the ground, resulting in a massive explosion to block her view.

“You think the thought of death will break me?” The Coin Hunter said. “Death is far more preferable than the hell I have to go through—the thought of thousand of minds crying out in pain at once, all shouting for sweet release of their sense of self erupting within me… is far more terrifying than mere death, you damn lich….! Don’t mock me!” She extended her arms forward towards Cross, firing another giant fireball towards his direction. She extended her arms upward the air, creating a volley of fireballs downward on the ground to obliterate the area as the two Vortex Coins flung outward towards Bara’s direction in the cloud of smokes emitting the area. The Coin Hunter’s body is slowly disappearing. The Coin Hunter uttered, in their own head: “Phase 1 is complete. We’re moving onto phase two.” The Coin Hunter clenched their fists and leap upwards towards Brachi’s direction. Instantly, they punched her in the stomach—but due to the lack of the Vortex Coin’s power, it didn’t showcase that much damage—only a way to inflict discomfort. They grabbed her arm and toss the warrior towards Panich’s direction.
Cross says unaffected by the fire balls "Who did say that was to intimated you. Death is a kindness I hoping to keep you form till my rage is sated." As bone needles came out no ware to aimed right at Pinchs and the coin hunters piercing there body's.
Brachi merely grunted lightly as she was tossed towards Panich, but recovering and using a Super Explosive Wave as an evasive attack to disorient and damage her, while Majin Bara on her turn picked the two Vortex Coins up and tucked them away, using the smoke as a cover to ensure they wouldn't be retrieved by anyone else.

Brachi then charged back at the Coin Hunter at blinding speed, striking her with the Super God Fist right in the face, before she flash-stepped behind the Coin Hunter, delivering an off-hand backhand in her face, before turning around to face her.

"I don't want to kill you," Brachi said, before putting her hands together for another of Vegeta's attacks, "I just want to make you understand you picked the WRONG person to mess with! FINAL FLASH!

With that, Brachi fired the Final Flash attack towards the Coin Hunter, while Brachi's current position also made her see Panich on the ground.
Gogeta merely frowned in response to Bernkastel’s explanation, the slow realization of Ultra Instinct being unattainable dawning on him throughout. He said nothing as Bernkastel blasted off, the plan she presented having gone through the fusion’s ear and out the other.

Gogeta slowly flipped onto his back, laying on the shattered cement in the crater after she had taken off. His breathing was mostly recovered: his pain and damage significant but far from being too worn out to continue. He turned his eyes up, seeing Ultraman’s approach and quickly tended his muscles, prepared to react.

However, he blinked in confusion, listening to the words of mercy given. Yet Gogeta swung his left arm forward, summoning a small blue little sparkle of energy and quickly sticking it to the bottom of Ultraman’s left foot as he took off in the air after Bernkastel. The small little sphere had no true damage or waning effect on Ultraman; it served merely as a beacon for Gogeta to track.

Gogeta lowered himself back down, sighing heavily in the strong winds kicked up from Ultraman’s flight. He furrowed his brow, thinking to himself.

If she’s gonna distract him then I gotta charge up something. He’s gotten way stronger...but my energy attacks don’t seem to work.

He paused for a moment, his frown deepening.

I could use the God Punisher...but when I felt his energy while I was holding him, it was all positive. That attack only works on guys that use negative energy like Janemba, Omega, and Zamasu.”

Gogeta’s frown began to deepen, the dimming hope clear in his expression. However, in a sudden spark of inspiration, Gogeta involuntarily gasped at the new thought that hit him.

Maybe I can reverse it this time. Instead of using his negative energy against him...maybe I can hurt him with his own positive energy! Every force has an echo, even positive. Your own good energy will be your undoing Ultraman!

Gogeta slowly raised his right arm in the air, gritting his teeth and flexing his fingers out. The wind came first in a gentle, yet brisk breeze, followed shortly by the bright rainbow of colors swirling upwards in small ribbons coming together.

