Panich rolled her eyes at Gogeta's outburst with his card before noticing Ultraman make his quick retreat after making eye contact. She looked the cafe over and raised an eyebrow as Ultraman shouted to the city that they had arrived. "I'm convinced some of the people here have lost their common sense when the realities merged." Panich smirked, despite the uneasy energy she felt, pushed passed Lucifer toward the building. "Well if the pup is alerting its master, then there's no need to keep them waiting."
The princess pushed open the door with an unintentionally loud slam, making her presence know to all who were inside. "Oh Ultrafool, where have you run off to in such a hurry?"
The princess pushed open the door with an unintentionally loud slam, making her presence know to all who were inside. "Oh Ultrafool, where have you run off to in such a hurry?"