The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Cuki was slowly falling asleep while Panich walked to the kitchen, feeling almost completely at ease and with a large burden lifted from her chest. She overheard Panich and lifted her head slightly to see what she meant.

"Huh? What do you mean--"

Before Cuki finished her words, she saw Panich blasting her home from the inside before firing a few blasts towards her. Completely caught off guard and unaware of what is going on, Cuki took the blasts to the face and blasted out of the apartment balcony. For a brief moment, everything felt as if it was going in slow motion. As Cuki fell from the apartment, she saw her home blasted to pieces. Her senses were not reacting as they should due to her being tired and she landed hard on the ground, unaware of how long she was falling. She laid in the crater she created as the glass and debris slowly crashed near her.

Why..? What did I do wrong..? Cuki thought as she was slowly being covered by more rubble. I just want some respect... I just... don't want to be... alone... again...

As the rubble continued to pile, it nearly covered Cuki entirely with the exception of her ears and a hand jutting out. She was seriously hurt and not making an attempt to move the rubble. Although she could run away to safety, she stayed in place, silently gazing at the little trickles of light from between the debris. Her eyes showed no emotion, no life, and no empathy.

You are all the same... Nothing but traitors... Why did you do this... to me? To her..? Why...?!
Gogeta kept his frown, the intensity of Bernkastel's harsh words even making him slightly remorseful from the damage they infliced. Yet, the feeling had little time to develop, he suddenly blinked with wide eyes, his walk coming to a halt in staggering his step from the force of the new shockwave that shook the city. He gasped, whirling around and looking up to see the development, pausing for a moment to see Ultraman burying his fist into Bernkastel's cheek.

His eyes instantly lit up, a giddy grin forming on his face as he excitedly pumped his fists, his golden blue flame of an aura rapidly igniting all around his blue fur covered body.

"Yeah!! Let's do this!!"

Gogeta blasted upwards in a rapid arc, hurtling up and down towards Ultraman with his right fist forward.


Blitzing past Bernkastel at blinding speeds, Gogeta's fist connected square into Ultraman's cheek as a follow up attack and the two sailed downwards back to the city street level. Gogeta pushed his fist forward, intending to push Ultraman off as he gracefully flipped forward and landed gently on the ground. His blue fur illuminated with the same golden glow, the sparkles swirling around the blue and golden fire as he straightened himself with a cocky smirk.

"Leave her alone! You wanna save these people, then you have to go through me! I'm the real villain!"

Gogeta kept his smirk, whipping out his right arm to the side and holding his left arm up in his signature battle stance. The flame and heat grew with each passing second, threatening to undo the icey protection given to the citizens and buildings nearby.

"Fight me!"
Cross says "I placed a contingency spell before we left for the chances of Panich betraying us. I want to confirm some thing with Bernkestle I am going to have you all lesson in to this."

Cuki apartment

A voice oddly a mix of dead, ethereal and mutable voices says "Death to the betrayer"

Wisps start to go after Panich as a group started to form up to another creature

The battle

Cross sends to Bernkastel "Bernkastel can you confirm the what happing on your end." Cross is going send her response to the others.
Panich continued laying waste to the apartment complex before taking note of the wisps forming. After she was satisfied with the destruction and turned to the being forming, shooting at it during its grouping and dodging it with ease.
Bernkastel's fist swung out from under a pile of shards and debris that resulted from her being flung into a building several rooftops away after being socked across the face by Ultraman. All she could hear was a loud ringing in her ears and the right side of her face having gone numb. Steam rolled off of the cheek that had been struck with such instant force, red-hot with an imprint of a fist. Touching her hand to her cheek, she was hit so hard it just felt like pins-and-needles. Bernkastel's expression was frozen in a mixture of surprise and indignant fury the entire time she sailed through the air, hardly able to process what just took place. She held that look for several moments before she broke into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"Pfft... Hihihihi.... kihihihi.... hihihyahaha!" 

He did it! I can't believe he really did it! She was grinning gleefully ear to ear, hot air coming out of her mouth as she laughed a hysterical jeer. You aren't like that fool at all-- what a complete page-flip from that look of total hopelessness! Absolutely magnificent! Let's toy with you some more-- the kinds of toys I like the most... are the ones who set themselves back up for the next beatdown! 

