The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Snow just listened in, before grabbing a guitar that was there. He then began tuning it quietly while thinking of what song to play before looking at Vegetto and saying "Hey Vegetto. Some advice from one who has lost everything. Cherish every moment you have with your wife. I never got the chance." He then left and sat in  a park to play some music alone while he thought of his wife and kids. The memories flooded back as he played Sum 41's With me "I don't want this moment, to ever end. Where everything's nothing with out you."
Whis loomed over the table a few feet behind Bernkastel.

"Well...I suppose there are worse fates than being trapped in a reality with excellent food."

He peered down at his fingers, frowning slightly at the sauce dripping from down onto the plate and the small traces left on his lips from the ribs.

"What do you call this particular dish? It is absolutely splendid in texture, but leaves quite the mess because of the more...uncivilized methods I have to use to eat it properly."

Kassava and Vegetto both barely batted an eye at the mention of Spina's current time spent in the Vortex, Kassava keeping a small smile.

"That's neat. I thought it was rather strange that you couldn't die in this world, but I guess that means you guys are immortal like us if that Spina has been here for a few hundred years."

Her head then turned to Brachi, blinking once.


Vegetto peered up slightly at Snow's comment, watching him depart. He glanced down for a moment, thinking to himself before turning his gaze back over to Kassava, watching her talk to the others with a small half smile.
"Yeah, I've been told that it is similar to Universe 7, although we have a different God of Destruction." Brachi replied.
Cuki looked over to Whis and returned to her kitchen to offer the man some napkins. She was humble with her cooking but felt relieved that at least someone liked it as much as he did. 

"They're called ribs." Cuki picked one up and ripped off a large chunk of meat. "They're mostly foods you eat with your hands so I guess it can get pretty messy. But no worries Mr. Whis, you can have the rice or pasta or the meatballs or pork. Better hurry, I usually eat everything that is left over. Hope it satisfies your taste!"

Cuki smiled bright to Whis but behind her smile was pain which she tried very hard to hide. She offered a modest bow to the man and returned to her spot away from the others. She looked to be in her usual deep thoughts, staring blankly at the group while her tail fidgeted back and forth. The Voice's small explanation of Spina left her wondering.

He must be very lonely... Cuki frowned, finally stuffing her mouth with food. I can only imagine how he can take this type of life style... I've only been here for a little over 50 years and I barely understand the physics and structure of this world. I'm sure even he understands that death is not plentiful and attempts at it are futile... That explains his hostility towards the others.
The lich says between bites "The best way I can describe the world were I and my initial forces came form is medieval." The lich seems indifferent about his home world. The lich says going on "as far how long I rightly forgotten." The lich has been in this realty for a very long time.
Snow finished his song and then stood up and set the guitar down and began some breathing exercises that were to help him focus, when an image of a calm slayer appeared in his mind "Snow. I can rid you of the curse plaguing your arm and that will let you regrow it." Snow sighed and figured he didn't have much of a choice so he nodded and got into Slayer's stance of fighting.
"I can feel a little less gloomy knowing I'll at least have access to good food." Bernkastel took another drink of sake after finishing off her meat cuts. "Hmm, now I wonder how long this place has existed. The probability of being launched into this reality seems to have spiked recently."
The voice seemingly chuckled at Bernkastel's question. "Well, if I were to place an estimated number, perhaps about 11 Crisis Years." the voice responded. "Yet, it stills feels like it was only yesterday when this place got cleaned out..." the voice mumbled a bit before finishing his response. "Anyways, the Lich seems to the normal one out of the bunch! Though the abundance of people appearing in this world is indeed strange, I wonder why is that happening..." the voice wondered. "Especially all drawn from the same reality too, something that often times, never happens. But hey, we might even get more people to appear in this world." the voice checked out the type of drink that Bernkastel had. "Dearest Cuki, I request a drink that Bernkastel has!"

Spina entered the apartment after voice finished explaining his response. "And I suppose this does not have anything to do with you, now?" He questioned. He saw the food that Cuki, with the Lich, had prepared for the group. "Maybe you can continue with such a thoughts a little more clear."

"Ah, but these guys think I'm annoying! Besides, I'm sure they're far more interested in the trials that Bernkastel had created for them. Come, Spina, take a seat and have a feast!" the voice replied.

"Sorry, I'll pass on that," Spina said. "Not interested in being buddy-buddy with these guys," Spina told bluntly. "I'm far more interested that you-"

"Ah! Then how about you tell us your story then, Mr. Spina? I'm sure these rest of these guys would be far more interested than me yapping about." the voice's tone shifted slightly for a more sinister tone. "Come on, how about it?"

"... Fine." Spina grabbed a chair from the table and sat down. He wasn't interested in eating anything at the moment and looks at Whis, Vegetto, and Kassava, pointing his finger at them. "Considering that you have him [Whis], I suppose that my world is quite similar to their world. Though permanent fusion between Potara is something unheard of, so I suppose that's only exclusive to your world and perhaps this multi being girl [Brachi] as well." Spina sat down on the couch. "That's my story anyway. Oh and there's a strange man outside in the apartment."
Snow then shifted into the next stance then the next and kept repeating until the metal plate that covered his stub of an arm flew off and finally his arm returned, good as new.
Whis paused, glancing down at the ribs in deep thought at Cuki's recommendation. He perked his eyes happily, however, pulling up another rib.

"Thank you, but I suppose I will be alright with the barbaric tendencies. This meal is just absolutely divine."

Kassava, however, kept a eyebrow perked and turned slightly to Whis.

"I thought you said there were only twelve?"

Whis shrugged his shoulders.

"If we're counting the various changes in the timestream, there could be millions more. I just simply stated how many exist in your reality: it gets a little confusing if you want to think about who falls under what jurisdiction."

Kassava groaned, shaking her head once.

"More timelines? So much history I need to look up."

 Vegetto diverted his eyes, noticing Spina enter the room shortly after. He narrowed them, watching Spina sit and make his comment before speaking.

"Shenron made me possible. If you know about Whis, you should know about him too."
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