The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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"Warrior? Please, all I see is a fly before me! Fight us all at once? You must have really knocked your brain around if you're crazy enough to even suggest that." Panich laughed as she just barely dodged the lightning attack, soon after joining Brachi in her walk with some ki blasts forming in the palms of her hands. She seemingly gave up on the idea of fighting him by herself, if he wanted to be laid out by the lot of them then she wouldn't stop him.
From her sudden impact on the mud puddle, Bernkastel's face had gotten covered in mud as did much of her dress, which got stained by muddy water. She looked at Ultraman's back over her shoulder glaring daggers, the mud slowly lifting off her enraged face.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?! Stop scuttling around like a roach and stay put!" On her knees, Bernkastel swung up her balled up fists encased in magical energy and slammed them onto the pavement, which had been accumulating sufficient amounts of water by now. She caused the water to ripple upon impact, thick iridescent ice spreading from her fists to the surrounding area in a bid to catch Ultraman off-guard with an environmental flash-freeze.
As Ultraman dashed towards the other Breakers, Gogeta had remained imprinted into the crater left in the wake of being ragdolled. His body was littered with small cratches and the damage was clear in Gogeta's pained expression, grunting a bit and twitching in the cement. He panted heavily for a brief moment, small sparks of blue lightning crackling around his body momentarily while he grit his teeth together in recovering from the pain.

In an instant, Gogeta's eyes shot wipe open, the surge of electricity spiraling upwards along with the massive surge of blue flames high in the sky. The fusion's dual voice rung out in a near deafening scream, drowning out the sound of thunder and the rain itself. He laid still, his vest and gi wisping around in the heavy winds while he roared in a long screaming eruption of power. The blue flames only rose, like a wildfire burning brightly in the midst of the thunderstorm left in Ultraman's wake.

A brief, explosive surge of unrelenting energy blasted outwards shortly after. In contrast to Ultraman's focused energy output on the Breakers, Gogeta's violent surge of energy blasted outwards in every direction with enough energy to vaporize any non-combatants into ash for the immediate two mile radius. The rock and cement blasted upwards with the surge of unrelenting blue fire, eclipsing the sight of Gogeta suddenly blasting back into the battle in chasing Ultraman with a heavy, viscous grunt.

As the explosive blasts of energy slammed into Ultraman, the resulting smoke clouds themselves cleared instantly in a tornadic wind erupting from behind the Kryptonian, despite no clear source of the force of nature. Regardless of Bernkastel's flash freeze momentarily held Ultraman in place, Gogeta suddenly blasted up from behind Ultraman's head. His blue hair was elongated drastically, falling past his waist line and flowing in a long strand of spiky bundles while his eyebrows were completely gone in his transformation into a Super Saiyan Blue 3.

Gogeta roared as he shot his left knee forward, repeatedly jabbing into the back of Ultraman's neck with two thunderous, air popping slams until gracefully flipping up and punting Ultraman with his foot.
Cuki bared her teeth at the constant noise from the Breakers behind her and leaned her ear a little closer to Hart, trying to listen to her better. She did not move any closer to Hart in order not to scare her and occasionally slapped away any debris that could be flying towards her. She was obviously growing more and more irritable from the battle going on, but as long as they get the information they needed, she would keep her promise to Hart.

"Who was the person? That's all we came here to know, Hart."
[As I said in the discussion thread, do not post things that undermines the current stuff. To illustrate—do not bring back the vortex coins or protect the people watching the fight, or save them, or teleport them, etc. They’re gone (turned into coins) as per Gogeta’s attacks. In addition, do not rebuild the city or have NPCs commented otherwise. We are now focusing strictly on the battle themselves and will face the consequences of those action, as I said, CANNOT be changed.]

The thunderous tornado rages on harder than before with each step Ultraman takes towards Panich and Brachi. Unfazed by Brachi’s transformation, Ultraman roared like a beast, his screams caused thunders and lightnings to explode at random points in the powerful swirls of winds. When Panich taunted him, he’d no longer seemingly able to respond—just mere grunts.


Hart stared at Cuki. "Conner McKnight.... He's... my father. He's the one who asked me to make these cards for them in order to make a statement and build a collection of some sort." Her mind wandered. "I have to stop this."


Ultraman clenched his fists and dashed towards Panich and Brachi with all his might. Trails of lightning followed him, tearing through the debris in his wake. Just mere inches from Panich’s face, his movements stopped as the ice gradually growing on his ankles, restricting him from going further. Ultraman tried to move around, but it was a futile effort. The  Kryptonian felt the heat rising on his back, causing him to get blow a way briefly by the large surge of explosive energy. His concentrated tornado dispersed immediately and all the spectators that was around instantly turned into Vortex Coins.