C’mon body...don’t fail me now! Just gotta hope Burncastle can keep him busy long enough for me to charge this.
Cuki's Apartment

"Aww... what a letdown. Seems like there's no use for all that power if you don't get a chance to use it, huh?" Panich scoffed releasing the older Saiyan's arm before throwing a few ki blasts at the needles Cross shot her way. She turned swiftly after as Brachi was tossed in her direction. A blast was readied to quickly put the fusion down, but the princess was pushed back by the explosive wave. She looked back up as the smoke cleared to see Brachi charging up the move. His move. "You dare shame my line by using that move like it's your own?" Blood boiling at the sight of it, The crazed Saiyan Princess teleported herself in front of the blast and pushing the Hunter out of the way. she stretched out her arms and took hold of the energy blast, her body being pushed back for a second before halting. "You are nothing but a fake... A collection of stolen abilities and a shadow of everyone I've known..."

Panich grit her teeth as the blast shredded her gloves right off of her hands. The attack engulfed her body gradually before she charged straight through the stream and to Brachi, throwing a hard jab encased in ki to her face. "Unfortunately for you, I want to kill you the most!" Her speed was increasing with every explosive punch she began delivering to the fusion.
Brachi however took the punch to her face, which made it reel back, but she recovered swiftly, blocking the second and third punches by catching them.

"No matter what you think, it won't change the outcome of your mistake; you will realize this fairly soon." She said, before delivering a headbutt on Panich's nose, followed by a knee to the stomach and finalized by a sledgehammer to knock Panich to the ground, before firing a One-handed energy wave at high velocity to the Coin Hunter to keep her busy, while Majin Bara on her turn assisted Brachi by firing an energy wave of her own towards Panich in kind.

"So what if I'm fake to you? If I was 'fake', would you not be affected by my attacks? Would you not be able to feel them the way you feel them now? Shouldn't those phase THROUGH you then? Some fighter you are, being guided by delusional allies whom feed on your deepest desires." Brachi then said, preparing for the next attack.
The Bone Needles absorbed the blasts and keep going torts Panich.
Bernkastel's eyes widened in reaction to Ultraman coming close to her. From her perspective, she couldn't see Ultraman's face because his open hand obstructed her view of it. It was huge. Since the feeling of that huge hand wrapped around her neck was freshly imprinted into her body's pain receptors, it caused her to reactively flinch. 'Ending it' sounded like he meant to say she was merely delaying the inevitability of being turned into a coin. He could've just let her leave Gogeta behind, but this place is unfamiliar to her, unrecognizable if it was once part of the city she had been through before. Although she was baiting him to come after her, the uncertainty of what could happen if she were to stop made Bernkastel tense up.

"Give up and we can end this..."

"...You don't know how to fight at all."

Reactively, she clasped her hands around her neck as she continued backing away in midair. She hated the idea, but her body ached and screamed at her to rest. Her brows furrowed deeply and she bit her lip.

He's right... I'm at my limit. There's no way I can win!

Bernkastel also lacked Lambdadelta's ability to manipulate probability so directly; once it reached zero there was no way any miracle or chance of success would be achieved. She'd guarantee the situation would only end in failure if she were to give up. But even if she couldn't stop him, there was still Gogeta-- without Ultra Instinct, he still had a fighting prowess that was practically unmatched and could inflict serious damage. If she gave in, she'd crush whatever chance Gogeta had left.

Bernkastel stopped herself mid-flight, bending herself backwards slowly while Ultraman's momentum continued towards her. She watched the hand narrowly glide above her face by a hair's breadth. In those few milliseconds, it was like time slowed. Staring intensely, she waited until she could see Ultraman's face following his arm.

"I refuse," she flatly said, before pulling her leg back and sending her leg into his torso's side, veering him off course and into a building standing off to the side with a further force of momentum added by slamming her fists into his stomach.

