The Crescent Hunters Guild

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“Thank you.” The man responded to Bronson’s interest of helping out his problem. “Do I have to sign any documents to make things official?”
"Yeah, the only thing you've gotta write on is, erm..." Bronson shuffled some papers under the table before taking one out with a quill pen. "Since you're lookin' to join us, we might as well have some basic information like your name and where you're from. Nothing too complicated since we've only got a handful of members right now."

"It's customary to have your first mission be accompanied by someone anyway. With the way things are right now, I don't feel in good conscience sending anyone off on any solo missions right now. Those are usually far too dangerous." Valerie said. "It's been a while since I sent off the younger ones... hope they're doing alright. They've been gone a little longer than I've expected."

"Well, it was a rescue mission."
Grabbing the quill pen, the man wrote down the basic information; his name is reveal simply as “Monster Hunter”.

“I see.” Monster Hunter said. “Well, when they come back, I shall accompany them on future missions they get. I am sure they will be fine. Assuming they are not fighting Supernatural beings; extremely dangerous and unpredictable in their movements.” Monster Hunter finished writing down his basic information, giving it to Bronson."
"Let's hope you're right. A small town like that shouldn't harbor much of a problem..." Valerie muttered, lost in her thoughts once again.

"I hear that's where the whole vampire urban legend began. The urban legend there is all about some guy who used to slay all kinds of beasts with just a whip! Fascinatin' story." Bronson took the papers and handed them off to Valerie for filing away. "Sounds like a gloomy place to be, though." 

"I'll have Muriel prepare a big dinner for when everyone comes back. It's been a while since the place has gotten activity." Valerie said. "As always, do be safe. Lugheads like Bronson are too hotheaded for their own good."

"Bah! I'll show you, missy." Bronson strapped a crossbow to his back and picked up his trusted battle axe, freshly sharpened. "We'll be back before ye know it. Awright, Mr. Hunter, let's get to it."
“Alright, before we take off, I would like to give you something for reference.” Monster Hunter reaches over to his left, putting out a map out of his small bag. “Beyond the Field of Bloody Flowers, resides my hometown. I also added in marks of where monsters are commonly found when they attack in hordes. I haven’t seen a pattern of their locations as of now, as it seemingly randomize from the looks of it…” 

Monster Hunter gave Bronson the map. “Shall we get going?”
Bronson took the map and began to study it, his eyes darting across the pages at an uncanny speed. "...I see. Then I'll be well-equipped for the job. Lead the way then!" Once he finished examining it top to bottom, he rolled up the map and safely stowed it away in his belt's attached pouch, which held a number of other items.
"Understood." Monster Hunter responded.

Monster Hunter and Bronson has left The Crescent Hunters Guild to Garden Town and the Field of Bloody Flowers.
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Vala and Excalik return from Grimsby Falls via horse-drawn carriage, courtesy of Lord Gregor Belmont.[/font]
"Here we are..." Vala let herself out one side of the carriage and stared up at the Guild Hall. "Huh, it sounds like there are people in there." She gingerly opened the door to peek her head in and saw Valerie on the first floor moving around trying to tidy up the place because it looked like Bronson left in a hurry. Valerie heard the door creak and turned around. 

"Oh, you're back already? And in one piece."

She shuffled some papers around in her hand. "Bronson stepped out while I was gone... from the looks of it, he's coming back with a new member soon once they're done with something in his village." Valerie narrowed her eyes, noticing they looked fairly ragged.

"Yeah, uh, there's a little... problem, we ran into while we were out." Vala looked at Excalik nervously.

"... What kind of problem?" Valerie posed her question with furrowed brows and a scowl.

"It has to do with the job we were sent there to deal with. Turns out the Lord of the town was kidnapped, not missing. It was a monster raid that had a human master behind it." Vala explained. "We thought it was just your run of the mill monster attack but..." she trailed off, not knowing how put the rest into words.​
“It was an umm, dem Necromancer.” Excalik said it bluntly. “She was harping on about having the ability wo wield those ancient magic abilities and threatened that she’ll tip the world over in chaos by finding its secrets that was locked away. I thought it was ridiculous.” He paused for the moment. “But, when she summon the dead, able to project herself to taunt us… I ain’t feeling that was a funny. We’re lucky we ain’t licking the buckets yet.”
Valerie's expression didn't change, although Excalik's words made her eyes narrow and her voice more stern. 

"She can revive the dead? Is that what you said?"

"Yes! A witch who tried to kill us with an overgrown undead lizard to boot!" Vala replied. "I don't quite know what she meant by helping with the chaos, but she showed us all kinds of things happening on Booga. I'm not quite sure if any of it was real or just an elaborate ruse to get us to surrender. Maybe it was and I'm a gullible ninny, but... the amount of skill she had as a mage far outclasses mine. We aren't even in the same league."

Valerie lowered her gaze to the floor in thought before meeting both their eyes with her arms crossed. "Whatever this woman told you about the world being thrown into calamity... might be right. That is, if we do nothing to stop it. Earlier, I was summoned to attend a meeting over at Empire State because a man almost completely destroyed a residential community there. Heroes from their Organization were summoned to deal with him, but only barely pushed him back into hiding. Nobody knows when he'll strike, other than he will do it from the confines of outer space."

"O-outer space? You're kidding. That's not..." To Vala it sounded eerily similar to what Eowyn had shown them in one of the projections.

"They call him a Solarian. Apparently they're some kind of alien race capable of their own kind of magic." Valerie said morosely. "The main reason I was asked to cooperate with leaders from around Booga was explicitly because he has the ability to cause mass destruction beyond the scope of what a few heroes can deal with."
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