Spina narrowed his eyes seeing at the imminent destruction unfolding in front of his eyes. He completely disagree with what Lucifer and Cross had alluding too regarding a “lesson”. Panich was rash—but at least from the looks of it, she was a skill fighter. Gogeta on the other than is full on violent destructive. “Are you mad!? I’m putting a stop to this now!”

The Kryptonian’s eyes widened at the destructive energy formed from this single individual. All these people turned into literal nothingness, leaving nothing but their coins behind. Yet the most important thing on his mind was Hart—something he’d seem quite friendly with, even more so. As his back was getting violated by the onslaught of violent attacks, his eyes laid on Hart ducking in the café behind buildings to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.

That was enough to set Ultraman off. As he fell slightly towards the ground after his neck had been struck violently, Ultraman stood up and turned around towards Gogeta and the rest of the Breakers. He’d grabbed his head as he made erratic movements. “Damn… You!!!” Kryptonian spoke. A surging buildup of energy erupted in his belly, firing an electric beam out of his body all over the destructive land. He burst forward from his spot, crossing the distance between himself and Gogeta. Reasoning was gone in this man. He was nothing more than a man determined to beat the Breakers by himself—even at the cost of his own life. 

Just mere inches before reaching Gogeta, Spina came in between the two, stopping the Kryptonian in his tracks. “This battle is over!” Spina turned to Gogeta with anger in his eyes, but he was firm. "You're done. You're causing too much massive damage--" 

“The battle isn’t over until I beat you all!” Ultraman shouted as veins bulged each time he’d spoke, interrupting Spina midway in his scolding. The rain that befall them had returned, resulting in a fiery waste of black clouds and muddy ground. A lightning bolt strike down on Ultraman, catching Spina within in. Ultraman moved his back and instantly went forward, slamming his forehead against the Old Saiyan, pushing him back and letting him go in the process.

Ultraman tilted slightly, seemingly his body is being pushed. “You… you are all…!!” His voice starting to crack as the injuries became apparent. “Come at me! Come at me with everything you got! Come at me cowards! Come at me!!!!” He shouted with so much force, he’d causing the terrain around them to crack under immense pressure. Lightning strikes dashed around, attacking everyone once again.
Brachi was now really pissed.

"Very well then, if that is what you want, then that is what it shall be!" Brachi snarled, instantly dashing onward towards Ultraman, her aura blazing forth as she blasted directly towards Ultraman and delivering a swift kick in his face to knock him off-guard and sending him backwards before teleporting above him and punching him towards the ground, delivering a slew of additional punches as she sent Ultraman further downward, before delivering a last punch to send him to the ground in full force, after which she prepared an energy wave, producing a yellow aura around herself which also shielded her from any close combat attack for the time being, keeping her sight on Ultraman.
Cross says "There is possibility one person hear that can speak Ultraman out this fight and that is Hart." Cross is unaffected and thinks "This is one the typical problems in the early parts of an eternity, forces clash."
 [video=youtube] perfect not to post this xD)

Gogeta landed gracefully after the kick, his legs spacing a bit and tensing in watching on as Ultraman approached. His fists were raised, the long bundles of blue spiky hair flowing gently with the wind along with his vest.

Yet as Spina landed directly in between the two, Gogeta remained completely unfazed at the chiding. The cocky smirk was strongly plastered on his face, the blue eyes glinting in the light of his aura in preparing to continue the battle. For those that looked into his eyes, specifically in Spina scolding the man, the older Saiyan could see the unyielding stare of another man possessed.

Just like Ultraman, Gogeta himself had progressed far beyond reasoning and words. It had no longer been about a battle to teach an opponent humility, to save the city, or stop a threat. The unburdened mind of a pure warrior resonated in Gogeta's expression: the only objective now was to end it. The blue eyed stare of the fusion remained firmly locked on Ultraman, his muscles tensed and the sudden eruption of Ultraman's power forced Gogeta to leap backwards before he was caught in the follow up attack on Spina.

Gogeta tensed upon impact with the ground again as he landed, exhaling deeply in watching Brachi engage Ultraman with a barrage of melee attacks. He raised his arms near his hips, fingers curled in holding an imaginary sphere in a craddle. Each finger flexed outward and twitched violently shortly after, a bright, spark of a blue flame forming in the cradle.


