The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"Oh for, fuck's sake." Chronos the younger grumbled at the fact Bern couldn't grasp the concept Chronos was already dead.

Chronos the elder blinked as he came back to life.

"No, no, I'm not in debt to you L-, oh dear God she's making a deal with Doom. We're all doomed." Chronos said looking to see Bern and Doom.

"It was a Doombot." The younger said to his progenitor.
Pushing himself off the ground, Vegetto listened in silently to the hologram as Bernkastel presented her bargain to Doom. He stood with his arms at his sides, glaring up at the hologram.
The lich looks at Chronos "At one point of time the debt will be prayed." Chronos gets the since that the lich can collect in one way or another. The lich says "The fight was a foregone conclusion on how it was going end with your group's defeat, this on the other hand has some promise."
Doom took Bernkastel's words into consideration. After a brief moment, Doom nodded and stood up. "You have convinced Doom, Witch. I will accept this game of yours." Doom turns to the "voice" for a few seconds before looking at Bernkastel again. "If you can somehow transform these incompetent fools to provide a much better challenge, then I shall wait for such a date. Of course, Doom's conditions will be met. One of them being that the battle shall take place on my turf." Doom said. He pulled out the tools, revealing them. It seems to be in a box, with mysterious energy flowing out of it before putting it away. "So he will definitely come." Doom thought to himself. "Objections, Witch?"
"But of course. It's only fair we take you on in a more comfortable environment seeing how many people are willing to take you on for the tools. It would be bothersome to make a mess of an even grander scale out in the open." Bernkastel nodded politely. "Now all we need to decide on is where the trials take place and how many we'd need to convince you of their might. I did say you could get creative with these trials after all... I presume you want the trials to take place in your territory as well? Assuming you don't have an area set aside for such an occasion." She asked. These kind of negotiations seemed to come natural to her, as she spoke with a formal tone of voice with him. Her eyes settled on the glittering tools for a brief moment.
"You know I've overpaid on your food and even offered to repair your restraunt after the Spina fight, I'm not sure what more you could want from me." Chronos the Elder stated while the Younger was watching Doom and Bern with distain.
Doom nodded. "Then we're agreed. There is a suitable place that I have in mind, but it's currently under construction. Once it is complete, I shall send in a robot to give you the location of the area in I say, 2 weeks from now. That would be a suitable amount of time for them to get their act together." Doom stares at Vegetto, his eyes reveal of looking down on Vegetto after his performance in battle, before turning back to Bernkastel's second question. 

"As for how many trials.." Doom thought for a brief moment, rubbing his armor masked once more. "Around four trials should be good enough for these fools to convince Doom. The last two trial will be under my conditions. The first two will be yours." Doom laid out his conditions of the game. "Any objections?" 

"Looks like Bernkastel is having fun..." the voice wondered. "Vegetto. What do you think about this? Surely you're have not given up on wanting those tools right? Being defeated by a mere bot is surely embarrassing... so this is your second chance!" 

Spina, seeing that Chronos came back, was not surprised. "Not even death would free you from this world." Spina continues to listen to the conversation.
Brachi was tapping her foot rather impatiently, not looking forward to the prospect of having to undergo trials, but if it was to help her find her way back home, she had little choice she mused.
Bernkastel cracked a smile. "We are agreed on that aspect then. I'll be sure to craft entertaining trials to your liking~ You won't be disappointed, I can assure you. See you in two weeks." Only then did she finally glance over her shoulder to look at everyone behind her. "That's the deal then." The witch then turned on her heel and walked towards Cuki, her conversation with Doctor Doom now finished. She noticed Cuki seemed to be the only one that remained with evident injuries. "Ah, you're awake in spite of near total exhaustion. Looks like your hands took a number too." She held out her hands expectantly. "May I take a look?"
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