The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Between the whirlwinds, the thundering rain, and eardrum-busting roars around her, Bernkastel could only shield her face from the sudden onslaught of Gogeta's power-boost. The sight was practically a long-forgotten memory to her-- invoked a completely different aura than before. She could only sense something close to killer intent, but it wasn't seemingly coming from hatred within. The force of the explosion blew her back with a fierce voltage to her small frame knocking her senses out of focus.

She was expecting to crash into the crowd or have her fall softened by bumping into them but unexpectedly felt the hard ground hit her back. Bernkastel groaned with a hand on her head as she sat up, becoming startled at the sea of Vortex Coins scattered all around her in the rubble. She ran her hands along them to inspect that they weren't merely pocket change thrown about. "What the?! Where did these come from?" 

In that split second, something caused that to happen as it blindsided her. When her eyes fell on Gogeta, who Panich was struggling to hold back long enough to get hits on Ultraman, Bern instantly understood the change in Gogeta's appearance and her expression visibly soured.

"Of course."
[Just a reminder, no healing, no diffusing the scene, etc etc. Let the scene run its course]

Ultraman prepared for the worst as he rages on. Rationality is out of the window, it’s all about the battle. When he laid his eyes on Gogeta—he was getting flashbacks against Vegetto and the original Breakers. The sheer faces of “ending this as quickly as possible” embedded in his head.

Terror. Humiliation. Fear. None of these matter in this fight. It was to end. No care. No emotions. No feeling. 

As Ultraman’s head whipped back from Brachi’s powerful kick, the Kryptonian attempted to quick recover from the damage, only met with a series of deadly barrages as he collided against the ground. Raindrops dripped across his face in reaction to each deadly punch in the violent assault committed by Brachi—the sheer differences in power between Ultraman and Brachi was large.


A helicopter from the RNN finally arrived at the scene, recording the battle taking place. They witnessed an enormous explosion alerting earlier and headed to the scene. They capture footage of the battle, showing Breakers utterly and ruthlessly dominating Ultraman. It was apparent that the Kryptonian was severely outmatched and outnumbered. They seen the devastating barrage of attacks that Brachi laid on Ultraman.

“It’s like a massacre… That girl is completely destroying him.” One of the reporters said. “The brightness….!” Seeing the rising power of Gogeta’s attack.


Ultraman struggled to lifted himself off the ground, feeling the immense pressure of energy from Brachi scourging behind him like a fiery flame. In the front, Gogeta was preparing to unleash his attack to completely eradicated him—the lightning strikes was no longer doing much. Ultraman did not waver.

“I know I can’t win. I know I cannot defeat you. But I must! I don’t care! I just want you to acknowledge the strong! You are the pinnacle of strength! The strongest strong! The representation of those who cannot imagined living in this new city away from their original destroyed homes! I will become victorious!”

As tears rain down, he tried to move to throw another attack despite his injuries become apparent. Ultraman’s body pushed beyond belief, unleashing a powerful twirl of electric attacks to zap both Brachi and Gogeta charging their energy attacks. “Strongest Kryptonian Move: Super Plasma Flare.” Lightning strikes emitted all over from his body—he was determined to put a dent to their forces, even at the cost of his live. The remaining people that somehow managed to survive, including the news reporter recording it—became moved by his determination. 

Yet, despite his showcase of his last stand, Ultraman’s head whipped back to the side and became overwhelmed in the series of blows thrown by Panich. Each punch was more powerful than the next. He tried to block, but his body was failing him.




Ultraman started to break down and show tears raining down his cheek. He tried to counter Panich’s attacks as tears trail behind him, but instantly get over maneuvered and being flung all over the place in the air. His voice cracked, shouting trying to block the incoming blast, but he was too weakened. He was flung high in the sky before taking the blast to the face. His uniform in ruins, body taking on severe beatings from the battle, Ultraman crashed against the ground. His arms went numb, his vision became blurred, his mind all over the place. Yet, he was still determined to fight on despite his condition, still wanted to move.

Hart narrowed her eyes seeing Ultraman seemingly defeated and out cold. Without question, Hart rushed outside, passing by Cuki to go straight for the fallen Kryptonian. Despite the depth of the crater, she’d flat out jumped in and hugged his body—slightly pushing Panich out of the way, although her strength is nothing compared to the Princess. “That is enough!!” She cried out. “You made your point you damn beasts!!!” She shouted at Panich, Brachi, Gogeta and the rest of the Breakers.
Cross sends Asmodeus "I would like a full damage report once every thing is settled."  Cross thinks "I gest after the doom indent I became a little over conscious. They really did not need any of the help I granted." 

Cross ended the effects of all spells cast on the others.

A wall protecting Asmodeus goes down she send "Yes my master." Asmodeus starts to see what troops are still alive.
Gogeta winced only a bit from the damage behind Panich’s punch to his ribs. His attention had remained forward despite the blow, his focus only on Ultraman as an opponent.

The blue energy mounted violently, the shouts and pleas of mercy falling deaf on the ears of the fusion charging ominous energy. Even in seeing Ultraman collapsed in his weakened state, Gogeta mercilessly threw his arms forward with a ground shattering roar.


