The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Contrary, Ultraman actually did seem a bit hesitant on calming down and at least hear them out. However, he’s eyes darted to the side, seeing the regular, who worked for Cross, with an intense glare. “Shut your damn mouth.” He scolded. “You are nothing more than this fool’s pawn. Don’t act as you’re above me.” Bernkastel's quick questioning made it even worse, causing him to quickly become agaited. 

Being alarm from Cuki’s sudden burst of power, even Spina was confused at her approach; normally, she would attempt to calm the situation when things get hot, yet she’s added into it. Has the influence from Bernkastel rubbed off on her? This was what Spina thought.

Ultraman’s veins become visible, especially when Hart was standing behind him. “It’s bad enough that you damn fools already let the city into shits. Now you have to come here?” Ultraman did overhear their questions regarding the coin hunter. “I don’t know a damn thing about that. Why makes you think it had anything to do with me? Besides, the only one who might do that sort of stuff is probably one of you. You seems bored enough to do it.”

“Slow down, I think we’re getting a little tense here.” Spina said. “Just calm down. We’re just looking some information on this person, and we’re pressed on time right now.”

“You think I give a damn? You lots came in here like a beast, storming in here like you own the place.” Ultraman said, his voice becoming tense. “I have nothing to do with it, now get out.”

Lucifer’s ears ringed hearing Hart’s name came from Ultraman’s mouth when speaking to the young woman. “You may not know, but what about her? She’s the one we need to speak too.”

“Huh?” Hart said, seeing Lucifer’s face, making her blush in the process. “Me? What did I do?”

“Well, we are currently investigating someone called the Coin Hunter. I asked the Breakers themselves to look into this since they are currently attacking people and turning them into coins, stealing it in the process. I venture that they left behind a card that hints their identity, a rainbow mask. According to Kazuki from the Cardmaker shop, a young lady named Hart came with Ultraman and request these custom-made cards.” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. “We like to ask—are you in connection with the Coin Hunter?”

Hart felt a bit pressure from Lucifer’s questioning, along with Bernkastel’s deadly demeanor. Ultraman noticed her being the anxiety of answering.

“Don’t answer them.” Ultraman said, stepping in front of her. “You have nothing to say to her either. Get. Out.” He saw Gogeta approached him with cards in hand and challenging him into a duel. Raising a brow in confusion, then became uttered disgust. His eyes light up, instantly zapping away of those cards into residual dust. “Don’t fan those things in my face. I won’t say it again. Get. Out.”
Gogeta yelped, his hands swiping desperately at the dust cascading to the floor.


He attempted to blow out the non existent fire, stuttering and panicking even more in seeing the dust flip away in anguish.

"No!!! My cards!!"
Panich narrowed her eyes fiercely, coming forward to confront the taller man as she once did when they first met. Without a moment of hesitation she snatched up Ultraman's arm by the wrist and twisted it around and upward, just one move away from breaking it. "You still think you're in a position to be ordering people around? If you wanted to lose a limb so bad, all you had to do was ask." The princess eyes twisted into a glare as she continued, her grip shifting downward to force the kryptonian to his knees. "I've had enough of this chivalrous bullshit. Now we do things my way. You will shut your mouth until your spoken to, and if I remember correctly we were talking to the girl, since you decided to be useless. Please give me a reason to pull your shoulder out of it's socket."

Panich's cold eyes shifted to Hart, letting her decide whether to answer Lucifer's question. Though by the way she stared into her eyes, it seemed like she wasn't giving her a choice.
Brachi facepalmed at Gogeta's antics, clearly frustrated at the display in front of her. 

"For pete's sake... just give us the information we need, please. That's all we ask. Then we'll leave without further incidents," she said, "if not, well then don't come crying to us to fix your stuff when your comrades happen to befall this fate as we're trying to stop this madness."
The regular says "Only giving advice you a** and do me a favor let us finish evacuating insolents before you lot start to fight." The Regular calls all other nearby underlings of Cross "all units we may have a code 33a get ready in case things get ugly." People start to move out of the Café just in case things get ugly. People do as Cross' forces asked knowing that they tend to have there best interests in heart.

Cross says the air became colder "If we have to fight at minimum let my forces evac this location or preferably we go to a location were we don't place insolent at risk." Despite knowing death is not permeant Cross dos show that he dos care.

The Regular says after getting the last civilian out "Unlike you Ultraman our Overlord actually cares about people."
Cuki frowned at her attempts to try to get information and at how the others tried to get it too. It annoyed her for the most part and when she realized most of her actions amounted to nothing. She rolled her eyes before taking a step back and away from the group, sitting down on a chair. She said nothing, already given up on trying to resolve things peacefully.