She was holding her sides as Cross's transmission came to her head. "Hihihi-- oh, Cross, it's you," she snickered. "Gogeta's just fine, back to his usual self after I got him to stop trying to mow down everyone in sight... Ultraman showed up, but that won't be much of an issue for long, hihihi." Bern paused for a moment as she stood back up from her hole in the wall. "...Why do you ask? Are you not with the others at the apartment?" Evidently, in the moment she was crashing through a building, she didn't hear any other explosions. "Ultraman's by himself if that's what you ask. Oh yeah."

She called out telepathically to Gogeta from her spot. "Hey, you! Don't play too rough, otherwise it won't be any fun if you flatten him into a Coin on accident, you hear?!"
the apartment

After some hit Pinch and absorbed her lifeforce, the wisps did says "your going to be a tasty meal betrayer." More wisps started to go after her. Some did try to repeat the process that she disrupted but it seem to go faster than before.

the Battle

Cross sends to Bernkastel "wend you were your little heart to heart with Gogata were gathering intel the Coin Hunter. I hope you can trun ulrtaman to our way of thinking"
Panich glared at these little nuisances, continuing her attack even with them on her tail. 

"Don't think you wont work for it." She snarled, the display looking almost like a dance as she tried shaking off the little wisps.
The apartment

The groupings of wisps that were left alone formed in to jack-o-lanterns.

more and more wisps were replaced by jack-o-lanterns moved in much like the wisps did but faster.

The Wisps started to active limit Panich's so the Jack-o-lanterns can hit her.
Reality Metropolis

Spina narrowed his eyes when Brachi shouted to them to teleport. He didn’t like to touch others in such a way, but considering the event that transpired, he needed to get there fast without any delays. Without any further hesitation, Spina grabbed onto Brachi’s shoulder, while latching onto Cross’ robes.” Make sure you keep in connection with Bernkastel and explaining what we found so far. We’re going there now.” He turns to Brachi. “Do it.”

Cuki’s Apartment

The Coin Hunter approached behind the fallen Lucifer to see if he was truly knocked out. “That’s one down.” He turns to Cuki stuck in the pile, then back to Panich fighting off a void of wisps and Jack-O-Lanterns latching onto the Saiyan.

“Nanashi Coin….” The Coin Hunter uttered as the rainbow armors flare with strength. Twirling its hands and extending its arms forward. “Dekaja!” The environment of the area suddenly change from bright light to darkness instantly, voiding the lifeforce snapping away from Panich. “This is a temporary, but Cross’ powers is quite persistent.” Coin Hunter turned its head to the side. “They’re coming; especially Cross. Go all out on this apartment as I take care of these two, they won’t go down easy.”

Another Coin Hunter phased out of the Coin Hunter, heading towards the pile of rubble where Cuki is buried underneath, noticing her ear sticking out. The Coin Hunter grabbed her feline ears, slowly dragging her out of the rubble with no regard of her safety.

Reality Metropolis

Ultraman felt the power pressed against his cheeks as he flung towards the ground. He landed on his feet with so much strength, buildings around them practically ripped from their foundation and jump several dozen feet high in the air.

He slowly raise his head; forehead riddled with bulging veins. For the first time, the Kryptonian stared Gogeta the Kryptonian with sheer determination. Lowering his arms as the buildings descend back to their initial spot and evidently collapsed on itself, Ultraman crouched slightly downward. Building up energy in his legs as electrical surge became apparent around it, the Kryptonian bolted forward in a straight-line burst. Leaving behind a blur due to his rapid speeds, Ultraman slammed into Gogeta’s stomach with a punch, slowly lifting him off the ground. He pulled back his fist slightly, before a series of one-handed rapid blows before the final strike pushed him back slightly away as the falling buildings behind him flung away along with him.

His blue eyes darted around rapidly, pinpointing the exact location of every individuals around the city. Ensuring that their safety, Ultraman dashed through the city, running parallel to Gogeta being flung back.
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