The Brotherhood of Black Magic Society
Around Age 799 was the first instance of Magic on Planet Booga, used by Deimos from Deimos Valley. Based on the properties of Neutral Energy, the Deimos were able to turn the tides of the war against the humans in Paradice using this newfound power and drive them to defeat. Man-made weapons were made ineffective against the sheer power of magic and numerous of conflicts had surrendered to the Deimos. The First King of Deimos Valley, Troyah, declared that Paradice is now officially part of the Deimos Kingdom and vowed to eliminate every single human across the continent and secured a home for Deimos to live and breathe without oppression.
As the Deimos invasion continues, a handful of humans, from the Silversea Village, began to study the concept of Magic used by the Deimos. As the humans, in a futile effort, tried to hold off the Deimos Invasion, the humans from the Silversea Village train desperately hard to understand how and use magic as their last hope of stopping the invasion. As humans were fast learners, capable to adapt to a dire situation to ensure survival, they were able to not only learn magic but performed it much better than the Deimos as they took a step further to revolution magic as a means for solely destruction. The Deimos Invasion took over well over 80% of the land, they came to a halt the Silversea Village began to repel their forces, forcing the invasion to a halt and pushed back. Deimos’ successful campaigns began to face failures, Deimos forces began to fall and the humans managed to recover 40% of the land that the Deimos had taken control. It was only a matter of time before the humans can rid the Deimos out of Paradice and regained their land. The humans from Silversea Village earned a title, called “The Powerful Mages” and celebrated as heroes.
However, The Powerful Mages began to have a sweet tooth of greed within their hearts. They started to use their success, being the only ones capable of using magic, as a means to gain a fortune. They charge people for their services as they go to village-to-village and drive out the Deimos invaders. If the village cannot afford to pay the Mages, they will refuse to free the village from the Deimos until they have to gather practically everything in their possession as a bargain for their services. On top of the Deimos Invasion controlling the last 30% of Paradice, attempted invasions, the greed of the Mages soared. It causes people to have an interest in magic—as a means to secure a safety net of money, power, and status among the humans. Thus, humans have two enemies, Deimos who want the death of humanity in Paradice and the Mages who feeds off of humanity for profits and amusement. It is believed that the first instances of the Witch Hunt started in the late Age 1600, leading to the deaths of humans who practice magic. Paradice became the land of bloodshed, corruption, and violence.
One day, the impossible happen. A man, thought to be the destroyer of worlds due to being a child of that of a human and a Deimos, appeared to ease the bitter state of Paradice. With the blood of a “Mage” and a Deimos running in his veins, he attempted to destroy the bloody violence that drowns Paradice and bring peace onto the land. Mages and Deimos alike both laugh at the man who sought that he, alone, can bring peace onto the land of the blood. How can a single individual change centuries worth of violence? Especially a man that was created from a forbidden relationship at that? No one took him seriously—and that gave the man, who referred himself as Merlin, the chance to show off the sheer difference of himself and the rest of the region. During a battle in Age 1814, the humans and Deimos once again clashed against one another, with the Mages profiting from the battle. However, Merlin appeared in the filed as well, causing confusing for everyone. He looks at each side and once again, prompt them to drop their weapons and seek peace. When they refused, the Merlin nodded his head. With a stroke of his beard, the man raises his hand over the horizon and cast a spell that no-one-ever-knew. With a snap of his fingers, the energy radiant from his palm beam across the skies: It forces the Deimos bow down. It forces the humans to drop their weapons and pray. The Mages on the sideline that seen the light brought forth by the Merlin had tears forming out uncontrollably and began to pray as well. As everyone turned to Merlin, he began to speak:
“Magic shouldn't be the tool for destruction and bloody violence. It shall be the tool to express the understanding and capability of ourselves-and-Mother Booga, for thy provided us the stimulus to protect her from the destruction that comes from unruly forces-and from our hands.”
The powerful words swirl upon those that appeared in battle. Before, they were seconds away from painting the landscape with the blood of their enemies, but now? They turned to each other in agreement and understanding. The war had dragged out long enough to accomplished nothing. What were the means for the war? How many lives can one lose before someone realized that it times to call it quits? The vast power of a single man has done was enough to convince to seek for a better future. The reconstruction period for Paradice began in Age 1815.
The interest of magic soon became favorable once more. After Merlin’s powerful scene that ended the battle and effectively the war, people flocked from left and right to become students. Merlin, as he stroked his beard, became amused at the people’s reaction and happily agreed to pass down his teachings of magic and founded an academy called "The International Society of Magic". As time passes on, the advancement of magic by the Paradicans was so much that it split the International Society of Magic into two factions: The Brotherhood of Black Magic Society and The Sisterhood of White Magic Society. Merlin also hoped to pass down his teachings onto the Deimos, in hopes of connecting both Humans and Deimos together. However, discrimination against the Deimos never left the minds of the humans—which lead to the Expulsion of Deimos in Age 1888, despite Merlin’s efforts for unity.
