Grey Star
Super Giant Star
"Oh for, fuck's sake." Chronos the younger grumbled at the fact Bern couldn't grasp the concept Chronos was already dead.
Chronos the elder blinked as he came back to life.
"No, no, I'm not in debt to you L-, oh dear God she's making a deal with Doom. We're all doomed." Chronos said looking to see Bern and Doom.
"It was a Doombot." The younger said to his progenitor.
Chronos the elder blinked as he came back to life.
"No, no, I'm not in debt to you L-, oh dear God she's making a deal with Doom. We're all doomed." Chronos said looking to see Bern and Doom.
"It was a Doombot." The younger said to his progenitor.