The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Brachi woke up from her meditation, her energy signature and overall mood being at least a lot calmer than yesterday. Ignoring Gogeta's antics, she made her way to where the bathroom was to wash up.
"Hmm, you'll probably only end up with an iron-casting of his face at this rate. A waste of a perfectly good pan... let's try something else." Bernkastel scratched at an ear with a hind leg and she didn't seem to like the loud banging that added to the incessant alarm. She slinked out from behind Cuki's legs towards Gogeta's motionless body with a wiggling tail as she located his newly-grown tail peeking out. He did say it was pretty sensitive, wasn't it?

"Here we are. If this won't do it, let's smother him with a pillow."

Her muzzle looked like she was smiling with a bit of sick glee as she opened her mouth and bit down on the end of the tail with her sharp rows of teeth and sandpaper tongue.
Cross says as ice cold water appears over Gogeta's head "way not we make shore of that." as the water drops on Goteta. Cross closes the book he has been reading. The book vanishes once he places it down.
Despite the long day before, Panich was up fairly early. The saiyan woman was out in the yard herself, doing a series of small workouts while enjoying a deep red apple she had helped herself to in the kitchen. There didn't seem to be much to do other than that and the princess hated waiting idly. She watched Spina tend to his plants as she warmed up with 500 hand-standing pushups. 

Her curiosity was peaked when she noticed him making his way over to a smaller building across the way of the apartment complex. The building looked so small, how would they expect to get any training done in there. Panich pushed herself up right and made her way over to the building, peeking in through the doorway. 

"What the...?" The saiyan's eyes widened a bit but then settled as she laid her eyes upon the spacious room before her. It was like the hyperbolic time chamber, but with a setting upgrade.
She was soon joined by Brachi whom, after getting washed up and dressed, had moved to the same room as Panich did, although she was not that impressed by the surroundings within.

"Well then..." was all she said.
Lucifer opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling as he laid there on his bed. His entire room was completely white and absent of things, aside from his bed, a table, a chair, a cup and an empty wine bottle (replaced with cranberry juice, as courtesy of Cuki). 

“Those pesky crows… music to my ears.” Lucifer remarked. After getting dress in his suit fitted for his small body, he headed towards the kitchen downstairs. Opening the fridge, he’d noticed the wine bottle. “Ah, finally! Some delicious wine…” He poured himself a glass and took a sip. Lucifer’s eyes widened, realizing that the content in the bottle was replaced with cranberry juice.

“Damnit…” Lucifer felt a slight disappointed but accepting the juice by pouring more into the glass. Taking a seat near the kitchen corner, he wonders where the other Breakers were. “I hear the screaming crows, but I don’t hear the others. Did they oversleep?” He rubbed his chin.
Gogeta's eyes rapidly shot open at the sudden bite on his tail, letting out a loud yelp as he sprung up from the waist and sat upright. His wide eyed stare diminished a bit, the movement so fast, his face had splashed through the water Cross had dumped down over his head when he sat up. Gogeta coughed, sputtering a bit and wiping his eyes lightly with a groan.

"Aghh...what the...why does my face hurt..."

Gogeta's eyes shot open, shaking his head rapidly like a wet dog and getting water on everyone in the room as he perked his head up, his spiky hair a bit poofy from the water.

"Oh no!! The training!!"

Without a word, Gogeta rapidly sprinted out of the room with a sonic boom, tearing through the concrete and wooden doorway leading into the room. He viciously pumped his arms as he ran, panting heavily in a panick stricken state in trying to hurry to the training room. He spared no courtesy, quickly approaching the doorway that Panich and Brachi were peering through.

It was only until the last split second that Gogeta realized who was in front of him, and he only managed to yelp in an attempt to slow down before crashing head first into both Panich and Brachi. The three stumbled and tumbled with the debris of the shattered doorway into the barren wasteland, coming to a halt in front of the rock Spina was sitting on top of.

Gogeta quickly sprung to his feet, bowing heavily at the hip without helping Panich or Brachi up to their feet.

"Good morning to you, sir! I am sorry that you are late, but I hope this formal introduction is to your liking! You're welcome!"
Brachi grunted as she was sent tumbling over from Gogeta bumping into her. After shaking the stars and spots out of her eyes, she turned to Gogeta.

"Watch where you're going, will you?!" She snarled using Bulma's voice.
Cross says "I hope Spinda teaches Gogeta basic manners and rules of engagement."
"Gwaah! Not again!" Cuki stared at her broken walls as they slowly patched themselves up. "Can't he just act normal for once? Guess that's typical Saiyan manners..."

Cuki shrugged before trailing after Gogeta and the destruction in his wake. She bowed her head to Panich and Brachi, almost as if apologizing on Gogeta's behalf. She rolled her eyes when Gogeta spoke and gently yanked Bernkastel off of the Saiyan's tail, no doubt being pulled along in his run. She patted her head lovingly and gave her all sorts of scratches behind her ear and under her chin. Despite give Bernkastel a strict diet, she seemed to give her all the love any kitty could ask for.

"I hope you don't bite my tail like that, Bernkastel. I won't like hurting such a cute little feline!"

Cuki glared at Gogeta as he readied himself to train with Spina. She wondered about the type of training he will have to endure but she ultimately wanted to stay to keep him under control.

"Hmph, someone should teach you some manners before they train you. Perhaps that can be his first lesson."
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