The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Reality Metropolis

If getting stuck here was enough to strip your soul so barren, guess you didn't really have a solid grasp on any of those things to begin with, do you? Bernkastel just looked at Ultraman with a patronising look of pity. She couldn't help but sneer at him for it.

"I suppose that such wishes are 'privileges' more than rights considering our position... not that it matters too much in the grand scheme of things. Let's just forget it Gogeta," She let out a dramatic sigh as she began hovering in midair before reappearing behind Gogeta. "Once they get like this, almost nothing will get them out of it. Well, it's to be expected-- He was her puppet after all. It's always the innocent-looking ones..."

Bern eyed the changes in the air suspiciously, watching it spread out before she leaned down to Gogeta's ear. "This aura... doesn't seem to match the look on his face. We could be in a potential trap," she warned in a serious tone, reaching for his vest to grab him. "If she appears too, it's just us. I can heal you, but I can't guarantee we'd be able to retreat long enough to warn the others."
Cuki's Apartment

Panich simply listened to Cuki, realizing the girl had a lot on her mind. It was a sort of innocence that was familiar to her. A little embarrassing to see it from this perspective, but the princess understood. It was always easier to make others happy and worry about your problems second. That was already proving to be Cuki's downfall the way she was opening up to Panich. 

The Saiyan princess simply allowed the other to ramble as she sat down beside the couch and resting a hand on the floor to ease her way into a comfortable position. Confused, Panich lifted what seemed to be a card into her hand. She continued listening, letting Cuki finish her little rant before replying. 

"You seem very troubled. Let me offer a bit of advice to ease your stress." The princess offered the card to Cuki, placing it in her hand. Her tone become more serious and a tad passionate. "Don't expect others to care about your well-being. You can't trust anyone other than yourself to make you feel well. It's a useless feat chasing people's approval. Just look at how you've torn yourself apart for them. It's not worth it in the slightest."

As she paused for a moment, her tone began to soften. "... But that doesn't make it their fault for not taking care of you. It feels cruel, really... But in the end, you're the only one destroying yourself by wallowing in the self doubt and pity. If they came to your every beckoning call, it would only be a temporary cure for your pain. Admit your weakness and fix it... Or remain silent and fall apart like you've been doing."
Reality Metropolis

Gogeta kept a stern stare, watching on as Bernkastel spoke in his ear. His eyes turned to the side, the smirk disappearing in a serious whisper.

"Then I'll need you to buy me some time. I'm not even sure this is gonna work...but if it does, then I'll have a new transformation. So whatever comes our way, I'll need you to hold it off until I can finish powering up."

His eyes immediately turned back towards Ultraman, his smirk resuming in the cocky visage he gave without giving Bernkastel a chance to reply and raising his voice.

"Don't be like that! Here, I'll show you anyway-"

A golden flash of light exploded upwards from underneath his boots, encasing Gogeta in its brilliant shine. The shining light illuminated in the street like a flame fighting against the impending darkness, steam rising up in the air from the energy's heat radiating in the cold wind.

" a Super Saiyan! And this-"

Gogeta grit his teeth with a pained grunt, the golden light morphing heavily in the air. Bright white light briefly encompassed his body, but instead of exploding outwards in glass like shards, the energy simply floated outwards to the radical edges of the golden aura. The pulsing energy slowly morphed from the radical golden daggers to a bright, burning flame of blue fire. Cascading down and covering Gogeta entirely, the blue fire licked outward at the street and cement in a more elegant, swirling illumination than the original Super Saiyan Blue. Pockets of bright, golden speckles cascaded outward from Gogeta's body inside the blue flame, the fire itself being the only true source of light in the city streets thanks to the ominous cold and dark aura Ultraman had been morphing the environment with.

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Gogeta panted heavily, his hair the same shade of blue known to come with the transformation. However, his blue pupils had a shining golden ring around them this time, to accompany the dark lines covering the edges of his sharp eyes similar to the strange state he experienced at the end of his battle with Broly. The golden energy spilled off his pupils outwards as he let out a heavy, primal sigh; the air expulsed from his lungs hitting the cold air and setting it alight in strands of blue fire that vanished instantly after the ice turned to steam. His stance clearly showed the weight of exhaustion hanging over him, but a strong, fierce glare stared down Ultraman as he caught his breath, resuming when he steadied himself.

" what is known as combining Super Saiyan with the power of a Super Saiyan God! can just call this Super Saiyan Blue."

Gogeta took a brief moment as the fire grew around his body, his smirk widening slightly.