Paradice became the epicenter of Magic and peoples around the world traveled in order to become Magician. Before his death, Merlin had picked out his best students to run the two schools and hoped that they continue to spread magic throughout the world and hope to end the hostility between Deimos and Humans. Upon his death, there had been many leaders of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood; the current leaders now are ShineCero as leader of the Brotherhood of Black Magic and ~ Z ~ as Leader of the Sisterhood of White Magic.
As the Deimos invasion continues, a handful of humans, from the Silversea Village, began to study the concept of Magic used by the Deimos. As the humans, in a futile effort, tried to hold off the Deimos Invasion, the humans from the Silversea Village train desperately hard to understand how and use magic as their last hope of stopping the invasion. As humans were fast learners, capable to adapt to a dire situation to ensure survival, they were able to not only learn magic but performed it much better than the Deimos as they took a step further to revolution magic as a means for solely destruction. The Deimos Invasion took over well over 80% of the land, they came to a halt the Silversea Village began to repel their forces, forcing the invasion to a halt and pushed back. Deimos’ successful campaigns began to face failures, Deimos forces began to fall and the humans managed to recover 40% of the land that the Deimos had taken control. It was only a matter of time before the humans can rid the Deimos out of Paradice and regained their land. The humans from Silversea Village earned a title, called “The Powerful Mages” and celebrated as heroes.
However, The Powerful Mages began to have a sweet tooth of greed within their hearts. They started to use their success, being the only ones capable of using magic, as a means to gain a fortune. They charge people for their services as they go to village-to-village and drive out the Deimos invaders. If the village cannot afford to pay the Mages, they will refuse to free the village from the Deimos until they have to gather practically everything in their possession as a bargain for their services. On top of the Deimos Invasion controlling the last 30% of Paradice, attempted invasions, the greed of the Mages soared. It causes people to have an interest in magic—as a means to secure a safety net of money, power, and status among the humans. Thus, humans have two enemies, Deimos who want the death of humanity in Paradice and the Mages who feeds off of humanity for profits and amusement. It is believed that the first instances of the Witch Hunt started in the late Age 1600, leading to the deaths of humans who practice magic. Paradice became the land of bloodshed, corruption, and violence.
One day, the impossible happen. A man, thought to be the destroyer of worlds due to being a child of that of a human and a Deimos, appeared to ease the bitter state of Paradice. With the blood of a “Mage” and a Deimos running in his veins, he attempted to destroy the bloody violence that drowns Paradice and bring peace onto the land. Mages and Deimos alike both laugh at the man who sought that he, alone, can bring peace onto the land of the blood. How can a single individual change centuries worth of violence? Especially a man that was created from a forbidden relationship at that? No one took him seriously—and that gave the man, who referred himself as Merlin, the chance to show off the sheer difference of himself and the rest of the region. During a battle in Age 1814, the humans and Deimos once again clashed against one another, with the Mages profiting from the battle. However, Merlin appeared in the filed as well, causing confusing for everyone. He looks at each side and once again, prompt them to drop their weapons and seek peace. When they refused, the Merlin nodded his head. With a stroke of his beard, the man raises his hand over the horizon and cast a spell that no-one-ever-knew. With a snap of his fingers, the energy radiant from his palm beam across the skies: It forces the Deimos bow down. It forces the humans to drop their weapons and pray. The Mages on the sideline that seen the light brought forth by the Merlin had tears forming out uncontrollably and began to pray as well. As everyone turned to Merlin, he began to speak:
“Magic shouldn't be the tool for destruction and bloody violence. It shall be the tool to express the understanding and capability of ourselves-and-Mother Booga, for thy provided us the stimulus to protect her from the destruction that comes from unruly forces-and from our hands.”
The powerful words swirl upon those that appeared in battle. Before, they were seconds away from painting the landscape with the blood of their enemies, but now? They turned to each other in agreement and understanding. The war had dragged out long enough to accomplished nothing. What were the means for the war? How many lives can one lose before someone realized that it times to call it quits? The vast power of a single man has done was enough to convince to seek for a better future. The reconstruction period for Paradice began in Age 1815.
The interest of magic soon became favorable once more. After Merlin’s powerful scene that ended the battle and effectively the war, people flocked from left and right to become students. Merlin, as he stroked his beard, became amused at the people’s reaction and happily agreed to pass down his teachings of magic and founded an academy called "The International Society of Magic". As time passes on, the advancement of magic by the Paradicans was so much that it split the International Society of Magic into two factions: The Brotherhood of Black Magic Society and The Sisterhood of White Magic Society. Merlin also hoped to pass down his teachings onto the Deimos, in hopes of connecting both Humans and Deimos together. However, discrimination against the Deimos never left the minds of the humans—which lead to the Expulsion of Deimos in Age 1888, despite Merlin’s efforts for unity.
