The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Cuki stopped to notice Kassava bolt off with Vegetto and frowned. She wanted to find a way to help the group, but she kept getting tossed aside. Her lower lip trembled, and she instantly began to lose her confidence. She thought Spina was right and started to regret leading everyone the way she did. She didn't know what to say, but she wanted to defend herself somehow. 

"I...uhh." Cuki struggled. "I wasn't...thinking. I'm sorry. As for a plan, uhm... I-I'll tell you along the way."

Ugh... I thought I could bring those two together to work something out between them. Our universes are at stake, and we still can't put aside our petty insecurities to pass this one trial. I got my hopes up for nothing... I don't even have a proper plan! Ugh! I'm so stupid! I just let everyone down...

Before Cuki burst into tears, the mysterious figure that appeared before them spooked her out. Her eyes widen at the ugly display of the librarian then turned to her tail which was twitching and fidgeting wildly. She moved to Spina and eyed the librarian suspiciously before slowly pulling Spina away, her steps light as a feather. She leaned closer to Spina to whisper.

"No sudden noises."

She turned to her group and put her finger on her lips, telling them to shush. Slowly dragging Spina back to the group, the girl let out a small sigh.

"We can't make any loud noises. Remember that you're in a library!" Cuki whispered, agitated. "Now look, we have to find some sort of clue that involves Waldo in a way. Kettles gave us our first clue and I think that the Librarian is our obstacle..."

Her eyes narrowed to the monster before them.

"I think we have to avoid using our fists to solve everything... We have to think everything through very carefully and with no noise. I... I believe that you guys can do this, so let's work together."
Having heard none of Cuki's whispering from where he stood, Vegetto narrowed his eyes immediately on the strange entity. A blue aura rapidly exploded up from underneath his boots, rapidly transforming and shaking the ground slightly as the light attempted to dispel the growing grim atmosphere. His arms raise in preparation to lunge forward and strike, while Kassava shifted to the left, a red flame igniting around her body as she transformed too.
"I expected this, and I'm not surprised to see how it's going right now..." Bernkastel sipped from her coffee cup watching the librarian monster advance on them. "Some are more direct in their approach than others, I see." She joked, but she felt comfident they could work through this first obstacle... with a bit of elbow grease. 

Now's the time to be assertive, simian child... don't leave this up to your incompetent subordinates to fix. The witch thought with her gaze locked onto Cuki. What will you do now that your initial plan has failed, I wonder...
Spina covered his mouth with his hands, after Cuki pulled him closer to her, noticing the mysterious Librarian that pointed him out. “R-right…” He notice Cuki’s demeanor seeing the young Saiyan becoming stress that the idea she had was failing in execution. Perhaps Cuki was working hard to impress others, or an attempt to bring everyone together, disregarding any bad blood, in order to complete the mission. Regardless, Spina places his hands onto Cuki’s shoulders after she had finished her thoughts.

“Listen, the problem you have is that you’re pushing it too much. You need to understand that, although we spend plentiful amount of time here, we still do not know one another that well; combine that with the anxiety of never leaving this place ever again and their homes facing total annihilation.” Spina told Cuki in a whispered. “That and the conflicting personalities make it hard to work together…” Spina paused for a moment before continuing. “Although, it can work if we simply put aside our prejudicial thoughts and yours assumption that they don’t amount to anything; a leader cannot become such if they assume the followers are fools.” 

Spina places his hand on top of Cuki’s head. “We can do that by dropping our egos for a second. No more nonsense about you Saiyans this or you Saiyans that. You are a Saiyan, I am a stubborn old Saiyan; then you have that kid who is a freak of nature and Raune literally moves faster than the speed of light; and that is only half of the weirdness we are seeing with one another, let alone this entire damn dimension. Let’s calm down, think about the riddles for a second and see what it leads us by working our brains for a moment—without adding insults. Alright kid?” 


The black, shadow figure slightly turned its head to both Vegetto and Kassava, agitated by their transformed state. The grim atmosphere it had set up disappeared from the library, adding onto to the anger. As a result, it has shifted the position of its finger from Spina to the two Saiyans.


