No More Heroes Anarchy - Prologue

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Susie stared at Naolyn’s expression as she spoke about her experience in the center. It was horrifying that she reduced a person as a mere devil, but the fact that she had too, speaks volume about the standards of this place.

Study, medication, weaponry; these are not the things that this center is supposedly built towards—much as Susie had realized. After Ray’s shown of encouraging the others, increased specials spoke up after Naolyn, Marlene and Giovani spoke of their experiences. 

“I was forced to physical torture in order to the test the limits of my defenses.” One person in the crowd explained. “They would throw anything they can at me to see how truly unbreakable my body can be… eventually, it hurt, tired me out.”

“They took a twin brother of mines, forcing them in a room to conduct powerful winds.” Another said. “Afterwards, he left the place… he finished his examination, but I can tell, he was never the same again.” 

More people spoke out their little experience. It was not much, but it was something for Susie and the others to think about. Nessa nodded and opened the box of goods to passed around. These are snacks, books and vice versa. However, the one thing that most of them alluded too, when Naolyn spoke of the devil in the room. Those that spoke out, all turned their eye sight towards Morisa, sitting in the back. Her mood never changes, her position strong and firm.

Susie, taking notice of their eyesight, turns to Morisa as well. “Clearly, these guys are having an awful time at this place. You are supposed to be the head of the institution. You tell me that you never had complaints from them?”

“Complaints?” Morisa placed a finger on her red, soft lips. Her eyes moved around before staring back at Susie. “These are nothing more than exaggerated truths. The center is rough, but what can you expect when you have a house full of people that can send fire down to a building in a split second? Whatever decisions made, it was their benefit, and ours, of humanity. They should be honor for the graces of God to bestow them another chance.” Morisa explained.
"The devil speaks in a forked tongue..." Naolyn mumbled, only directing it to herself. 

The little psychic would turn to see all the other Specials speaking out against Morisa and it terrified her. She was always worried about what would happen to those who spoke out of line. She eyed Gio and Marlene, unblinking, wondering how they were able to speak up as they did. Her face gave the impression that she was insane, but she simply did not know how to socialize around others due to her entire time in the Rehab was in almost complete isolation. 

Naolyn twitched every time Gio screamed out and gasped at how Marlene was spilling the truth. Her will to speak out was riddled with fear and paranoia, however, she still desired to be heard, somehow.

"It's really bad here!" Naolyn spoke out suddenly, her eyes widen at her burst. "Mr. Fireman and Ms. Bloodlady speak the truth! This place is a facade, contrived to fool naive eyes such as yours! We are no fools, the walls have ears and the She-Devil has eyes in many places! She watches us... she always watches us!" She took a step closer to Susie, looking at her right in the eyes. "Everyone sees through the transparency of this facility, but do you..?"

The girl moved away from Susie, taking her seat and hugging one knee, acting as if she said nothing to the girl. She hid part of her face on her knee, showing that she was refusing to speak anymore, believing she said enough. Her small outburst appeared to take more courage than she thought and Naolyn did not know what personality to take as she spoke. All she could do was bite her lip and hope for the best. There was no doubt she struggled immensely with paranoia.
Ray thinks its appears his poker face is starting to crack "We need to do something more concrete than what we first were planning to do. Chuckles defiantly seems more the monster I thought she was."  Ray jumps down and start to help Nessa hand out things. Ray thinks "I going to have what for Susie and Nessa to do some things."
"Alright, this is getting annoying now." Giovani huffed. His hands were set abaze and he pointed at Morisa. "I'm sick of this f**king place. You're going to let me go or I will make it rain hellfire!"
"W-wait a second!" Marlene put up her hands and moved towards Giovani slowly, but nervously since she was afraid of how unpredictable he could potentially get. "Don't do this, guy... if you attack her, you're going to prove her point. And nothing'll change for us," She said to him in a low voice as a warning. "It isn't worth it. Trust me." Marlene pointed to the freshly-made scar on her cheek.

"You don't want to be made 'an example'..." Marlene smiled grimly. "Even though I'm pretty sure that's what's gonna happen to me after this."

She turned back towards Susie, Ray, and Nessa. "Still, you have to believe us... we're not all monsters. This place does nothing but dehumanize us. I don't think even teenagers are spared from how bad it can get. Surely, you understand why some of us are so angry..."
Susie sweated when Giovani threaten to attack Morisa. She tried to say something, but Marlene’s quick reaction, she stayed quiet. Her eyes trails over to Morisa—her face is beaming with a big smile. She looked back to Naolyn, cowering her fault to the seat. 
“This is getting a bit heated…” Nessa said. “Let’s calm down, we’re not here to start a fight. We just want some information about this place, since the public hardly known a thing here.”

“Heated? This is nothing more than the regular of these people.” Morisa was not moved by Giovani’s threat. She walked slowly over towards them, with no form of defense on her person, opened her arms wide. Despite Marlene’s attempts to defuse the situation, she decided to pile on Giovani’s temper a bit. “This is just an example of how Specials here need discipline and god’s grace to be well behaved. Their over-the-top sob stories does nothing but lessen the crimes that put them here in the first place.”