Paradice became the epicenter of Magic and peoples around the world traveled in order to become Magician. Before his death, Merlin had picked out his best students to run the two schools and hoped that they continue to spread magic throughout the world and hope to end the hostility between Deimos and Humans. Upon his death, there had been many leaders of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood; the current leaders now are ShineCero as leader of the Brotherhood of Black Magic and ~ Z ~ as Leader of the Sisterhood of White Magic.
The Brotherhood of Black Magic Society is one of the two schools of the original International Society of Magic—that primarily focuses on Black Magic. Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. In hindsight, black magic is the malicious counterpart of benevolent white magic, though, some find the definition of "black magic" has been convoluted by people who define magic or ritualistic practices that they disapprove of as "black magic. Those who are interested in the Black Magic should attend the Brotherhood and learned all of its related properties to become a powerful Black Mage.
The Brotherhood of Black Magic Society opened its doors for everyone, regardless of gender or race (Deimos). However, there hasn’t been a Deimos in the Society for thousands of years due to the Expulsion of Deimos back at Age 1888. Unlike the Sisterhood, where the majority of its population is predominantly female, there are many male and female students in the Brotherhood. The attraction to Black Magic had appealed to both male and female—to learn the secret arts of harnessing Black Magic to repel their foes. It is noted that the Guild often scout out Mages that specialized in Black Magic to include in their organization due to having a wide range of destructive magical attacks that strike the core of the enemies.
The Brotherhood of Black Magic Society is located in the middle of Paradice and across the road is its counterpart, the Sisterhood of White Magic Society. The institution size is about 3,245 acres from all angles. It is surrounded by a powerful magical barrier—placed by the Legendary Merlin and beefed up from each new leader of the Brotherhood—to fend off enemies that tried to attack the school. The Current Leader of the Brotherhood is ShineCero, a quiet, modest man who has a wide-range of attacks under his arsenal.
There are numerous reports that Mages that come out of the institution often fall into the path of evil. When faced criticism of the organization, ShineCero informed that the Society simply teach the means, but how the person used them is their own individual choices and they faced the consequences they brought upon themselves. However, there is a counseling problem that targets to people who help ease the darkness that forms within their hearts.
Notable Areas of Interests
The Grand Sorcerer Houdini’s Library: In the middle of the Brotherhood of the Black Magic Society, the Library, founded by one of the former leaders of the Brotherhood, Randi Houdini, contained books of every single form of magic known on Booga. Whether the magic comes from Deimos, Dragons, Monsters and the like, they documented everything. Unlike the Sisterhood, they do not document magic outside of Planet Booga, for the sole reasoning of thing that Booga Magic should remain the focal point to secure the maximum potential. If you’re looking for a history of magic or research, the Library is the appropriate place to be for your interests.
The Magical Halls: Across the Grand Sorcerer Houdini’s Library, the Magical Halls is composed of three floors that house Mages who live on the campus to have the full experience of the campus.
- The First Floor is where you can eat, hang out or socialize with your peers. You can also find Mages that have attended the institution for decades and ask for advice, tutoring and for Guilds, can scout out newest members for their organization.
- The Second Floor is the place where you can study intensively for your magical abilities and practice your abilities. Think of it as a Gym for Mages.
- The Third floor is composed of rental rooms that can be used for meditation, practice magical abilities, and the sort.
- The Fourth Floor is where all the personal rooms are located for those who wish to stay on campus. It has enough rooms to house well over 4,000 persons.
- You can request a battle against a Mage, regardless of your rank to practice your skills against.
- Magic Stadium has a Promotion Test, which allows a Mage who wins an official match, with permission from ShineCero and/or The Three Black Guards, to be promoted the next level. This is the only way to reach the advanced to the next rank.
- Every few years, there is an official competition called "Magic Wars" where Brotherhood of Black Magic and Sisterhood of White Magic participate to showcase which factions have the strongest, craftiest and best magical skills.
Black Magic Laboratory: Advanced Mages gathered together to experiment Magic on a variety of things, along with the creation of a new magical skill. It appears on the outskirts of the Brotherhood, composed of a small, white building and considered a high-level course. The office of the leader of the Brotherhood is located within the facility. However, each leader has their own unique ways of how their office appears for people who wished to speak with the leader. Currently, Grand Sorcerer ShineCero’s office is at the far end of the Laboratory, protected by the Three Black Guards—The Black Shadow, - The Black Shadow, Tort, and Ballows—to ensure safety and protection of the minerals, experimentation and other things in the facility. ShineCero’s office is filled with books, organized alphabetical order, a single desk, and a desk lamp. If you wish to contact ShineCero for any information such as a promotion or request a battle in the stadium, simply dropped by his office anytime.
Mages Ranks: These are the ranks that applied the worldwide standard. If you're not part of the Sisterhood or Brotherhood, you will be considered a "Rouge Mage" with no rank attached.
- Novice
- Expert Mage
- Battle Mage
- Witch [Warlock if one becomes evil]
- Wizard
- Grandmaster Mage
- Sorcerer/Sorceress [Highest anyone can get]
- Grand Sorcerer/Grand Sorceress [Leaders Title Only]