The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Slaene woke up and saw the armored individual standing in front of her. She said "Who are you?" Slayer smirked under the helmet of the suit "Wouldn't you like to know?" Slaene looked at him warily before getting into a battle stance. She wasn't going to take any chances. Slayer looked at her stance and said "You want to fight? Fine, but you better bring your A game." He then launched forwards and aimed to punch her. She collided her own punch into it and caused a shockwave that could be heard all the way to the Breakers' Apartment.
Spina frowned towards Cuki. That wasn’t a fluke. She display a power I never seen before from her arsenal. Yet, it’s strangely familiar.” He looked at his right hand. “Though, she’s not the only one who display a change. That power… is incredible and furious. Like a spark ready to ignite at any moment. Yet, for some reason, I can no longer sense it.” He looked back to Cuki. “Don’t need to tell me that. Just lost my cool. It won’t happen again.”

Staring at Gogeta, the old Saiyan squinted his eyes in curiosity. “That man is seemingly attempting to tap to that power earlier. His hair turned pink and that voice echoed from that man’s mouth. Perhaps I underestimated him. Despite his nature, he’s often clever.”

3 Saiyans with strange powers forming within them that goes to different direction of unity with their bodies. Spina stared at the ground once more. “Remembering Kai… haven’t thought about her in 3 years. Why did she suddenly appear now?” Spina shakes his head. “Questions for another time.”

Spina walked towards Gogeta, extending his hand to him. “You can still move, right?”


Detective Goku and Captain Broly both stared at each other when Bernkastel stated their ultimate problem. Nodding, both of them took a seat and extend their service to them.

“Listen, we don’t have explicit information about the Coin Hunter.” Detective Goku said. “The son-of-a-bitch attacked our base with only half the people here.”

“Yes. Our agency composed of 10 people. 5 were sent away for a job in another city dealing with a disappearing crisis, while the rest of us stay to service the people around here.” Captain Broly said, breaking his “accent”. “The Coin Hunter managed to take down our men. We managed to hold our own, but the rest were blindsided and fell into its hands. Spawn, Battler and Angel were defeated in battle and ran off.” 

“Before we recovered, the Coin Hunter disappeared.” Detective Goku said. “That was around 2 years ago. And since then, we have been struggling since the rest of the team never returned from their mission.”

“Anything you saw the Coin Hunter do during your fight with him?” Lucifer asked.

“Not anything useful, if that what you are asking.” Detective Goku adjusted his dark shades. “Only that suit they wear enables to use the coins like power ups.”

“If Vegeta was here, we might fare better.” Captain Broly added.

“Vegeta?” Lucifer asked.

“He was the leader of this agency, but he’d disappeared ever since he went to the library. Haven’t found him since—no trace, no coin, nothing.” Broly rubbed his chin. 

“Nevertheless, we don’t have much information. It’ll help if we knew the Coin Hunter's identity.” Detective Goku said.
Gogeta kept panting lightly, his right eyebrow raising at Cuki's comments. He seemed aloof at Cuki's meaning, dazed slightly from the battle.


He then reached up at the extended hand offered to him, pulling himself up with a grunt.

"Yeah...yeah I can move."

Gogeta grinned lightly, rolling his shoulder by swinging his arm around, trying to massage the muscle while he excitedly spoke.

"Man, you guys are so strong!! That was cool, seeing you and the god man fighting like that! I can't wait to get as strong as you guys!"

He then promptly leaned forward, side glancing towards Cuki for a brief moment and lowering his voice while covering his mouth.

"But uh...I don't know if this is true...but I'm starting to think she doesn't like me or something. Did I do something to make her mad?"
Cuki crossed her arms over her chest and continued to glare towards the two Saiyans. Her eyes narrowed when Gogeta began to whisper his comments and thoughts about her, her agitation visibly getting worse.

