The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Vegetto's eyes went wide, registering the revelation and silently listening to the whole thing. He turned his eyes down about three quarters of the way into Doom's rant, frowning.

He wasn't even trying....and I used everything on a clone...

He dropped his head.

I'll never make it home.
"Hmm, I take it the good Doctor is a spectator type then?" Bernkastel chuckled a bit finding out how the Voice appeared, although she didn't seem to physically see him. "Surely, you've gotten bored of simply waiting around for something exciting to happen by now? Boredom is a deadly toxin you know..." She began floating down toward the ground, now that the tempest had calmed. "I understand that they did not perform to your expectations-- I was a bit disappointed myself. But what would get you to come out of there and join in yourself, hm? Suppose they all became competent enough to stand longer than ten minutes to you. Almost all of them managed to endure your robot's beating-- with the exception of the one brought back by the will of the Vortex." She placed a finger on her chin. "I think that shows they have some potential. They would really like those tools just as much as you want to keep them, though. So.... I have an idea that might catch your interest more than gauging power all day..." Bernkastel smirked. 

"How about we make a game? The winner takes the tools." She gestured toward the fallen around her. "Or winners."
The lich thinks "time for the most amusing part of this show. The fight was a given after all." The lich keeps drinking his drink.
"Oh for crying out loud, Chronos is dead!" Chronos shouted at Bern. "I, AM, A, TIME, REMNANT!" He spelled out his true nature. "A copy, a decoy, a bloody replacement. Enough with your obsession with boredom Misses James Moratory, the final problem would be you struggling to not put a bullet in your brain. I want one thing, and one thing only." He said looking towards her eyes.

"I want you to bring Chronos back to life."
Doctor Doom turned his sights to Bernkastel, taking an interest in her proposal. "A game?" the holographic Doom said as he began walking towards somewhere, taking a seat on his throne and began rubbing his armor mask. "You have Doom's attention, Witch of Micarles. Speak." 

Spina confused about the situation. "A game? What the heck is going on?" He looks over to Cuki, noticing that a new person just arrived. "What the heck? Who is that? There has been a trend of new people coming in here..." 

The voice echoed his thoughts onto the man screaming at Bernkastel. "Though technically, death is a bit different here. You cannot die regularly unless you're erased by existence, a skill that only a single individual is able to do. Even being blasted in that heart won't cause you to die, but it will be painful! Even blowing yourself up won't cause death! Though... they'll probably be a million pieces... I can imagine Chronos' mouth screaming in agony on a rock he landed! Though, it is his fault for foolishly using that as a last resort... where's the teamwork?" the voice began to crack up laughing. "Maybe you can make a deal with the Lich and find all those pieces of the fallen?"

The voice echoes his thoughts onto the two newcomers of Reality Vortex. "Why hello there! Welcome to the Reality Vortex! I'm sure that you have lots of questions about what's happening, but I'll explain once Bernkastel is done chatty with Doom here! Oh, and I'm the voice. Think of me as the guide of this realm." 

The voice became curious of Bernkastel's firm stance of proposing a game. "Ohh? Looks like Bernkastel is getting interested."
Brachi and Majin Bara both looked around. 

"We do have a lot of questions indeed..." Majin Bara said.
"First off, what is this 'Reality Vortex'? Second, who is this Doom guy? Third, who are you and lastly and more importantly, how do we get back home?" Brachi asked.
Cuki scratched her head in confusion. "He was the one who blew himself up... Kettles didn't do a thing, right? This is all so confusing..."

Ignoring the screaming, she decided to remain quiet, listening to Doom, Voice, and Kettles as they spoke. 

A game? She thought. As if this place wasn't already freaky enough now we gotta add some crazy game to the mix. Doom's true potential is yet to be seen and the same can be said for Voice and Kettles... This is more than just a game. How can we even compete with these guys when we could barely handle a robot?

As the group listened to Doom, all the destruction done to Cuki's apartment was slowly fixing itself out. Pipes began straighten themselves out, walls materializing back to their former state, and shattered glass popping back where it belongs. Cuki's home, and the complex in general was starting to reassemble itself. Thanks to Reality Vortex's weird dimensions, everything that originated from this odd dimension would slowly reconstruct itself. Cuki didn't look phased at the fact that her house was reforming and only turned to see the progress.

"Sheesh, took a while."

She seemed rather oblivious to the situation at hand.
"Yes, yes, I don't care about that, I'll consider wasting magic for you in a moment." Bernkastel waved off Chronos's request with her hand, obviously not paying any heed towards him. All her attention was on Doctor Doom-- she didn't even glance over her shoulder. "Now shut up or die quietly over there so I can speak. Before you deplete what little of a good mood I have left." Her voice was sharp and cold, but it returned to its usual tone once she spoke to Doom again.

She held her hands out and a number of crystal fragments began to form in the air. Bern stared intently into them as if she were 'reading' them. "Ah, this one. Why don't we play by a series of trials? If the trials are completed as a team, then they get the honor of actually facing off with you. Winning side obtains the Tools. The losing party is tossed into the deepest depths of the Vortex to be forgotten forever." She offered him a smile. "Sound like a good deal? I'm sure you wouldn't mind coming up with some good challenges, seeing your creations so far. I'll be sure to whip them into proper shape beforehand... I might need some time to do it though, or else this will be a pain to waste time on."
The lich revives Chronos with ease. The lich looks one yelling at Bern and says "For now I wish to watch what she has up her sleeve, but don't think that covers you debt to me. I will decide what and how much you owe later." The lich is treating what he did as trivial.
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