DBZ: The Fallen Empire
Breaking news today as Zakuul faces its first domestic attack on the anniversary of the Empire and Republic's ceasefire treaties.
Reports coming in of a dragon apparently striking from the planet's surface, catching the Eternal Fleet completely offguard and destroying several ships. Hundreds of cities loose power in the wake of the explosion contained by Emperor Arcann.
"A man was seen charging the High Justice in the middle of space, that's not a theory. How can you possibly deny the dragon turning around from the Fleet and still believe the official report that it was targetting those ships?"
Speculation still unconfirmed on the former Emperor's apprentice, Gogeta, as the sole fighter to attack High Justice Vaylin. Zakuul officals deny allegations of riots across controlled Imperial worlds.
"For the first time, the Eternal Empire has been shaken. There is blood in the water now, it's only a matter of time before war is declared across the universe."
Prelude of The Fallen Empire (Click here!!)
Character Registration (Click here!!)
Chapter 1: The Hunt
Chapter 2: A Dream of Empire
Chapter 3: The Outlanders
Chapter 4: The Gravestone
Prelude of The Fallen Empire (Click here!!)
Character Registration (Click here!!)
Chapter 1: The Hunt
Chapter 2: A Dream of Empire
Chapter 3: The Outlanders
Chapter 4: The Gravestone
"How is she?"
Arcann had his arms crossed, standing with a man in a white lab coat to his left while he looked over the small silver pod before him. The man pushed up his glasses on his nose bridge, his tone flat.
"Her condition is still critical, the burns from reentering the atmosphere having done the most damage. Given that she was able to even survive that blast above in space, it's a miracle she's still in one piece."
The Emperor turned his one eye down towards the man.
"And the other warrior? Did you locate his body?"
The man shook his head once.
"No sir, we found no trace of his physical remains. He was the closest to the blast when it cascaded out, and seeing as the ships were vaporized, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing was left of him either."
Arcann nodded once, turning his gaze back to the pod at once.
"We'll need to make sure it stays that way. Without a body, we can deny the involvement of this Gogeta and claim it was Firebrand using facial reconstruction technology. The Empire getting bold would be a nuisance, I'd rather not waste more resources putting them down again."
The man had raised an eyebrow.
"And what of the remaining Outlanders? Do you know their location."
Arcann nodded to the pod.
"No, but she can find the trail when she regains consciousness. See to it that she makes a faster recovery; I have a few more questions for her."
In an instant, the massive hull of the Gravestone crashed onto the open field of grass on an unfamiliar world. Vegetto lowered his arm, huffing lightly and dropping his arm down. He descended back down into his base form, glancing over his shoulder.
"Alright, we're on the other side of this galaxy now. She shouldn't be able to track us here."