The massive stream of viscous, unyielding blue energy shot forward in a deafening explosive surge of power, rapidly closing in on Ultraman and Hart despite Brachi and Panich being in the path of the beam, in the intent to finish the opponent once and for all.
Cuki watched the onslaught and punishment given to Ultraman. As she finally got an understanding of how one-sided the battle was, she knew that a line had been crossed. Regardless of how weak or stubborn Ultraman is, Cuki knew there was a line she would never cross. She stopped in her tracks and stared at how Ultraman still continued to fight before being destroyed by Panich. His words were indifferent to her but his actions somewhat reminded her of herself a while back. As Hart rushed past Cuki to protect Ultraman, she knew that the young lady would be horribly injured if any one of them launched an attack. Cuki's blood ran cold as she saw the situation immediately escalate from bad to worse thanks to Gogeta's attack.

Hart can't survive any attack from the Breakers..! Cuki stared at Gogeta's attack and her eyes widen. He's going to destroy them both!

The intent behind Gogeta's blast was the final point for Cuki. At this point, the Saiyan held nothing back from her usual actions. She shoved Brachi out of the way and rushed towards Hart and Ultraman, standing before the two in a protective manner. She knew that the public would not see her as a hero either way, but she stood before the intense blast fired by Gogeta. Her hands began to emit white energy as she braced herself in order to deflect it.

"That's enough!!!"

Cuki shouted as loud as she possibly could before shoving her palms up into the air, deflecting the majority of the blast into the sky where it would not harm the others in the city save Ultraman and Hart. Cuki skidded back a few feet before lowing her hands to her side and taking on a stance, muttering nonsense to herself. Her entire body shook violently, almost as if she was unable to contain herself any longer. She stared up towards Gogeta and slowly lifted into the air, the air pressure around her small body getting heavier and thicker. Her eyes shined like glass as her pupils narrowed and her presence was malicious from that anything the Breakers had seen before. She was only a few meters away from Gogeta as the Kamehameha blast finally exploded overhead. Her jacket and hair rustled in the winds as Cuki's voice remained cheerful and sweet despite the words coming out of her mouth. She held her hands out in the familiar Tiger Palm stance.

"I've had enough of you. I'm going to hurt you now, okay~?"

Before Gogeta had a chance to react to her comment, Cuki dashed forward and slammed a white palm against his chin, flinging his head upwards. Just as quickly as Cuki attack, she jabbed pressure points on Gogeta's forehead, arms, and chest, blocking out any flow of ki from his body for the meanwhile. Cuki refused to stop and give Gogeta a moment a rest as she grabbed his gi and flew downwards at high speeds, slamming the Saiyan fusion against the ground, face first. There was smoke and debris hiding the two but as it cleared up, Cuki was seen with a foot on Gogeta's back and both his arms in her hands, pulling them behind his back. She continued to strain Gogeta's arms from behind him, teasing him.

"Tell me little Gogeta, how badly do you like your arms? How would you feel if I took them away from you?" Cuki's foot, along with her pressure techniques left Gogeta mostly unable to move. "I think the snapping of your arms will be a nice ring, don't you? Who will stop me?"
Panich simply moved from on top of Ultraman when Hart nudged her out of the way. She huffed, looking down at the broken mess of Ultraman before her head quickly turned to see Gogeta preparing to release his attack. "That idiot, he'll-" The princess' words were interrupted at Cuki's shout, watching in surprise as she singlehandedly dealt with the fearsome blast. Panich was silent as the saiyan continued to subdue the fusion in his blind power. 

She wanted to say something to stop her from trying to break Gogeta's arms but this new side of the sweet Cuki she had seen before had rendered her speechless, left to watch if she would honor her threat.
Seeing this going on as she recovered, and knowing that Ultraman has already been defeated, Brachi also did nothing to stop Cuki. Instead, she dusted herself off, powering down even back to base form to prove she no longer wanted to fight now.

"What a debacle this day was. Honestly..." She said, clearly disgusted with the whole situation at hand, even at herself.
"This guy... isn't the Coin Hunter. I don't need any more proof than this." Bernkastel sighed to herself as she slowly rose to her feet. Usually she would gloat about it and rub it in his face, but there was no satisfaction from the pitiful sight. All that came of it was a broken man and droves of people that got turned into Vortex Coins for nothing. Bern tutted irritably, though her expression became her usual resting face of indifference. 

Sorry Gogeta, but it's for your own good we don't save your hide. If only you'd have listened earlier, She reflected watching Cuki forcefully disrupt Gogeta, but like Brachi and Panich she made no move to stop Cuki. Only a fool would try, with how surprisingly unpredictable her anger could get. Oh well-- you Saiyans don't learn unless someone beats it into your thick skulls. It's better if you take your first 'lesson' from someone with seniority over you. How scary, heeheehee.

She turned away towards Brachi and Cross. "What should we do with all these coins? We can't just leave them here for someone to find, but there's too many to move elsewhere."
Brachi nodded.
"Agreed, but we should still find a way to relocate them. Perhaps some storage capsules may help, I think I may have some with me..." She said, fiddling in her pocket to find some.
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