Dumbest shit you heard all day?

"I never saw you do it, therefore, you didn't do it".
"But if it doesn't help me, why should I care? The feelings and livelihoods of other people shouldn't influence my decision to do something."
"Oh yeah, man I'm on all that stuff, I done coke and weed today many and I've had a lot of beer *takes swig from flask of Vodka*" A few minutes later....."Yeah I'm gonna visit my fuckin' girlfriend and my 3 year old son man *swigs again*" -this random whackjob who decided to sit next to me on the bus home
"This ship is unpopular. Therefore I shouldn't use it."

"Then how come everyone in this forum praises it?"

"This ship is unpopular in universe. Therefore I shouldn't use it."

Discussing game strategy.
Just because EA has a track record of bad games, and bad publishing pratices, because they make money, dosen't mean they publish bad games.
"I think I just beat the last dragon in Skyrim" Me, a few days ago. I was so wrong.
"Even Hitler didn't sink to using chemical weapons." - Sean Spicer, 2017
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