The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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The lich thinks "Even now he trying to gather intel on them." Spotting the one sent to keep an eye on them and not giving any indication that he spotted them.
"Yes! I know where it is!" Cuki smiled brightly. "It's not too far from here. Let's hurry up and get this trial started." Cuki did not wait for a reply and simply dashed off in the direction of the library. 

Once in front of the library, she rushed up the stairs and through the doors like a child going to a park. She examined the quiet realm of books, tail flicking with eagerness.

Okay, it's worth a shot. C'mon Cuki, don't mess this up.

"I think we should start with the fiction area." She said in a whisper, respecting the fact that they were in a library. "Half of us should take the Sci-fi section and the other half can take on Fantasylands. We should try to find something that deals with time and space as well as magical lands, we might find a clue."
The voice gritted his teeth as a couple of sweat drops formed on the side of his head, dripping downward towards the ground. He knows the group is literally a misfit of people that only know each other for a few days—and their clash of personalities is already at the rocky start. Yet, despite of the situation, the voice still managed to form a smile. “You haven’t fought them yourself; only send a drone to do the dirty work for you.”

The voice pointed his finger at Doom, the latter staring him down with a spine chilling stare; he floated a few feet back to add some distance between the both of them.

“The Saiyans have unlimited potential and we have several strong guy that can easily manhandle you! Arrogance will be the downfall when they easily pass Bernkastel’s trials in terms of wits.”

Doom places both of his hands together, turning to the group that Voice places so much confidence in. “Doom is very aware of the endless supply within each Saiyan in terms of potential—even the gods that you managed to obtain prove to be a great adversary to your cause, Voice. Yet, Doom does not worried about the potential Saiyans becoming a plausible threat—Doom worries that these plausible threats will simply be reduced to nothing more than punching bag to let out steam of this rigid armor.”

Voice squinted his eyes after Doom’s explanation. “This guy’s ego is through the roof… and I thought Vegetto was bad…”


“So this is the library… this place has quite a collection.” Demi-Fiend vastly underestimated. The structure of the library, on the outside, seems small, but on the inside, it brings a sense of no end.

The group were not the only visitors there, plentiful of folks are there to read in the library. Some of them are studying, something for reading and some simply for the sake of it—and take advantage of the internet provider on their electronic devices.

“Alright… so one half will search the science fiction and fantasylands… I’ll look in the science fiction.” Spina was about to leave, but stopped for a second. “Wait, what clues are we’re going to find in a library?” 


Doom’s chair levitated from the ground, hovering towards the library to have a clean, full view of what is going on. “You’re welcome to join Doom to witness the testament of this trial.”
"Sorry, my lips are sealed. I'm afraid that for now, you'll just have to use your brain and think about that riddle I gave you to figure out how to find the next clue." Bernkastel said to Spina with an indifferent shrug. "Though, I guess for you, that's a trial in and of itself." She sneered with a chuckle. "But if you want to get into the right mindset, why don't you follow Cuki's example and treat this like a scavenger hunt? And remember, don't judge books simply by the cover." 

As she spoke, she began levitating in the air and joined Doom with Maggie in tow. "Until you find the next clue, I'll simply keep watch from afar." An armchair appeared for her to sit in, letting her sip her coffee in peace. "Whis or the Lich may join you if they so please."
"We have to dig around the books. We might find a note or something?" Cuki scratched her head. "You guys remember what he looks like, right? Maybe these books have a picture of him or something... Now, we should part in groups. It will make our search faster and more efficient."

The girl pointed at Demi-Fiend, Raune, Brachi, and Kassava. 

"You guys can tag with me to the Sci-Fi place." She glanced at everyone else. "You guys can tackle Fantasylands. If you guys spot something, take it back to Kettles since it could be a clue."

Without waiting for further action, she took a deep breath and spoke with confidence.

"Alright guys, let's do this! Keep your mind on the game and keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Cuki turned to her group and smiled brightly, leading them to the section of nothing but Sci-Fi. "C'mon, let's start looking, we should be able to get some sort of clue about this Waldo dude."


Maggie sat on Bernkastel's lap while she curiously watched the group split and take different directions. 

"Heh, the short one is taking the role of a leader or something? Bah, I give her 10 minutes before someone takes her place. Anyways, I wanna see what these numbskulls are gonna do. Cuki took Demi-Fiend and that Pineapple head's wife in the same group. I smell disaster!"
Cross joined with Doom, Maggie and Bernkastl. The lich summons some tea and starts to drink it.
Having followed after the group, Vegetto stood in the center while he listened to Cuki's plan. His eyes narrowed, glancing around the apparently empty library and held a small frown.

"I thought we were looking for a man, not a picture."

He furrowed his brow, darting his eyes to the side.

But I can't sense anything in here...just...everyone right in front of me.


Kassava immediately scowled, turning her shoulder away from the group and moving closer towards Vegetto.

"Hell no! I'm not going anywhere with that little shit!"

She grimaced, keeping her eyes narrowed while she watched on, letting Cuki depart and turning her head up to Vegetto. Her scowl diminished rapidly, raising an eyebrow while Vegetto slowly strode forward, moving towards the Fantasy section.

"Hey...what are you doing?"

Vegetto moved through the aisles slowly, tensing a bit and glancing around in search of a person instead of paying attention to the books. He kept a sharp glare, stopping at the end of the first aisle of shelves with Kassava walking up after him.

"Let them search through the books. I'd rather make sure this place is empty than looking through paper."


Whis held onto his scepter, his warm smile strong as he floated up to the chair Bernkastel sat in.

"Thank you for the gesture, Doom, but I much prefer the company of the witch."
“Science Fiction huh…” Demi-Fiend looked around the books. “Should be easy enough, but what exactly are we looking for? We’re not going to read every single books, right?” 


“I supposed that sounds fair.” Spina places his finger on his chin; after a few minutes of thinking, the team composition Cuki created dawn on him. “Wait a minute,” Spina narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you think this is a bad idea due to the bad blood between some people in the group, namely Demi-Fiend and Kassava? That’s extremely reckless—” Spina turned around, realizing that Cuki and the others had already left for the Science Fiction section and other areas.

“Damn it, that girl just does what she wants… she’d more troublesome than she looks; Vegetto and Kassava already start doing their own business. It seems like Snow is nowhere to be found...” Spina scratch his head. “Besides, how we are supposed to find the clues by mindlessly looking around? We need an actual plan…!” Spina’s thoughts ringed his head. “Hey!” Spina, taking a single step, called out to Cuki, as loud as he can, to get her attention. 

His voice echoed throughout the library; the atmosphere suddenly becomes grim. As Vegetto and Kassava stopped at the end of the first aisle, a sudden black figure appeared. Its eyes shine bright red, its clothes composed of a long, worn-out grey and white dress and poorly constructed sneakers. Its long, grayish hair touches the floor, at the end, leaves a trail of black smoke. It turned around the moment Spina shouted and lifted a finger. Her long, crooked index finger with a fairly long crusted fingernail pointed at the old Saiyan. Its head split opened, just nearly to the point that the top part of the head was ready to fly off the body to exposed its mouth. Multiple layers of sharp teeth and three tongue as saliva spilled out of her mouth towards the floor.

“….. talking is not..….” the floor beneath everyone started to morphed bit by bit, until the structure of the library is starting to change.


“Expected.” Doom said one word as he continues to watch.

Voice, being a nervous wreck, places heavy observation on each of the members. “I hope they don’t screw up…” He notices a strange, dark aura. “Hmm… this aura… this is oddly familiar…”
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