"I can hear you with these ears, idiot." Cuki grumbled slightly as she looked away from the two. "And you answer your question, yes. Your actions and behavior are repulsive, to say the least. Spina was no better today either but at least he did not destroy a whole city for something so childish. Now stop worrying about me and focus on your training, it's what you wanted, right?"

Cuki turned around and put her chin in the air. She seemed particularly snobby, almost as if she looked down at the Breakers. Ever since Zenta disappeared, Cuki started to act differently to the others. 

"Either way, I'm just here to make sure both of you are okay so I'm not all that bad. Just be careful you two."
Bernkastel stiffened at the mention of Vegeta's name. The fur on her tail bristled instinctively as her ears flattened against her skull. Don't tell me-- he wasn't alone in the time he was here?! It was already bad enough that he was erased in her place, but to find out he had friends far from before he crossed paths with them? But she mustn't say anything, as they only had these people willing to hear them out, she had to spare the bad news until the end of the discussions. At least then if the big one tried to go after her she'd already be halfway out the door. What a terrible time to be stuck as a cat.

Bern uncomfortably cleared her throat to cover her momentary surprise. "I see... well, that much is one thing we know for sure. Turns out he runs the McKnight restaurant with his daughter. Used it as the perfect place to have us make a scene. Who knew a family man was so vicious..."
Spina took a deep breath, after Gogeta still moving around despite the onslaught. Before he could answer, Cuki had already yelled her statement. He figured that mentioning the fact that Cuki broke Gogeta’s arms could’ve added to the mix. Though, thinking deeper than that, Spina do find it strange that Cuki is even reacting to Gogeta’s antics at all. Compared to the rest of the Breakers, Cuki is usually just as a klutz at them. Yet, she’d seemingly responded in a mature, or rather, brutal fashion recently towards anyone recently—and has a habit of switching her tone.

He turned his head slightly at Cuki and noticed that he could no longer sense the presence of the “strange energy”. At the time he did felt it, it had the same similar pressure that Gogeta, Vegetto and Brachi had whenever they enter that “colored state” with God Ki.

Turning back to Gogeta. “Seems like you’re not the type to hold a grudge. Perhaps I was too harsh upon meeting you. And based on what I saw, you got some potential that needs to be harnessed.” Spina said. “Guess you aren’t such a fool that you made it out to be.”
Spina scratch on the side of his head. “At any rate, I think the next step is getting you that form. But I do question, what’s up with the pink hair? Don’t tell me that’s a side effect or something…”


Detective Goku and Captain Broly stared at each other with uttered confusion on their faces.
“His daughter…? Are you talking about Connor McKnight?” Detective Goku asked.

“Yes…?” Lucifer said. “That’s what Hart Kimber said. She informed us that her father is the true identity of the Coin Hunter.”

“Are you sure? Connor was already a coin when the Coin Hunter attacked us.” Detective Goku said. “We saw the Coin Hunter used his abilities.” 

Captain Broly nodded. “Yeah. He hadn’t been around since that. Only his daughter runs the café.” He pulled out several paperwork. “Yep, Connor McKnight is one of the coins in their collection.”


Hart was walking down the streets with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, heading towards a hospital. She’d passed by store that Avalon and Panich were in.
Gogeta blinked at Cuki’s blunt reply, looking over himself.


He lifted up his right arm, sniffing his armpit a couple of times. Dropping soon after, he shrugged his shoulders a bit in clearly being hung up over the word choice rather than the meaning, before turning towards Spina.

“Oh yeah! That was the god man; he said I was too weak to fight you, so he wanted to!”

Gogeta kept his wide smile, his hands on his belt sash.

“Sounded like he knew you, but I didn’t ask.”
"How generous of you." Panich's eyebrow twitched at the sudden little condescending tangent Avalon went on for a moment, the annoyance clear in her tone. She listened to him explain a possible weak point in the coin Hunter's ability, her face concentrating on the details being relayed to her. "It's a bit crass that most of your information about us and the coin hunter seem to be totally based on rumor. Don't you have any fact to these alleged claims?"
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