"There was a man.. a very powerful man.." the man spoke when Black Shadow began healing him. "He was.. very nice.. but something changed ... something terribly changed about his personality... and since then... this entire temple.. the temple of the Gods have... be tainted..."
Black Shadow raised a brow. "And who is this man? Do you know where he is?" Black Shadow was curious about the "man" that came here. Perhaps it's Shine that he's talking about?
"It's clear that he's talking about Shine. Who else he be talking about?" Silence said.
Black Shadow raised a brow. "And who is this man? Do you know where he is?" Black Shadow was curious about the "man" that came here. Perhaps it's Shine that he's talking about?
"It's clear that he's talking about Shine. Who else he be talking about?" Silence said.