[As I said in the discussion thread, do not post things that undermines the current stuff. To illustrate—do not bring back the vortex coins or protect the people watching the fight, or save them, or teleport them, etc. They’re gone (turned into coins) as per Gogeta’s attacks. In addition, do not rebuild the city or have NPCs commented otherwise. We are now focusing strictly on the battle themselves and will face the consequences of those action, as I said, CANNOT be changed.]
The thunderous tornado rages on harder than before with each step Ultraman takes towards Panich and Brachi. Unfazed by Brachi’s transformation, Ultraman roared like a beast, his screams caused thunders and lightnings to explode at random points in the powerful swirls of winds. When Panich taunted him, he’d no longer seemingly able to respond—just mere grunts.
Hart stared at Cuki. "Conner McKnight.... He's... my father. He's the one who asked me to make these cards for them in order to make a statement and build a collection of some sort." Her mind wandered. "I have to stop this."
Ultraman clenched his fists and dashed towards Panich and Brachi with all his might. Trails of lightning followed him, tearing through the debris in his wake. Just mere inches from Panich’s face, his movements stopped as the ice gradually growing on his ankles, restricting him from going further. Ultraman tried to move around, but it was a futile effort. The Kryptonian felt the heat rising on his back, causing him to get blow a way briefly by the large surge of explosive energy. His concentrated tornado dispersed immediately and all the spectators that was around instantly turned into Vortex Coins.
Spina narrowed his eyes seeing at the imminent destruction unfolding in front of his eyes. He completely disagree with what Lucifer and Cross had alluding too regarding a “lesson”. Panich was rash—but at least from the looks of it, she was a skill fighter. Gogeta on the other than is full on violent destructive. “Are you mad!? I’m putting a stop to this now!”
The Kryptonian’s eyes widened at the destructive energy formed from this single individual. All these people turned into literal nothingness, leaving nothing but their coins behind. Yet the most important thing on his mind was Hart—something he’d seem quite friendly with, even more so. As his back was getting violated by the onslaught of violent attacks, his eyes laid on Hart ducking in the café behind buildings to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.
That was enough to set Ultraman off. As he fell slightly towards the ground after his neck had been struck violently, Ultraman stood up and turned around towards Gogeta and the rest of the Breakers. He’d grabbed his head as he made erratic movements. “Damn… You!!!” Kryptonian spoke. A surging buildup of energy erupted in his belly, firing an electric beam out of his body all over the destructive land. He burst forward from his spot, crossing the distance between himself and Gogeta. Reasoning was gone in this man. He was nothing more than a man determined to beat the Breakers by himself—even at the cost of his own life.
Just mere inches before reaching Gogeta, Spina came in between the two, stopping the Kryptonian in his tracks. “This battle is over!” Spina turned to Gogeta with anger in his eyes, but he was firm. "You're done. You're causing too much massive damage--"
“The battle isn’t over until I beat you all!” Ultraman shouted as veins bulged each time he’d spoke, interrupting Spina midway in his scolding. The rain that befall them had returned, resulting in a fiery waste of black clouds and muddy ground. A lightning bolt strike down on Ultraman, catching Spina within in. Ultraman moved his back and instantly went forward, slamming his forehead against the Old Saiyan, pushing him back and letting him go in the process.
Ultraman tilted slightly, seemingly his body is being pushed. “You… you are all…!!” His voice starting to crack as the injuries became apparent. “Come at me! Come at me with everything you got! Come at me cowards! Come at me!!!!” He shouted with so much force, he’d causing the terrain around them to crack under immense pressure. Lightning strikes dashed around, attacking everyone once again.