Vegetto Jr. chuckled, swaying slightly in the air with a mocking tone.
"I don't're getting pretty fat. It'll be hard to hold you up."
Beerus scowled at the pair, bolting into a full purple dash towards the Gravestone. Vegetto Jr. quickly followed after the god, the clouds parting around the three as they flew past.
Koth blinked, watching Koth slam the door shut. He stared for a few moments, before quickly shaking his head and dusting off his jacket.
"I can't ever read that guy."
Gogeta Jr. crossed his arms, turning his head towards the super computer with narrowed eyes.
"Well, I'm interested to hear how Zakuul is handling my father's attack on Vaylin. What's going on in Zakuul's news?"
Beerus soon moved through the main doorway, moving up to the group with Vegetto Jr. and Jaz in tow.
The clone fighting Brachi stumbled forward from the few strikes of the combo, but soon straightened his back up and stood completely still. The pink skin morphed into goo, Brachi's left leg catching into his ribs with her right fist being stuck into his upper right shoulder. With her limbs tightly entrapped from his strong goo, his neck and torso suddenly twisted violently to face towards her, his legs spinning around shortly after.
With her arm and leg now stuck inside of his left pectorial muscle and right ribcage area, Janembuu chuckled darkly as he suddenly launched out in a flurry of punches, using his morphed body to keep her trapped in front of him like a punching bag.
Janembuu rapidly flipped backwards, soon correcting himself in mid air a few inches away from the side wall. He turned his eyes to the side, feinting to the right as Senya charged past him. Catching her right leg, the monster roared in slamming her into the wall shortly after, following up with a powerful kick to her stomach. The Zakuul knight hacked loudly, blasting upwards and bouncing hard off of the protected ceiling and landing with a ground shaking thud in the floor milliseconds later, struggling to push herself up off the ground.
Janembuu walked forward a few steps, stopping in place with wide eyes shortly after at the sight of the multiple blue energy spheres floating around him. He instinctively tensed up, his eyes darting in anticipation of the blasts closing in on him.
Vegetto grimaced heavily, red lightning sparking heavily around his body in his struggle to stand upright. He panted heavily, clenching his fists once he finally stood back upright.
His eyes turned to the side, the Dread Saiyan stepping out with his arms clasped behind his back with a smirk. Visible to all, his voice could be heard from any point in the room, yet was not overbearing on the senses.
"Your body is not the problem; it is the power surging within you from the Kaioken. Up until now, you've used these transformations to multiply your power to untold heights. But as your power rises, the more dangerous the multiplier's effects become. Using the Kaioken instantly infuses a level of energy into you that you can not hope to anticipate, nor handle given how large your power already is."
His smirk rose slightly, Vegetto's eyes fluttering as he spoke.
"Gogeta was no different, but he had the humility to seek my help to stop Vaylin. The fusion of two minds into one gave you the ability to manage the power in calculated increases, but the magnitude of the Kaioken amplifying your Dread Master form is too much for you to handle. But for me, I possesses more than hundreds of intellects including two of the strongest beings in the entire multiverse."
The Dread Saiyan turned his head towards Janembuu, his smirk fading shortly after with a sharp glare.
"Allow me to take control, and you can see how to manage that energy properly. I can end this fight in an instant, if only you will accept the gift of my power."
"I don't're getting pretty fat. It'll be hard to hold you up."
Beerus scowled at the pair, bolting into a full purple dash towards the Gravestone. Vegetto Jr. quickly followed after the god, the clouds parting around the three as they flew past.
Koth blinked, watching Koth slam the door shut. He stared for a few moments, before quickly shaking his head and dusting off his jacket.
"I can't ever read that guy."
Gogeta Jr. crossed his arms, turning his head towards the super computer with narrowed eyes.
"Well, I'm interested to hear how Zakuul is handling my father's attack on Vaylin. What's going on in Zakuul's news?"
Beerus soon moved through the main doorway, moving up to the group with Vegetto Jr. and Jaz in tow.
The clone fighting Brachi stumbled forward from the few strikes of the combo, but soon straightened his back up and stood completely still. The pink skin morphed into goo, Brachi's left leg catching into his ribs with her right fist being stuck into his upper right shoulder. With her limbs tightly entrapped from his strong goo, his neck and torso suddenly twisted violently to face towards her, his legs spinning around shortly after.
With her arm and leg now stuck inside of his left pectorial muscle and right ribcage area, Janembuu chuckled darkly as he suddenly launched out in a flurry of punches, using his morphed body to keep her trapped in front of him like a punching bag.
Janembuu rapidly flipped backwards, soon correcting himself in mid air a few inches away from the side wall. He turned his eyes to the side, feinting to the right as Senya charged past him. Catching her right leg, the monster roared in slamming her into the wall shortly after, following up with a powerful kick to her stomach. The Zakuul knight hacked loudly, blasting upwards and bouncing hard off of the protected ceiling and landing with a ground shaking thud in the floor milliseconds later, struggling to push herself up off the ground.
Janembuu walked forward a few steps, stopping in place with wide eyes shortly after at the sight of the multiple blue energy spheres floating around him. He instinctively tensed up, his eyes darting in anticipation of the blasts closing in on him.
Vegetto grimaced heavily, red lightning sparking heavily around his body in his struggle to stand upright. He panted heavily, clenching his fists once he finally stood back upright.
His eyes turned to the side, the Dread Saiyan stepping out with his arms clasped behind his back with a smirk. Visible to all, his voice could be heard from any point in the room, yet was not overbearing on the senses.
"Your body is not the problem; it is the power surging within you from the Kaioken. Up until now, you've used these transformations to multiply your power to untold heights. But as your power rises, the more dangerous the multiplier's effects become. Using the Kaioken instantly infuses a level of energy into you that you can not hope to anticipate, nor handle given how large your power already is."
His smirk rose slightly, Vegetto's eyes fluttering as he spoke.
"Gogeta was no different, but he had the humility to seek my help to stop Vaylin. The fusion of two minds into one gave you the ability to manage the power in calculated increases, but the magnitude of the Kaioken amplifying your Dread Master form is too much for you to handle. But for me, I possesses more than hundreds of intellects including two of the strongest beings in the entire multiverse."
The Dread Saiyan turned his head towards Janembuu, his smirk fading shortly after with a sharp glare.
"Allow me to take control, and you can see how to manage that energy properly. I can end this fight in an instant, if only you will accept the gift of my power."