No matter what, I won't yield. Gogeta, I'm leaving the finishing move to you. I must endure long enough for him to act! Bern vowed to herself, the sound of glass shattering filling her ears as she held up her bruised fists waiting outside the building, baring her teeth. This devil will play her part until then. This pain is miniscule! It means nothing!
Cuki’s Apartment

The Coin Hunter felt bones piercing through its bodies and getting caught by Brachi and Bara’s attacks. “Unfortunately for you…” As the smokes clears. “You are nothing more than a spectacle for what is to come. Keep thinking this is about you…” The Coin Hunter’s body broke down and vanished into dust. “Panich… your power will grow even further… keep fighting….! My job is done.”

As Spina laid in the ground, his right arm twitched a bit.

The Valley of Black Crystals

Lucifer waits for Cuki’s answer, but suddenly, he sense a “aura” appearing instantly behind him. He turned around, seeing nothing in his direction. “Hmm? I could have sword I sense spirit energy around here.” His eyes sharpened when a buxom woman walked through the horde of black crystals, wearing a rainbow armor, but lack the helmet. Hart has appeared before Cuki and Lucifer.

Hart had long, beautiful brown hair, and the color of her eyes was a vivid. Waling with confident as “particles” twirls around her. “Looks like all of them have been defeated as expected.” Hart turned to the two. “Welcome, I wish we could’ve meet in different circumstances…” She chuckled herself. “But I need you to stay put until the others arrived.”
Lucifer narrowed his eyes, looking at the gauntlet on her arms. “It seems that you’re the Coin Hunter. I am surprised. I thought it was someone that the Breakers personally knew.”

“To the Breakers, I may be an insignificant bug to them. But to me, they’re a curse that reminds me of my painful existence. Personal connections be damned when the pain they cause led me to this state.” Hart explained. She turned slightly to the right—outright pinpointing the exact location of where Panich is fighting against Cross, Brachi, Bara and Spina. “Panich will push herself as she bathe in Dark Energy. It’s a matter of time before they get overwhelm as she tap into that power. Then…” Panich turned to the left. “That Witch… Bernkastel will know true concept of pain. Everything is coming into place.” She turns to Lucifer and Cuki. “And you’ll see the fruition of my plans to return what had lost.”

Reality Metropolis

Ultraman’s eyes widened by the swift kick to his torso. His mouth sprung opened as his body arched forward from the followed-up punch to his stomach. As saliva flung out of his mouth as he was pushed towards the building behind him. He tumbled through several floors of the building as glass shattered form the impact of his crash.

The Kryptonian risen, hearing Bernkastel’s answer for the battle to end. His eyes narrowed as the golden flairs widely. His energy overflow across his body as a V letter appeared on the center of his chest. “Fine, so be it.” He jumped slightly in the air, then, using all his weight, jumped down hard, going through all the floors of the building until he reached the bottom.

Using all his strength, Ultraman picked up the building, with his bare hands, over his head. His eyes widened once more, pinpointing the location of Bernkastel. He tilted the building down as he pointed it at the Witch of Miracles—and toss it at her in blistering speeds. Due to the way he thrown, the building spun around as it travel, smashing the Witch of Miracles—forcing her within the building itself and going through multiple floors.

On the other end of the building, Ultraman, with both arms extended out forward, collided with the Witch of Miracles with a powerful double fist against her stomach. The impact caused all the windows of the building to shattered. He skidded back from the force, then leaped forward again. He punched her directly in the stomach, lifting her up from the ground to the ceiling. He grabbed her leg and slammed her back to the ground as tons of papers flung around. Ultraman lifted her leg and smashed her against the walls before tossing her to the other direction. The building spun around rapidly, causing all the debris within the building to fly everywhere.

Bending his back a hit, his eyes charged up a great amount of energy, and fired a devastating blast towards the Witch, pushing her back into more floors bed, as Ultraman ran past her, and kick her forward from behind, to prevent the Witch from leaving the flying, spinning building. “Ultr—” The Kryptonian’s eyes narrowed. “Vortex Style: Air Bullets…!” The air tighten, similar to his initial strikes against Gogeta upon his change, occurred around Bernkastel, unleashing hundreds of blows upon her.


Stacey sweated a bit. “Are you getting this!?”

“Yes…! This is insane!” Chad lifted his camera towards the sky. “Incredible…”
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