Why bother Cuki..? Guess my method wasn't any better either anyway...

She looked away from the group, taking a gander at the Cafe they were in. She seemed to be a little jealous at the decor and the smell of the food as she crossed her arms.
Spina’s eyes narrowed seeing Panich snatched Ultraman’s arm and forcing him to fall on his knees. “Damn it…! Panich! We can do this without resorting to this!” He felt a slight force boiling within her. If Spina step in, things might turn ugly really fast.

“You lots ought to prepare yourselves….” Lucifer’s position was firm, seeing the sudden escalation was about to unfold. 

Ultraman stared at the floor, not realizing that he was forced down in a quick succession. Few dribbles of sweat slid downward from his forehead towards the ground. “Sh-shit!” He never technically fought her before since he was blown away before the fight even started earlier today. “L…Let go!” He grunted in pain as Panich twisted his arm to the point of breaking.

“Hey! You don’t have to do that! He can be overbearing, but you don’t have to go that far!” Hart protest at Panich’s action, but she didn’t take a step closer to them. Panich, unlike the rest of the Breakers, seem harsh, rash and has an authorial aura around her—if there was a comparison, it was a complete contrast of that of Cuki. The sudden rush of people leaving the café by Cross’ underlings caused her quite a panic. “Hey! Don’t leave! Please!” In her perspective, it seems like the Breakers came in and forced their rules on to others. “Alright! Those cards. I did request them. It was---"

Ultraman lifted his head slightly, seeing Hart in a state of panic. Added to his concern over her, the fact that the regulars told him to his face that Cross cares more about the people than him. 

“How dare….” Ultraman forced himself off the ground, slowly standing up, to the point that the bone in his arm was making a cracking sound. He interrupted Hart’s statements before she can finish. “You people… You Breakers… You don’t care. You don’t care about the people! You just wave your almighty strength as an excuse to do nothing! As society falls, you replenished in our anguish! I care about the people! I want them to see me as the ultimate bringer of standard! I want them to praise my absolute strength! I will make you, Breakers, see the absolute strength of my power so you will never look down on anyone… never look down ME ever again!” 

Ultraman cocked his free arm back and struck against Panich’s stomach with a hard punch. It was a mysterious force of power; when Panich slammed against the Breakers behind her, it forced everyone out of the café with no damage to the café—a conscious effort to avoid harming it. In addition, it left no damage on Panich herself. Ultraman was seemingly angry, irritated and no longer rational to be reasoned with. Walking out of the café, Ultraman’s eyes was blistering with power. “I once again challenge you Breakers.” His attention was towards Panich, seeing her as the most aggressive.

Spina landed on the ground, getting pile of soil in his mouth and having all the other Breakers landed on his back. “Damn it! All we wanted is some damn answers! We don’t have time for this! And get off me!”


Everyone nearby the cafe got alerted by the commotion going on. 

"Whoa, another battle?" 

"Seriously? I heard some few people were causing a ruckus during the otherside of the city. Now this? What a day."

"Isn't that the Breakers? Uh oh. This battle is about to get intense! Let's ditch this place before things get to carry away!" 
Brachi got up rather quickly and teleported straight to Ultraman using Instant Transmission, before grabbing him by the neck.

"Now listen here, you worthless petaQ; I have run out of patience with you and your stupid antics, accusations and insinuations. If you want to challenge us again, be my guest; it won't make a difference like last time. My advice to you is to withdraw your challenge and get out of our sight pronto; all we want is some answers to the current crisis at hand and find a way to solve it before more people get hurt!" She snarled, before tossing him backwards, leaving him for Panich to deal with, before departing to find Hart, hoping she would be able to get answers from her, her expression turning friendly when approaching her.
Despite Brachi’s friendly demeanor, this does not negate the fact that she strangled Ultraman right in front of her eyes, causing Hart to withdraw away from her. “Just stay back!” She shouted at her. Whatever methods attempted to bring peace was now out of the window.

Ultraman overheard Hart’s cry after he let out a small cough. In blistering speeds, he’d grabbed a chuck of Brachi’s hair hard. He swung her high in the air and slammed her against the ground on the other side near the other Breakers. “Accusations? Yet, you came in here and started barking orders!?” Letting go of the hair and standing near the café. “You want her, you have to go through me.”

“My, I see he’s gotten a bit stronger.” Lucifer rubbed his chin, getting off from Spina and noticing a slight increase of Ultraman’s power after seeing Hart being confronted. “Though, I think we’re way past reasonable questioning now considering the actions that took placed. Maybe we should’ve gone the way Cuki tried to attempt?” He whispered to himself.
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