The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Panich rolled her eyes at Gogeta's outburst with his card before noticing Ultraman make his quick retreat after making eye contact. She looked the cafe over and raised an eyebrow as Ultraman shouted to the city that they had arrived. "I'm convinced some of the people here have lost their common sense when the realities merged." Panich smirked, despite the uneasy energy she felt, pushed passed Lucifer toward the building. "Well if the pup is alerting its master, then there's no need to keep them waiting." 

 The princess pushed open the door with an unintentionally loud slam, making her presence know to all who were inside. "Oh Ultrafool, where have you run off to in such a hurry?"
Cross remarks "Ultramar actually panicked yelling."

Cross says "If we keep our head and use proper methods of integration we may get useful intel." Cross thinks "I rather not take the risk of getting bad intel form torture someone. I hope they don't just simply threating the fool."

Metropolis News(on TV's nearby)

A seen of destruction form the skirmish with Blank Man.

A reporter asks one person form Cross' cleanup/medical crews "How bad is this?" The person responds "All damages will be prepared at most 3 Hours." Reporter asks "I know the overlord Cross is assorted with those who did this how do you feel?" The person responds "Who coursed the damages it dos it matter its work and good paying." The Reporter left as the person went back to there work.

She starts intervening various people. They all show a gratitude/support for Cross' people cleaning up and healing(Despite Cross being associated with those that did do the damages). 

The reporter says "that all on the ground back to you in the station." The reporter in the station says "we will go to business news once were back
with a word form our sponsors." It was commercial form a business own by one Cross' lieutenant.
Brachi merely rolled her eyes in annoyance at Ultraman's announcement, but remained silent as she was leaning towards checking a clothing shop whose clerk seemed to care little for what had happened.
Cuki frowned at all the noise and it was apparent that it was bothering her a lot, given her large ears. She continued to be distracted by the lights, noise, and the objects for display, occasionally venturing out from the group only to pull herself back in. It was obvious that such an environment was overloading her senses. To better help her concentrate on the mission, Cuki yanked her ears so they laid flat on top of her head. It was uncomfortable but she thought it would block out some noise.

As amazing as these malls are, they are quite a problem when focusing on more important matters...

As the group finally approached the McKnight Cafe, Lucifer's comment sparked her anger.

"My cooking skill is above anyone here! Besides, the only reason I made Ramen is because it's not even my own recipe! Spina eats nothing but soup and--" Cuki was cut off by Ultraman's screaming, her agitation more visible. She did not overreact and her primary objective was to find out who the Coin Hunter was and stop them. She followed in after Panich and held her arms out, trying to calm down Ultraman. "Hey, hey, we're not here to start a problem, we just want to ask you a few questions and then we'll leave..."

She spoke very calmly, trying her best to give Ultraman comfort. Compared to the rest of the Breakers, she barely attacked him at all during his tantrums against the group.

"So please, Ultraman, let's just... talk about this like adults, alright?"
Spina frowned. “So much for the olive branch approach.” He headed inside along with the others.

When Panich busted down with a loud slam, with people in the McKnight café turned to her direction with surprised looks on their faces. Ultraman was talking to a young woman who was delivering food to her next table. 

“Shit, too late…” Ultraman uttered under his breath.

The young woman raised an eyebrow seeing the rash Princess bursting through the restaurant, and Cuki trying to calm the situation. "Hmm..."

“I have nothing to say to you right now. Get out of the way, shrimp.” Ultraman clenched his fists tightly, seemingly intent for battle. “And my name is Ultraman, you damn beast” He pointed his finger at Panich. “Leave this place at once! We are a people of culture dining, not fit for filthy beasts such as yourselves!” 

Everyone in the restaurants step away from the spot in fear of an incoming battle, as the young woman became curious of the events unfolding. “Ultraman, these are the Breakers? These are the new recruits you were talking about…? Looks like they expanded to more members.” Seeing Lucifer for the first time.

“Stay back, Hart. These people are dangerous.” Ultraman narrowed his eyes.
"Rest assured Ma'am, the only ones who really pick on Ultraman are primarily Spina and Bernkastel," Cuki sighed before turning to Panich and Gogeta. "These two just happen to... get caught in the mix. I tend to leave him alone for the most part."

Cuki turned to Ultraman and his intention to fight. Her eyes widen, showing her more cat-like pupil. Her energy spiked, albeit for a brief moment in her 'pacifist' way to calm down Ultraman. She may have been much shorter than him but the pressure behind her energy caused her hair to rise slightly and her voice to deepen as the tables and chairs shook gently back and forth.

"Now now Ultraman, I certainly will not hurt you but should you place a hand on me, rest assured you will be at my mercy," Cuki smiled sweetly before the energy disappeared but not before a few glass cups shattered. "So I'll say this one last time. We did not come for a fight, Ultraman. We simply came here to ask you a few questions. Don't make it harder on yourself. So let's not fool around on either side. Don't worry about the others, they'll behave for a few minutes, right?"

Cuki shot a cold glare towards Panich, Bernkastel, Spina and especially Gogeta.

"After all, we're guests. Let's not give him another reason to bother-- hate us every morning, especially in front of a lady."
Cross says "that not how one asks for intel Cuki." with a single spell undo the damages don by Cuki's energy. (Cross is playing good cop)

One the regulars and one those that faced Ultraman(as a Servant of Cross) in the McKnight's Café says "Ultraman just give them the information they want and odds are they will f**k off. Do be truthful to Overlord Cross and the rest; it will save all us time." 

Cross says to the Regular "Thank you officer for explaining the situation." The Regular says "Don't mention it my Overlord."
Bernkastel scoffed at Gogeta's gripes about the cards as she finished dragging him along behind her, letting go of his vest before dusting off her hands with a scowl on her face.

"What does it matter? Statistically speaking, you probably aren't going to find a good card without opening five more packs. You don't have an allowance to waste it on, thankfully, so you're just going to have to grin and bear it," She commented aloofly before pausing upon the exchanges between Ultraman and the others. "Hey, hey... it doesn't matter if we're demons or cuddly kittens from across the street. We've got every right to enter this place as you have every right to show up at our front yard every morning," Bernkastel put her hands on her hips.

"But Cross is right, threats aren't going to get us anywhere... So let's be upfront. Have you perchance heard about a suspicious person going around turning unsuspecting people into their Coins? Hunting people like some kind of creepy sport?" She asked.
Gogeta frowned in reply to Bernkastel's explanation and statistics, but mostly tuned it out due to poor understanding of the math. His eyebrows perked however, watching the others converse with Ultraman. His entire face remained unchanged despite Cuki's hint and warning, and Gogeta happily nodded to Cuki with a confident smirk.

"Oh, I see what you mean. Don't worry, I'll behave just fine!"

In complete contrast to his promise, Gogeta sprung up from his feet and triumphantly boisted out his chest while extending out his right hand in pointing directly to Ultraman. His vest and belt sash flowed wispfully at his side like a breeze was rolling through, yet no air moved in such a manner within the cafe as Gogeta loudly spoke with a thunderous, commanding tone in his dual voice once Cross and Bernkastel alike had finished their lines.

"You there!! Ultraman! I have bested you once in combat, now I will defeat you in-"

Gogeta suddenly flashed his deck of cards, fanning them out in his free hand and proudly barring his white teeth in a cocky smirk.

"-uh...this....card game!! Face me!"
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