Vegetto's eyes landed on Kira, having dropped his head at the mention of Gogeta. Gogeta Jr. tightly shut his eyes when she turned her eyes to him, glancing to his left immediately. Koth fidgetted with his arms, but turned his head up towards the sound of a familiar voice.
"Agreed. I also brought the woman you requested."
Koth blinked, but his eyes instantly narrowed at the sight of the woman. Clad in the same golden armor as the Knights, a woman with years of combat experience across her features stood, her armor white. She placed her hands on her hips, glancing around the group with a flat tone.
"Pleasure to meet you all. My name is Senya."
Koth kept his frown, moving up towards the woman.
"Woah woah, hang on a second there. If you think I'm gonna let this piece of work onto my ship, you have another-"
Beerus had his right arm raised, his palm facing outwards towards Koth, who backed up instinctively.
"I heard the bickering from the other compartment, and do not wish to hear another spat. If you are going to fight, do it when we have already set a plan in motion and have it not detract from our agenda."
Vegetto crossed his arms, his narrowed eyes returning.
"Our first move should be finding more supplies. This ship still isn't running, and we're going to have to repair it as well as making sure we don't starve."
The fusion glanced towards Koth.
"Do you know what planet this is?"
Senya, however, spoke before Koth could open his mouth.
"This world is known as Asylum: Gogeta Jr. instructed I create a strong energy signature here as a backup plan in case things went south during your rescue."
Koth broke out into a small smirk.
"Well I'll be damned, you clever punk. You had a way out the entire time."
Gogeta Jr. kept his frown.
"Not that it mattered. Maybe if I had remembered, father wouldn't have had to sacrifice himself."
Senya turned her eyes towards the exit of the ship, letting in a summer like breeze into the ship.
"There's a harbor near this plan, with food, water, and supplies to get this ship running."