"Alrighty Mioi, that about wraps it. You're free to go." Kire said while finishing off his measurements of the martian. He offered her a cocky smile, similar to one Jaz makes all the time. "I got some work to do. I should be finished tomorrow. By the time I finish this work of art, you won't be standing in the back anymore."
Kire let out a hearty laugh and turned to his computer inserting the data on Mioi. The man cracked his knuckles and began to order the computer to perform actions. Two pods in the room lit up and from there, Kire typed away. He looked over to Jaz who was still sitting quietly on the bed.
"Jaz, c'mere." Kire ordered without taking his eyes off his work.
Jaz shook her head free of her trance and slipped out of the bed, moving to her father. Kire took a moment to look away from his computer and flick Jaz's forehead. He chuckled to himself and pulled Jaz in a one arm hug, kissing her cheek. Jaz blushed slightly since she knew Mioi was watching. The father spoke again, his tone soft and surprisingly very kind to his daughter.
"No more being sad. How 'bout you show Mioi all about Earth? I'm sure she would like a bit of knowledge about the Earth culture." Kire chuckled with Jaz.
"Alright!" Jaz brighten up. She turned to Mioi and took her hand, dragging her out of the lab. "C'mon Mioi! I'mma show you everything you need to know!"
Kire let out a hearty laugh and turned to his computer inserting the data on Mioi. The man cracked his knuckles and began to order the computer to perform actions. Two pods in the room lit up and from there, Kire typed away. He looked over to Jaz who was still sitting quietly on the bed.
"Jaz, c'mere." Kire ordered without taking his eyes off his work.
Jaz shook her head free of her trance and slipped out of the bed, moving to her father. Kire took a moment to look away from his computer and flick Jaz's forehead. He chuckled to himself and pulled Jaz in a one arm hug, kissing her cheek. Jaz blushed slightly since she knew Mioi was watching. The father spoke again, his tone soft and surprisingly very kind to his daughter.
"No more being sad. How 'bout you show Mioi all about Earth? I'm sure she would like a bit of knowledge about the Earth culture." Kire chuckled with Jaz.
"Alright!" Jaz brighten up. She turned to Mioi and took her hand, dragging her out of the lab. "C'mon Mioi! I'mma show you everything you need to know!"