The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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The saiyan princess flew casually above the city, the scars from her cat and mouse game with the Blank man still apparent while the city officials prepared reconstruction. The saiyan landed onto the sidewalk of a part of the city that was undamaged and scanned her surroundings carefully. There was the card shop from before with a few little eateries and shops along a little strip. Panich grimaced a bit, her first impressions of these shops were not sitting well with her. This was going to be a little more difficult than she thought.
Cuki moved back far enough for the two to spar and not get caught in their training. She was still curious, however, staring intently at what Spina was going to teach Gogeta.

Maybe I can learn a few things while I'm here...

Within the city trailed a unique looking creature. He had long spiky hair held back in a ponytail, small deer-like horns from the side of his head, and pointed ears. He also had two long wisp-like strands of hair on the top of his head that flowed elegantly without the use of wind. He seemed to be looking for something but decided to stop for the meanwhile in his search. He sat near a cafe and ordered some tea for himself.

"I know I'm in the right place. Everyone states that the infamous Breakers were here but they're too angry to speak more," The man took a sip from his tea. "If he had a part in this, then beating him will make me that much stronger... Ah well, I suppose I should write down my findings."

The man continued to peacefully drink his tea and pulled out a notebook with a pen. He had several notes written inside, some of his travels, enemies, and the Breakers.
Slayer sat in the living room meditating, with his tail swishing about as if agitated but to most he looked calm. He used the calmness to extend his spirit outwards to feel and understand everything around. As he did he also looked within himself in order to reconnect his pieces. Soon he felt the strongest pull to them and pulled them back. He smiled and slowly got up and went to where he felt Panich's energy to be.
It was hard not to notice the clearly out of place stranger that was ordering himself something from a cafe across the way. And how was his hair doing that...? There wasn't a gust to be felt in the area. With a sigh, she simply ignored the man and made her way inside a shop opposite of him. Something certainly felt off about him and she had no intention of sparking a scuffle of any sort. She was here for a break and that was all.

As she made her way into the small book store however, she was met with opposition. "Hey! What are you doing here?" The store clerk stated. Panich hesitated and glanced around her before looking back to the clerk with a confused expression and pointing to herself.


The man gave an irritated sigh, "Who the hell else! You're the only crazy Breaker rookie that nearly destroyed the whole city!" His announcement caused all the other patrons in the store to turn toward the doorway with varying looks of worry, disgust, and anger. Panich blinked as a bead of sweat began to form on her face. "Was it not enough destruction for you? Did you come to finish us all off."

"No... I came to browse your book collection." Panich answered a bit blandly.

"You've got a lot of nerve acting like everything's fine and dandy now with your mess being cleaned up right behind you!" A customer chimed in. "But I guess our misery doesn't affect your chipper mood in the slightest, right?"

"Why would you do that to us!?" 

The princess glanced back slightly as more of the citizens began to hurl their concerns at her, seeing this ending badly. So instead of responding to them with her usual intimidation, Panich simply turned around and exited the small establishment. Small shouts could be heard by the entire plaza from the few brave souls who decided to confront her. "I'm sorry. Excuse my intrusion."

"Learn to control yourself next time, Asshole!" "Sorry won't bring my boyfriend back!" "And don't show your ugly mug in my store again!"

Panich continued walking out into the shopping center plaza only to be met with more suspicious gazes on her. There was far worse that had hurt her, but this still wasn't a very good feeling.
Bernkastel trotted over and hopped onto the table Lucifer and Cross were at, seemingly relieved that the others had their own ideas in mind. Otherwise she'd go nuts trying to just find one of her books to read to occupy her mind. She can't reach much of anything on her own.

"I wouldn't refuse a chance to get some fresh air. Training isn't one of my hobbies I share with the rest of our group as you can tell." She lapped up some of the cranberry juice, much better than milk for her taste buds, before observing that aside from Brachi, Panich left on her own devices. "Where might we be venturing if I may ask?" She wondered if their current forms would at least give them some social camouflage, but it would also be just as strange to see Cross walking around with a cherub-like child and a cat. Anywhere sounded good however.
Gogeta broke out into a small frown, waiting for Spina to finish. He paused for a moment, and with his frown, Gogeta narrowed his eyes into an uncharacteristically dejected stare at Spina.

"I can't just start fighting like that. It takes a life threatening enemy in a real battle to make me fight all out, not just anything like you want to believe."

He dropped his hands from his hips.

