The Fairy Forest

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"W-whoa!" the fairy said, coming out of hiding. "You managed to scare them away! You show no fear!" She praised the man. "What is your name?"
The man says "My name is Vosh, what is yours name?" The man thinks looking at the knocked out head hunter "I good on human DNA for the time being." 
"Alice." the fairy answered. "Pleasure to be acquaintances with you, Vosh." She looks around before returning back to Vosh and thought about something. "Normally, we try to deter travelers from getting close, but you managed to scare away those guys. May I ask what's your reasoning of being here?"
Vosh thinks "She must want more details that what I gave prior. Who knows I may get lucky and gather fairy DNA but I should." Vosh says "I am gathering DNA of different lifeforms, traveling, and testing this body." He lifts the head hunter in the air with out touching him and placing him in an appealed resting position.
"DNA hunter...?" Alice was puzzled by his answer. "Testing this body? Ah... you talk like one of those Empiran folks. Always on and one about science, technology, and future." Alice said. "I don't understand none of that... but since you managed to defeat those goons and scaring them off from my village... I can take you there as thanks." Alice said. "It at least I can do."
Vosh thinks as he puts a note on the hunter once more not touching the hunter "she got the jest and that good." Vosh says surprised after placing the note says "ok." Vosh thinks "Best case I get some fairy DNA to clone and/or splice fairy DNA; Worst case I add to some esoteric knowledge on her kind."
Alice nodded. "Alrighty! Come, come. Follow closely behind me. As we approach, we will be approaching a rather thick, but dense fog. The last thing you want to do is get lost in there." She warned before flying ahead. "So make sure you stay close."
Vox says as he follows Alice close behind her "I think that was a given." Vosh's eyes shift better able to see in the interment they are entering.
As they traveled deeper into the forest, a noticeable amount of fog behind to take hold. It was dense, for an average person, hard to breathe and difficult to see. However, Alice was emitting a light from her body, making it a bit easier to see where they were traveling. 

"Alright, Vosh..." Alice turned around. "Make sure you stay close to me... there always some weird creatures that might come out and attack you." Alice suddenly bumped into a large, sleeping monster that was blocking their path to their direction. It snores loudly, and move his body here and there, and has a scent that was dreadful to smell.

"What the?! What this big thing doing in the way!" Alice said, but she made sure her voice didn't wake it up.
Vosh is following and moves normal despite the fog. Vosh stops behind Alice and says quietly "Its odds are it just a dire boar."
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