The Crescent Hunters Guild

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Z created another object, each one getting smaller than the previous one. She tossed a small teacup across the hall she was in, hopefully in the direction of where the group was. She seemed to want to follow the group.
"..." Vala narrowed her eyes and spoke before Valerie could. 

"I have a feeling it's the imp."
"I-I see.." Excalik sweated a bit. "Well, let's go before we get any more distraction."
Z Clone giggled and kept herself hidden within the shadows, following the group and, to no surprise, cause a bit of trouble.

"This is rather interesting, non~?"
Allein nodded and walked with them to get the mission over with.
{I'm going to bump the thread to prompt all of you to enter. We post in here again when your characters come back}

EDIT: OP has been tweaked/updated for details and the request board. Thread has now been reopened.
An armored man, riddled with cuts metallic parts, appeared before the Crescent Hunters. Glancing the sign for a bit, he reached for the door, dirtied the knob with dry blood, and opened it. In slow moments, he turned his head to each direction, before eyeing the clerk corner. He went over there, waiting for an greeting from one of the leaders of this establishment. The scent of the Guild dropped in quality. He was carrying a foul smell, as flies, attracted by it, flew around him. Such foul smell felt like he nosedive a pile of body, as wet fluids, blood, dripped from his robust, black armor towards the floor as he stood still for a moment. The helmet, that covered his face, had a many cracks, in the middle, appears that a giant ax slammed onto it.

"Is the Guild opened?" He spoke in a flat tone. His voice was soft, but the words he spoke came out rough when he finished his sentence.
Bronson turned from his seat at his desk, his mouth full of food. He looked over the man who suddenly entered before turning his back again to gulp down the rest of his lunch. 

"Er, sorry 'bout that. I was havin' some pilaf," He said, wiping the grains off his mouth while making an about face as the foul smell permeated his nose. "Oof! Y-Yeah, the Guild's open. But our most recent recruits are out on a mission right now. What business do you have with us? You don't look like someone who... needs much help on his own... Blech... Yer gettin' the floors dirty, and I ain't moppin' again." He tossed the man a rag to clean off his armor.
“My apologies.” The man caught the rag and wiped the blood off his armor, mainly his boots and parts where the blood can dripped downward easily. “There is a situation in my town over at the field of bloody flowers. A horde of monsters just attack and sack everything in sight.” He paused for a moment as he continue to wipe his dreaded armor. “I can handle the hordes just fine, but more and more monsters are becoming commonplace for my town; eventually I will not be able to stop them by myself. Therefore, I wish to not only join this guild, but also request some form of assistance for my town. To get rid of the horde of monsters problem.”
"Monsters, eh? Real pains in the ass, they be." Bronson said. "Well, we gladly welcome any newcomers, but since we ain't got anyone here, we can't do the usual routine for makin' it official."

"Guess one of us has to accompany him." Valerie said as she came down the stairs from her office. She had listened in on the conversation. "Since you complain so much about cleaning, Bronson, why don't you go with him?"

"If that's what you want..." Bronson scratched his head. "I s'pose it's rather urgent, but I'm willing to get my hands dirty today. Whatever gets me out of mopping the second floor..."
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