The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Brachi immediately hopped a distance backwards, wanting to give Voice the room he needed to exercise his abilities. She could deal with her battle wounds; as her Saiyan biology is concerned due to having part Saiyan blood, it would only make her stronger when she was fully recovered. But now, having at least Majin Bara and Lady Gervene back was her main concern, and then she wanted her universe back.
Raune immediately speed off from where Voice's location was. Shows him to get prideful enough to control the situation and then beg Voice for help.

Typical Raune. Vegetto was right. Speed King is an appropriate name considering how quickly I rush into things and with how much trouble my ego's caused me this entire time I've been in the Vortex.

Arriving by Brachi, still without his mask, Raune looked off to the newly formed universe.

What was it Grandma Raven said? Right. Yes. He held together the universe, until it's dying breath. But that, was just with one power. If one Speedster could, with outside help, radically alter the timeline... He looked down at his hand, a spark of Speedforce energy converging off of it. What could I do?
"Oh, this coin?" Bykko flashed the Doom coin tauntingly. "I don't like to give out my toys to strangers. Maybe when I'm bored, I'll hand it to you."

Byakko's mist gently lifted the being and moved him across the area to a safer place, away from the Voice. He seemed unphased by what the Voice said to him earlier. It was unsure if Byakko was careless or a bit too proud. His expression was either demented or uncaring, so it was hard to put a proper label on him.
Vegetto lept back as well, his eyes narrowed with a small frown in a serious stare, waiting to see what came of the Voice's powers.
"Us too... there's no telling what's about to happen next since I've never seen anything he's done in action." Bern said as she backed away a sizeable distance away from the Voice, keeping her scythe out as a means of grounding in the event of unexpected wind pressures. "But I was thinking the tools would look a little more impressive than that."
Cross floats away as the voice requests. Cross thinks "regardless this is an interesting show."
The voice’s body flung straight up towards the sky as the nail merged within the pink blob. In an instant, after a bright pink light, it expanded dramatically—so much that it completely trump all the Breakers and the new world, in terms of size. In mere seconds, the body was formed, a pink machine with destructive energy surging throughout. The awesome might of the true and fullest potential of Voice’s true power.



Pink steams blowing out of its machine-like body as surviving celestial bodies was forced to gravitational pull, it raised his am upwards, flat out absorbing all the celestial bodies, including few universes that survived into the palm of his hand. He crushed them with so much force, it condensed into a ball of solid matter. He tossed it forward, as it orbited around the new world like a moon. “Vortex Moon…”

“T-that’s the voice!?” Spina’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes… finally, back in my body. I can feel the energy surging through me once again.” Voice stared at his hands. “Ah… I possessed the ability to bring beings back to life, even if they are erased from total existence. For example,… I probably bring back…” Two coins formed within his fingertips and flipped them towards the ground near Spina and Bernkastel. These coins had Zenta and Bara respectively.

Spina witnessed that he was able to easily twirls the fabric of all celestial bodies as if they were nothing and seeing that he was able to bring at least two back. “Then, you can bring our friends and our universes back, right!?”

The voice turned to Spina and the rest of the Breakers. Seeing their faces of desperation, their faces of wanting their families, friends and loved ones returned to them. “No.”

Spina’s eyes widened when the Voice declared his answer. “What do you mean, no!?”

“No. One, I can bring back one, maybe two, but the rest? They’re gone. Dark Energy often does that. Meaning, they’re gone. Dead. Forever. Disappeared for good. Out with the wind, they say. And two, I have no desire to bring back any of your universes.” The voice pointed his finger at the new universe that Doom created in the back. “The universe that doctor made… is a collection of vast numbers. Countless beings under my domain. That means, they will finally see my worth for once.” Voice said, referring “they” as another group. The voice looks down on the Breakers. “So tough luck Breakers, you just have to get use to it. You’re lucky I even brought back two, out of mercy and thanks for getting my body back. Of course, when someone "dies" in here, they often turned into coins, and it takes a while for them to re-spawn." The Voice chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.
Vegetto's wide eyes were turned up, hearing the Voice's full explanation. His eyebrows instantly narrowed, the desperate rage boiling over as he clenched his fists together.

"Then why didn't you bring back my wife?!"

He grit his teeth together.

"She means more than they ever will! Bring her back right now!!"
Brachi blinked at that, seeing Bara turned into a coin.

"It's great to have my bestie Bara back, but what about Lady Gervene? She's responsible for upholding the balance in my universe! If she's gone, then that means Jize, the Supreme Kai her life is linked to is gone too. So, in that essence, having Bara back is not enough for me; I want Lady Gervene back too, as well as any of my other friends from my universe, as well as the rest of our comrades!" She said.
Byakko chuckled to himself as he watched the coins flop in front of the ground. He noticed the name on one of the coins, Zenta, and it instantly made him roll his eyes. He did not seem at all impressed or phased by Voice or his tactics, nor did he care about the fate of the others. He took a step back, silently watching the group as they fight over who was more worthy of coming back. A wicked grin formed on his face as he listened to the cries of the Breakers as he casually lifted his pipe to his lips, puffing out a blue mist.

Oh my, I guess I was right to think the emotions of mortals are rather fickle. Did you hear that little Cuki, the values of others weigh more than your efforts.
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