Morisa’s face was mere inches away from Giovani. Her eyes stare down the man as she bare her teeth. Her breath, visibly seen as she spoke. “Or shall we forget the crimes you carry in the carnage you unleashed on the lives of good ol’ American citizens?”
“H-hey, what are you—” Susie tried to interrupt, but Morisa continued.

“It’s the truth—each Special is destined here because they became undesirables. They come from places that no one wants them, so they unleashed their hatred on the world because they’re gifted with sins.” Morisa faced Susie, Nessa and Ray. “You came here in attempt to whitewash their histories and sins and sullies our name, because what?”

She turned to the rest of the Specials, especially to Marlene, Giovani and a special interest towards Naolyn. “You heard rumors? Did someone tipped you off something is going on here?” 

“That doesn’t matter—they are not animals.” Susie retorted. “I believe in their concerns and the abuse inflicted upon them. You sound like a deranged lunatic!” 

Nessa and Ray finished passing out the goods to the people. Nessa nodded towards Susie’s statement. “This place is nothing but a looney bin. How does this help them out, if they’re complaining like this?” Nessa turns to Marlene and the others. “Can you take us to the dorms? Or at least, have any photos of them? I’m sure Morisa won’t mind if we snoop around.”

“Lunatic…” Morisa tipped her temple a few times, it seems to be an indicator of something. A familiar tap, a tap that triggers someone. None, except one person, recognized the sounds of the tap Morisa made.
Naolyn kept quiet about the issue with Gio and the retorts of the other Specials until she swiftly lifted her head to a sound that tormented her ever since she got there. Her eyes widen and she stood up from her seat, looking frantic before gripping her head and backing away from the group. The noise she heard was the same one that keeps her awake whenever she tries to sleep. Being an insomniac, she already had a hard time sleeping, let alone stay asleep. Whenever she did go to sleep, either the noise affected her in her dreams or kept her up entirely. Apart from the medicine pumped, the noise drove her mad with paranoia.

"That noise..! That noise! That NOISE!" Naolyn yelled. "It's back! It won't leave me alone! It doesn't let me sleep! It's after me! It wants me! Make it stop!!! The devil is trying to get in my HEAD! GET HER OUT!"

The chairs, objects, and Specials around them would begin to float in the air thanks to her psychic powers. Chairs were flung around violently, crashing against the wall while some Specials were pinned to the floor. Naolyn's eyes bounced all over the place, pure terror apparent on her face. She growled to herself before pulling her hair and digging her nails in her skull, drawing a small amount of blood. She lowered herself to the floor before jumping up and screaming, a psychic surge pulsing from her body and sending anyone close to her flying back. 

"Get out! Leave me alone! Let me sleep! Get out of my dreams! Stop tormenting me!!!"

Naolyn began to lose more control of her mind, the walls of the room shaking as her powers started to hurt close too close to her. She began to breathe erratically and yank her hair some more until she held out her arms and lifted some Specials in the air, tossing them away in order to cancel out the noise. She aimed her sights on Giovanni and Marlene, lifting them in the air and applied a small bit of pressure on their bodies. 

"Flameman! The noise rivals your voice! Is it you?! Is Blood lady your accomplice?! Are both of you tormenting me?!" Naolyn sounded out of breath. "Y-You work for the devil?! When you two spoke, the noise returned! I-I was careful! I was good! Why torment me?! W-What have I done?! I WAS GOOD!"
Ray says to Nessa and Susie "The little girl been brainwashed. Disable Monsia's device and her." Ray thinks "I gest it was smart to keep an eye on Monsia but I fingered the wrong person as the plant that sucks. Did not expect brainwashing and sadly I don't think any one is near to hear to help her brake free."
Gio's eyes widened as the sudden pain went through his body.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" 

He looked straight at Naolyn aiming his hand at her.

"I don't what's gone over you but you're going to shut your crazy ass up and put me down." he grit his teeth as the pressure kept building up. "LET GO"!
"Whoa, wait a minute...!" Marlene could feel herself suddenly lifted up into the air along with Gio and various other objects. She hugged to a floating chair and flailed. "Eek! I hate heights, I hate em hate em hate em! I think I'm gonna be sick... Someone get me down before I puke!" She pulled her beanie over her eyes to put the sight of how high she was out of her mind, but she could feel the pressure on her body. It feels weird, like something's trying to crush me! We will be if I don't do something, but I'm too high up to defend myself properly... and I don't want to hurt a kid... oh no...

"Y-you better put me down, or else!" Her weak threat was followed by her blindly feeling her leg down until she took off her shoe and feebly threw it down at the floor below, hoping she would bonk Naolyn with it. Marlene forced herself to concentrate in the meantime so her blood could slow down circulation enough to at least harden and protect her vital spots until something could be figured out. She looked like she was bruising all over, but it was more of her ability than the pressure acting on it. "Owowowow..."
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