"Vegetto taught me how to use every Super Saiyan form with the power of a god...and until recently...I only thought there were three. But thanks to the Breakers, I've found-"

He held up his right hand, curling his thumb into his palm and flashing all four fingers upright at Ultraman.

"-a fourth form, stronger than we've ever seen! So that means now-"

Gogeta clenched his fists together, the golden energy encircling his blue pupils illuminating brightly as his dual voice deepened.


A monstrous blast of wind and blue fire erupted outward in every direction, Gogeta's eyes enlarging heavily and crouching down as his energy began to rise well beyond sensible range of hundreds of miles.

Cardmaker Shop

Kazuki lifted a large bag over his shoulder as he exited the shop. He noticed an accumulation of ice at the edge of his front door, only to be immediately turned into hot stream. “This city sucks.” The only thing Kazuki can displayed before continuing forward, with caution to avoid being burn. Before he managed to walk away, Spina and the others, thanks to Cross’ teleportation, arrived at the scene.

“Going somewhere?” Spina asked. “We got some questions.”

“Nice to see you too.” Kazuki responded. “Here to turn my place into a literal dust once more?” He pointed at the shop that was reduced into nothing more than a torched building. “Well, someone already beaten you to the punch.” He emphasized.

Spina narrowed his eyes. “You told us that you barely have any knowledge about the Coin Hunter. Yet, you are clearly in cahoots with them, or could I say, her?” In his hand, Spina took one of the props that had the beta designs of the Coin Hunter and toss it to Kazuki’s feat. “Talk.”

“Yeah, I made some suggestions about the armor when Hart came to me. She is a paying customer.” Kazuki said. “I didn’t tell you before… because if I did, you guys would absolutely flip out. Well, your little friend that constantly going blue.” 

Detective Goku adjusted his dark shades. “You are part of Hart’s operation to take down the Breakers, then?”

“No.” Kazuki responded immediately. “I have no interest of going against the Breakers, even if I find her reasons to be understandable.” His eyes narrowed, as the rainbow flair glittered, revealing that Kazuki himself is an Alter being. “But unlike her, I prefer to have a peaceful time, rather than getting caught up into fights. I mean, look what happen because of it. No self-control, no thought of others. Ultraman made be a clown, but he was quite right that there needs some kind of order. Can’t even make a decent wage without Cross’ goons demanding payments.”

Spina narrowed his eyes, seeing that Kazuki was an Alter being just like Hart. “We were not responsible… for that.”

“Of course you aren’t.” Kazuki said. “You just sit down, collect cash and enjoy the fruits of the chaos you seek because you became hurt by the actions before this whole place exist. I don’t blame you, though. It just how things be—for three long years. You don’t care, and neither does the rest of the Breakers. This city? Just a Tuesday for you guys, right? I respect that.” He lifted his bag. “Anything else you want to bust my balls for?”

Spina paused for the moment, sensing a tremendous power surging behind them. In his mind, Spina thought that Bernkastel clearly fail on subduing Gogeta once again, and haste to finished it quickly. “Clearly, you have information on how her tech works. We need a weakness or something against that.”

“I just gave her some designs ideas for her armor since she came from that world. Although, I did personally make those gauntlet… so I supposed I can tell you… but…” Kazuki rubbed his chin, staring at Bara intensively.

Reality Metropolis

Ultraman lifted his head, with disinterested in his eyes as Gogeta powered up through various transformation. The dull eyes continued with no life in them—a testament of a man who lost his motivation, lost his drive, and lost his interest in his own ambitions. As the ice became stream, and his cold breath riddled with the flames of the explosive aura, his eyes trail off to several unconscious people slowly regaining their strength. His arms flinch at their sight as Gogeta continued on.
There was a bit of shame in Brachi's eyes as she listened to Spina and Kanzuki's conversation, with Bara giving her a reassuring hug. 

"It's fine, Bara... I truly wish I could do something to make things right, at least on my end..." She said, patting the Majin's head, before Bara herself noticed Kanzuki staring at her, exposing Kanzuki to the sight of Bara's (in)famous puppy-dog eyes.
Cross says "I will not cast judgment on you I only want the Intel and I trust want to make a card depicting Bara Kazuki."

Cross thinks "That going to be amusing if Gogeta get Ultraman to flip much like Hart might have don to Panich. I may have share the fact that I bugged Gogeta wend he was out cold but I think Spina may need to know that Bernkastl got Gogeta to use his brain a bit more."
Reality Metropolis

"The only thing you're riling up is a headache." Gogeta's loud screaming made her migraine flare up and prompted her to massage her temples. "Do all these hooligans have to make such a spectacle of it?No point talking him out of it if he can't take a hint," Bernkastel sighed. 