The intense whir of energy loudly rung out in every direction, scorching temperatures rising all around Gogeta's body. The ground itself began to shatter and crack once again, the blue energy mounting so violently in Gogeta's aura, it began to splinter and scatter into small fires across the ground nearby in every direction. The ominous light and intense wind only further blasted outwards in every direction, the tremendous energy's roar second only to the ominous dual voice loudly overtaking it while the lightning summoned from Ultraman's power failed to pierce through the rising blue flame of Gogeta's aura.

Panich turned to Gogeta, seeing him wind up his attack. There was no way he was trying to end this fight now. Especially after getting in her way so many times! She glared and leaped at the Fusion, slamming herself into him with a strong jab from her elbow into his ribcage. "Who said you could be the one to end this fight so quickly, Jackass!" the princess hissed at Gogeta before using a swift and powerful kick to knock him away from Spina and Ultraman. She stood before the now feral looking Kryptonian, power surging around her super saiyan 4 form. A beastly grin planted itself on her face. "If he wants everything, then let me oblige him before his inevitable defeat!"

Like a rocket, Panich shot herself at Ultraman, barreling passed Brachi and through the lightning attack despite a few scars left on her body. Within seconds she was in front of him, the first blow being an elbow to his jaw that would shake the area. Following it up with a steadfast melee attack, each hit was barely able to be seen by the naked eye. She ended the barrage by falling to the floor on her hands and using both legs to kick Ultraman straight up into the air. The saiyan princess was ruthless in her assault against the Kryptonian, Appearing behind him as she knocked him back down with a double-fisted hammer. This turned into a back and forth in midair with Ultraman being thrown in all directions and being intercepted and struck back by Panich as if she were playing a game of ping pong. This went on for a few seconds before grabbing hold of Ultraman's arm as he was catapulted toward her once more. She grunted loudly and began spinning Ultraman around and around at an incredible speed, enough to cause a strong gust to rip through the air, causing the few people who continued watching in the area to shield their eyes. The last rotation would be the one to launch Ultraman higher into the sky to which the princess turned her head up toward the falling Kryptonian, her hands reaching up with two large balls of ki forming at the end of her palms and forming the familiar giant ki shot she had used against Gogeta. Before he could reach her, she shouted and released the blast straight up at Ultraman and pushing him even higher into the air and scorching his uniform.

At what seemed to be the end of the newest breaker's assault, some of the bystanders seemed a bit relieved after seeing such a display. But Then they watched the warrior disappear once again from their sights. It wasn't but 10 seconds of silence before being interrupted by Panich crash-landing into the ground with Ultraman under her boots and creating a medium-sized crater with his body.
"Connor McKnight? A statement and a collection? Hmm... I guess he might have his reasons. But, by any chance, did he mention anything about a Coin Hunter? I just want to make sure we protect ourselves from the right person." Cuki sighed as she listened to the explosions and was visibly getting more and more annoyed. The chaos seemed to distract her and derail her train of thought, keeping her from focusing on the main task at hand. "Does your father have-- I mean does he know the Coin Hunter-- What's the Coin Hunter's relation to Conn--"

Cuki took a step back and snarled under her breath, trying hard to remain focus but the battle continued to distract her. More and more, Cuki's anger rose. The calm and relaxed Saiyan started to have peaks and spikes in her rage unlike any she was known for. Her tail fidgeted wildly and her body shook from the rage she was holding back. She looked back to Hart and simply smiled to the woman before politely bowing her head, no doubt holding back a wave of unshakable anger for the newbies. 

"Very well, I thank you for courageously speaking to me, Hart. Rest assured, I will relay this to the others so you won't have to repeat yourself. I thank you for-- Thanks for spea-- Thank you...for..." Cuki's body began to quiver more and more before she turned away from Hart, not wanting to show that side of her. 

Calm down Cuki... I got the information we need. All I have to do is tell the others and move on from there. That's right, just move on and continue forward. That is all we came here for... It can't get any worse, right?

Cuki took a deep breath as she slowly began to approach the proximity of the fight, occasionally getting bonked on the head from debris but she appears to not care or notice. The little Saiyan stared at the battle and how Ultraman was getting destroyed by the newbies and is disgusted her, especially knowing how weak Ultraman was. She crossed her arms over her chest and spoke out to the group but thanks to the chaos, it was unlikely any heard her. Cuki didn't make it easy anyways by how soft she spoke.

"Hey guys, I got some information, we can leave Ultraman alone now..."
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