DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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Xenest remained silent as he watched this going on, feeling it was better to not meddle in affairs that did not involve him or were not of his concern. Brachi's eyes did shift to the direction of the argument for a brief moment, before turning back to the position she had them before, not having moved her head as if she was looking from the corner of her eyes...
Mioi followed behind Kire without an utterance, but felt very uncomfortable being within anyone's line of sight at the moment. What little one could grasp of an expression, hers was more or less perplexed.

"Tests? You already set up in this husk of a ship while we were outside?" She forgot that he stayed behind while they looked for parts, but was more willing to just try and not focus on whatever confusing tension was going on for the meantime. "Fine. But do not touch my face without warning me."
Kire stopped in his place as soon as Vegetto mentioned his part in Jaz's life. His hands turned into fists and he looked at the floor. He was usualy able to think up a witty comeback but he couldn't say much to something that was true. He growled under his breath and only continued back to his lab with Mioi in tow.

"Yeah, I managed to use the scraps to build a pretty basic lab, it's not impressive. I mean, I still haven't installed the voice recognition on the computers..." When he opened the door, it was just nothing more than computer screens and pods along with other machines people would see in the movies. All of which took two rooms to cram in. "I don't think I'll be touching you. I'll just be taking some measurements. After that, you can go play with Jaz and I'm sure she'll teach you the wonders of humans."

Kire pulled his right thumb out o his hand only to show some measuring tape to Mioi.

"Alright, spread your arms out, this shouldn't take long."


Jaz sat on the bed in the corner of the room. She watched her father talk to Mioi and she took this chance to try to think about the situation at hand. She cheered up at her father mentioning that Rebbels don't cry. She was upset but she thought to leave the matter alone for the most part and ignore Junior. She still needed some time to herself while she gazed silently out the window at the grassy plains they landed in.
"Getting sick of his agitation." Solaris remarked. Kira got up and walked into the center of the room.

"Enough! This is going to be very hypocritical but too bad. We need to stop stepping on each other's toes and refocus on the Eternal Empire. Gogetta died to let us have this chance. He was many things to us." She looked can at Vegetto. "A brother." She looked at Junior. "An uncle." At Gogetta Jr. "A father... And to me, an enemy. He sacrificed his life. For all of us. We've all done horrible things, well, probably not Mioi. But this bickering will only get us killed."
Mioi complied and lifted her arms up for the measurement. "Humans confuse me greatly. Maybe then I would understand you lot at least a little more. But I feel that everything confuses me to a degree."
Vegetto's eyes landed on Kira, having dropped his head at the mention of Gogeta. Gogeta Jr. tightly shut his eyes when she turned her eyes to him, glancing to his left immediately. Koth fidgetted with his arms, but turned his head up towards the sound of a familiar voice.

"Agreed. I also brought the woman you requested."

Koth blinked, but his eyes instantly narrowed at the sight of the woman. Clad in the same golden armor as the Knights, a woman with years of combat experience across her features stood, her armor white. She placed her hands on her hips, glancing around the group with a flat tone.

"Pleasure to meet you all. My name is Senya."

Koth kept his frown, moving up towards the woman.

"Woah woah, hang on a second there. If you think I'm gonna let this piece of work onto my ship, you have another-"


Beerus had his right arm raised, his palm facing outwards towards Koth, who backed up instinctively.

"I heard the bickering from the other compartment, and do not wish to hear another spat. If you are going to fight, do it when we have already set a plan in motion and have it not detract from our agenda."

Vegetto crossed his arms, his narrowed eyes returning.

"Our first move should be finding more supplies. This ship still isn't running, and we're going to have to repair it as well as making sure we don't starve."

The fusion glanced towards Koth.

"Do you know what planet this is?"

Senya, however, spoke before Koth could open his mouth.

"This world is known as Asylum: Gogeta Jr. instructed I create a strong energy signature here as a backup plan in case things went south during your rescue."

Koth broke out into a small smirk.

"Well I'll be damned, you clever punk. You had a way out the entire time."

Gogeta Jr. kept his frown.

"Not that it mattered. Maybe if I had remembered, father wouldn't have had to sacrifice himself."

Senya turned her eyes towards the exit of the ship, letting in a summer like breeze into the ship.

"There's a harbor near this plan, with food, water, and supplies to get this ship running."
"Taking those supplies by force sounds like trouble." Solaris said.

"Agreed, but I'm struggling to deduce a way to get them peacefully, quickly, and without hurting anyone." Kira said.
Senya remained stone faced, glancing between Solaris and Kira.

"Asylum is a neutral world, a haven from Zakuul that Arcann doesn't know about. The harbor is a trading hub for pirates and outlaws: we will fit right in. No need to take anything by force."

She started moving towards the exit.

"Follow me, I'll lead the way."
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