"What's that? I never told you to kill yourself for anybody, dimwit." Bernkastel deadpanned. "The foolish actions by you all today have all been your choices in the first place. Don't pin your stupidity on me just because you didn't get the results you wanted. The wish brought Doctor Doom to you in any way possible, not that you would win in a fight against him. If you all wanted a guaranteed win, you should have said so." She snickered.
Then she started laughing in a mocking manner. "Imagine if this really was the real Doctor Doom! Did you truly believe you could have killed the real thing when it took all of your mights just to simply crack his armor!? Don't make me laugh!" She lifted up her arms in a shrugging motion. "Here I thought you three could compensate for a hastily made wish. Looks like I was wrong there. I would go back to being bored if you all actually died though. I certainly won't let that happen, if you don't bore me. The Vortex might not let you die either."
Bernkastel pointed up into the sky. "Now Don't fret just yet. The wish hasn't run its course, you see."
Then she started laughing in a mocking manner. "Imagine if this really was the real Doctor Doom! Did you truly believe you could have killed the real thing when it took all of your mights just to simply crack his armor!? Don't make me laugh!" She lifted up her arms in a shrugging motion. "Here I thought you three could compensate for a hastily made wish. Looks like I was wrong there. I would go back to being bored if you all actually died though. I certainly won't let that happen, if you don't bore me. The Vortex might not let you die either."
Bernkastel pointed up into the sky. "Now Don't fret just yet. The wish hasn't run its course, you see."