"Negative has a new energy type. Apparently, it's untraceable as of now. Perhaps Master Z could find him, but she's in critical condition..." Faunix frowned. "Let's just try to leave Negative alone, for now, it appears he's rather selective on where he shows himself. If we go after him, we will die, no doubt."
"So about this Solarian Mage... What do we know about him? Any special powers or abilities?" Faunix said as he tried to change the topic to a more pressing matter. "Where is he heading to now anyway? Maybe we should investigate his behavior before launching an attack?"
"So about this Solarian Mage... What do we know about him? Any special powers or abilities?" Faunix said as he tried to change the topic to a more pressing matter. "Where is he heading to now anyway? Maybe we should investigate his behavior before launching an attack?"