"I already told you why I fought him like that, but I saw something much more in Ultraman's eyes yesterday. He was willing to give everything and anything to kill us, and even if you don't think he was strong enough to do it, he still got better and his power was growing."

Gogeta crouched down, raising his arms up and clenching his fists together in staring Spina down with a serious, flat tone. His intense glare held a familiar appearance to it, nearly an identical impression of his counterpart.

"I saw a man who was continually improving and willing to do whatever it takes to bring you down. The only way you deal with that kind, is to put them down first or they will eventually find a way to kill you."

With the typical pride in full display, Gogeta scoffed in a condescending tone that was identical to the old Vegetto's mannerisms.

"I don't know if you lack the skill to see it, or if you care more about protecting your image and your enemies more than your friends. But I know what needs to be done when facing fighters like that, no matter how weak or strong they are."

Gogeta's glare remained firm, looking Spina up and down once and glancing momentarily at Cuki before turning back to Spina.

"You can criticize me all you want, but your soft attitude is no better. Maybe more of your Breakers would be alive, if you finished the job quickly with Doom."
“There was a place that might assist us in this time of need. Though, I’m not sure…” Lucifer rubbed his chin. “At any rate, it wouldn’t hurt to try and see if they’ll offer their hand to us since technically, they don’t operate in Reality Metropolis. They’re an outside institution.” Lucifer took another sip of the juice before hopping off the chair. “Assuming they managed to get them on our side, or at least, our interests aren’t in conflict, they may be in great assistance in the future.” Lucifer said. “Come, let set off for this journey.” Lucifer headed outside, waiting for the others to follow suit.

From Gogeta’s perspective, Spina stood there without moving an inch. The sudden change of tension had arisen, and the atmosphere was noticeably thick. The mood had change; in reflection of that, the sky transition from a sunny day to a noticeable dark setting. His body started to shake as his clenched his hands after hearing Gogeta’s comments.

Gogeta had some valid points in his arguments. Spina doesn’t mind slight difference in opinions when it comes to battle; he’d expected that the his naïve was nothing more than an act of sort. Yet, the more Gogeta spoke, the boiling anger started to rise. He thoughts flash from Panich, the spectacle with Blank Guy and the crippling defeat of Ultraman and endangerment of innocence who have nothing to do with the battle at hand.

The one that tip it off was the last sentence uttered from his mouth.

[Maybe more of your Breakers would be alive, if you finished the job quickly with Doom]

The expression on Spina’s face did not change, despite his body language showing off his anger. An aura that was filled with malice towards the fusion. He moved one foot forward.

Immediately, Spina’s fist strike against Gogeta’s torso. The power behind the punch was devastating; not because the impact easily ripping the earth apart as the fusion was flung back. But the punch was filled with intention to kill, to terminate, to eliminate without question.

He remained steady in his stance, as smoke sear off his fist formed by the intense heat of the punch. Spina’s face was covered in shadows; nothing seeable aside from the red shot eyes beaming outward and veins present on his forehead. “You speaks words, but the meaning behind it is filled with poison. You. Know. Nothing."
Cuki narrowed her eyes towards Gogeta and his words but decided not to say anything against him. Her tail twitched with anticipation and anger at how he spoke about the fallen Breakers, none of which he knew anything about. Once Spina launched his fist at Gogeta at literal blazing speeds, Cuki lifted her arms to shield her face from any incoming debris or dust flung about from the impact. She felt Spina's rage and animosity towards Gogeta and knew that this fight was most likely going to turn to something other than training. A smirk formed on her lips, hidden from view.

I see things are going to get a little more entertaining around here. Maybe it will teach a valuable lesson to the newbie or end up costing him his pride. Either way, I'm down for watching this spectacle. 

The mysterious creature turned to see the people yelling and ranting at Panich. At first, he ignored it but quickly flipped through a few pages in his notebook. He kept meticulous notes on the Breakers, writing down descriptions and names. He rose from his seat and left the money for his tea on the table. He continued to glance at Panich and his notes before trying to figure out who she was.

The way the people shun her and lash out. That woman is a Breaker...

He closed his notebook and trailed off towards Panich, catching up to her and gently tapping her shoulder. He was taller than her and his serious expression and lack of emotion seemed to be somewhat intimidating.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. Are you one of the Breakers? I was wondering if you can help me track someone..."
Cross says "I gest I can make the rings as you all sleep." Non the others have ever seen Cross sleep. Cross is ready to follow.
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