It spoke with a grim, rash voice that rings the noise of a woman that had her throat sliced mid-sentence. In reaction to its voice, that indebted in anger, the library suddenly and quickly caved in and crumbled within itself. The floors warped around like a whirlpool, trapping Spina, Cuki, Vegetto and Kassava into the ground before they can offer any form of reasonable reaction. Gigantic hands formed out of the bookshelves, grabbing onto Brachi, Bara, Gervene, Gotenks, Demi-Fiend and Raune, Amy and her children and absorbed them within the walls.

Books were flying around in a tornado like fashion, but with the wind force of a powerful hurricane. The walls were rip apart and furniture were being toss around, colliding against one another. Words were pull straight out the pages, going straight towards the ceiling; some were as small as a coin, but some were big as literal buildings.

Every second the library continues to change its outlook, as more players were beginning to be stuck into a changing world with the exception of Doom, Whis, Bernkastel and the Lich. 

Opening its mouth, splitting it wide, it shrieks like a woman drowning. “NOISES! TALKING! IT. IS. NOT. ALLOWED!”  

The lights flickers rapidly, until the entire library was in darkness; after a few moments, a light source returned and shine brightly of the library, but this time, the world had change dramatically.


The Library: New World

Demi-Fiend was reading a book, flipping through the pages of a manga called Umineko. “Man, this little girl is pretty annoying in this damn manga. I hope Beatrice gives her a spanking.” He looks around. "Hey Cuki! I don't think this book has any useful information about Wal--" He notice that he was no longer in the library and the members were nowhere to be found. "Huh...." 


A noticeable distance away from Demi-Fiend's location, after a few moments, the ground spat out the heroes into a new area: the strange, world. 

“Is everyone alright…?” Spina grabbed his head. “What the hell happened? Did we got transported to another world?” 

He looked up, seeing that Bernkastel and the others are still in the same spot as they were before, but the library is seemingly gone—in terms of looks. Spina looked up in the sky and notice the blue sky was replace by tons and tons of papers flying around. From afar, there is an ocean filled with nothing by pure words. Below them is a ground filled with nothing by hardcover books of all genres, including nonfiction books.

“T… this is still the library?” Spina asked.

“Hey!” A mysterious figure shouted from afar. This man's attire is seemingly more outlandish compared to the group.

“Which one of you numbskulls pissed off the librarian?!”
In the midst of speed reading hundreds of books, Raune suddenly and without realization found himself on the receiving end of a classic speedster trick: Kidnapping someone from behind.

I’m not sure who pissed off the librarian. Raune mused, looking up from where he had spilt out of. Wasn’t paying attention. “Tsch.” But maybe this guy can still help.

“Excuse me. One of my companions can answer your question. But first, my own.” The speedster said, straightening himself and shouting back to the new figure. “Do you have a search engine for reality or all of the library in here?”
Gotenks stood up and looked around the new area.

"We just keep going popping up in new places, huh." the fusion said. He looked up and saw the mysterious figure come up to the group.

"Librarian? Was that the thing that grabbed us?"
Cuki's frown slowly turned to a smile when she heard Spina's words. Before she had a chance to thank him, the entire room around them changed. when she opened her eyes, she looked around to see the group made it through together. 

At least we're still in one piece... She turned to see the new realm they were in and took a sharp breath. The air is the same as it was before... Only the appearance changed. This can be helpful.

Cuki turned to see the odd man in his detective outfit. His tone was far from pleased. She instantly remembered Spina's words of wisdom and took a step forward. She thought it would be best to stand up for the group and take responsibility for them as well. 

I got them into this mess so it's my job to get them out...

"I pissed off that librarian, but now is not the time for blame tossing." Cuki tried to sound confident. "We're short one person...but I think Demi-Fiend is fine on his own. But anyways, do you know where we are? We're kinda looking for something, maybe you can help us out?"


"Wooooowie~!" Maggie said as she nibbled on a small biscuit. "They totally got pulled into a different world or something! Heh, I wonder what that weird ol' Lady is gonna do when she finds them screaming and yelling. That's all they seem to do anyway!"

Maggie pointed to Vegetto.

"I'll bet my arm that he's gonna screw this up. Maybe his wife too. All those Veggie-People know is yelling and ugly hair colors." Maggie tugged herself to sit on Bernkastel's shoulder. "Was that ugly Librarian thing your idea, Kitty? If this was my trial, they would have to impress me, The Great Maggie!"
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