DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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"A noise like that certainly is alarming. Perhaps Vegetto Jr. has already been intercepted?" Mioi offered in explanation. "It gives me a bad feeling in my stomach."

"At least, I hope that was the case."
The wave gave Basil a sudden chill. He turned to see Kira wondering about the sudden burst of energy.

"You guys felt that too, right?"

Panich has already been stopped by the pulse turning to the others as well.

"I suggest we take this conversation inside the ship." Her tone seemed demanding. 


Bage watched as Brachi began fuming at the sight of the manifested Janembuu. He was ready to aid the others in any way he could.
Beerus blinked in confusion for a few seconds, the two floating high in the sky without a noise or movement being made for the next minute. Vegetto Jr. raised an eyebrow, his voice slightly timid.

"Did...did you miss?"

Beerus snarled.

"How could I miss?! You're not even four inches away from me!"

The god suddenly yelped, toppling forward from Jaz's sudden impact. He quickly whirled around, his eyes widening in fury.

"Oh great, and now she's here! What other clumsy fool is going to stand in the way of my job today?!"


Gogeta Jr. frowned, his attention turning towards the source of the sudden shockwave. He then glanced to the side, turning back towards the ship.

"Let's go. The sooner we get this ship off the ground, the better chance we stand for whatever is coming our way."

The Saiyan hybrid didn't wait for a reply, bolting towards the entrance opening while Koth buried his hands into his pockets.



Vegetto eyed Brachi during her and Xenest's conversation, his aura flaring up from underneath his boots to complete his transformation. His attention turned towards Solaris, before his eyes shifted towards Janembuu, who crouched down slightly.

"For now...let's just try to survive."

The fusion roared, throwing his right arm forward and sending out a massive dark purple blast of energy, rapidly barreling towards Janembuu who stood without reaction as the blast struck the monster head on, engulfing him in a massive cloud of smoke with the room shaking heavily from the force of the blast.


Meanwhile on Zakuul

"Everything is set, Prince Arcann."

The Emperor fixed his collar of his robes, looking into a small mirror while his voice came out from his mechanical.

"Need I remind you the importance of this press conference has on the universe. Our people must maintain soft and easy questions for the media: we can not afford to look weak. The last thing we need is the Empire and the Republic deciding to start wars in the midst of this disaster."

The worker bowed his head.

"Of course, my liege. I have screened an entire script of questions for you to answer that will make sure no one questions the safety of Zakuul after this attack."

Arcann turned away from the mirror, walking past the worker with a narrowed eye and a bland voice.

"Good, you are dismissed for the night."
Kira nodded at Gogetta Jr.

"Anything else we need to do to get back into hyperspace?" She asked the general vicinity.


Solaris kept back generating more blue orbs of star energy, seemingly trying to come up with a plan.
Jaz crashed onto Beerus but managed to grip at his leg to prevent her from falling. At this point, she was barely able to keep herself in the air due to how much energy she needlessly wasted trying to find them. She currently had to rely on Beerus's leg to hold her up in the air. She panted heavily as if she was just finished running a marathon. She took a second to compose herself before looking up to see an angry Beerus.

"Gwah! Mr. Beerus?! What are you doing here?" Jaz turned to face Junior and let out a small sigh of relief that he didn't do anything drastic yet. "Junior! You're okay!"

Jaz climbed her way up Beerus's back and moved one of his large ears out of the way to get a better view of Junior. She smiled under her visor and kept herself piggybacking off of Beerus. She knew that it would make the God mad but she thought it was worth it. She poked the little antennae on the side of her head and exposed her nearly crying face to Junior. She had puffy cheeks from both worry, anger, and the urge to cry.

"My daddy said we need to talk, Junior!" Jaz's voice lowered slightly along with her gaze. "He said that I was acting really childish towards you and that I should apologize for being, well... a brat." Jaz paused for a moment. "I'm... I'm sorry I called you a jerk, Junior. You're not a jerk! Daddy told me that if it wasn't for you, none of us would be here. He said that I should at least listen to your side of the story and give you a chance to explain..."

Jaz slipped slightly from Beerus's back and yanked at his ear to keep her from falling. 

"Errm, can we continue this on the ground, Junior?" She said nervously. "I don't think Beerus likes it when I piggyback off of him. He's not as comfy like you are."


Kire continued his work while listening to music that came from some speakers near his shoulders. He was on his back, patching up something under one of the control panels, humming to the music he played. As usual, his singing voice was horrendous. He seemed to be tone-deaf for the most part.

Back in his lab, whatever Kire was installing or downloading on his computer finished. The computer blinked a couple times before the screen, as well as some of mechanics Kire connected it to, began to move on their own. The computer had become alive and had its own consciousnesses and perception of the things around it. The computer spoke in a static and emotionless voice.

"Data analysis: check. Voice applicator and translator: installed. System reboot: Complete. Helga is ready to operate. No current tasks, entering rest mode."

On the computer screen, a face of two simple dot eyes and a line for a mouth appeared. It seemed to have very basic facial expressions for the lack of emotion in its voice. The little chibi face looked to be asleep with cute Zs on the screen.
Zibarica and Paprika followed suit to not waste anymore time. Basil rested a hand on Koth's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic smile before rushing into the ship after the others.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, alright?" 


The dread saiyan followed the fusion, seeing the large blast and beams hit Janembuu one after the other. He pulled his arms back then fired a volly of purple blasts after the others, to try and wound the beast.
Oriko looked at the group before tilting his head up at the sky, trying to spot the others.

"Man, I hope they're alright up there.. Last thing we need is to lose some more manpower than we already have." He thought to himself before following the rest of the group into the Tombstone.
Mioi rubbed her arm as she forlornly followed the group into the ship. "I have little to offer besides my eyesight in terms of managing repairs..." Her gaze slid over to Oriko. "On other things, I am glad you are seemingly well, Oriko, after taking that blast for me when we were cornered by Vaylin in the forest. You have my gratitude for practically saving my life."
"Oh, that? It's no biggie..." Oriko hid a chuckle beneath a sober facade as he looked towards Mioi. "Taking a spear or sword or whatever to your heart twice makes you really, really used to painful things. Am I saying that I like pain or don't feel it? Nah, it's just that nothing really beats being stabbed in the heart. Compared to what might've happened to you, that blast was nothing. To be fair, though, I could really use some ice. My head hurts like hell..."
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