For a glimpse, she knew she saw something in Ultraman, but it seemed like something continuously was making him hold it back. Maybe Gogeta's perception was correct, and Bernkastel loved seeing what made others tick. If she could make conditions perfect enough, she'd be able to satisfy Gogeta's ideas and set up a protective measure against possible ambush.

Floating up until she reached the rooftops, Bernkastel held out her hands. She conjured up glowing red chains from her sleeves, flying out with a seemingly infinite length as they flung themselves up along the sides of buildings to the other end of the street. A thick netting of the chains barricaded the end behind Gogeta's side of the street and sealed itself off with a bright red force field. Chains created a network in the open area between the tops of the buildings; with her floating just above the crowd of peopld holding the chains in her fists, the street was practically encased in a red box that was only missing one last seal-- one last wall of chains to separate the passerby from Ultraman and Gogeta.

"If the people and the buildings are the problem, my barrier can remedy that just fine. The only thing you'll need to worry about breaking is Gogeta's face if you feel so inclined to." Bernkastel rustled the chains in offering with a smile. "I'm sure it feels wrong for a hero like yourself... but that day, when you fought us all at the Cafe, that wasn't your usual self. We all felt a dangerously wild fighting spirit that was raw and uninhibited-- it was her doing, yes, but it still came from you deep down. All it needed to come out was removing all those self-imposed restraints, and this is your chance to try it again without any risk. May I remind you that you haven't budged since you got here...? you came to us after all..."
Gogeta's thunderous roar reverberated deep within the city, the blue flames and golden energy intertwining in rapidly growing outward in every direction. His eyes dilated heavily, blue fur slowly growing along his muscular arms. The bright energy and fire mixed into a single, blue and golden flame that swished and flowed outward against the red box containing him and Ultraman like water washing in waves inside a container. Golden sparkles radiated heavily around his body, the blue fur growing along Gogeta's chest as his hair extended out longer. With a final shout and throwing his arms down, Gogeta unleashed a massive torrent of wind and energy in every direction, encompassed in a bright shining light.

The energy slowed down, and once it dissipated away, Gogeta stood still in a completely new metamorphis. The blue flame flowing around his body was mixed with golden light, the inner edges shining brightly with the golden sparkles radiating up from around the fusion's body. His entire body had the same overall look of Super Saiyan 4, yet his hair and fur were a matching shade of bright, turquoise blue. His blue pupils shined brilliantly with the golden ring around them, his smirk widening and barring his white teeth in speaking with a deep, dual voice.

"Sorry that took so much longer than the others, but this is the first time I've tried this one. This, is what I call, Super Saiyan Blue 4."

Gogeta's cocky smirk vanished instantly, however, seeing Ultraman's complete disinterest in what transpired. He blinked in confusion, frowning immediately with narrowed eyes. He placed his hands on his hips, slowly striding forward towards Ultraman and keeping his frown, eyeing the other man suspiciously.

"Hey, are you really giving up? C'mon, I wanna see how much stronger you got."
Cuki's Apartment

Cuki listened to Panich as she spoke. While she listened, she looked down at the Zenta card now in her hand. Her face remained emotionless and even melancholic to a point. It was hard to tell behind the baggy eyes and dark rings. The word 'cruelty ringed a little longer than most of what Panich said. As the word lingered in her head, she gently caressed the Zenta card in her hand, particularly his visor.

"Cruel... such a fitting word," Cuki chuckled slightly. "I guess you're right. I was pretty foolish to think anyone cared about me. Heh, I've just been calling to deaf ears for the last couple of years. I must have been too... trusting of those around me. You appear to be more trustworthy despite being here a short while; I mean, you're the only one who seems to take notice and care about my well being."

Cuki shrugged before allowing herself to sink into the sofa, ears lowering atop her head. It was obvious how tired she was but she some reason, she refused to sleep.

"I... I want to apologize to you. What I said to you a while back was really... mean. I snapped but I should've behaved myself either way." Cuki sighed. "But yeah, you're right. I'm a pushover, a door mat. I gotta stick up for myself a bit more and I think I know how to do it." Cuki grinned before glancing down at the Zenta card and putting it safely in her sleeve. She turned to Panich and smiled. "Thanks for opening my eyes, Panich."
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