DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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Solaris got up from where he landed, adjusting his helmet. He looked around the room for where his arm was, getting up and grabbing it with his tail. He pulled his severed arm out of the armor, flung it into the air, and shot a Dread Ki blast at it to vaporize it. Afterwords he dropped out of Dread Saiyan and green energy starting to grow from his arm, regrowing it.

"As soon as my arm's healed I'm running soley on this, advanced Ki form. I forget the name. Apologies. That stunt I pulled drained me of all my mana."
"That's good, centipedes are just super gross and creepy..." Jaz shivered. "On Earth some of them were venomous, along with a lot of other bugs. I don't think it'd be smart to eat Earth bugs. I wonder if I'd ever have a candied beetle from Mars..."

Jaz continued to toss several boxes out the door, making a mess in the hall.


Kire listened to Junior as he spoke and only rolled his eyes.

"No one is asking you to be a hero and no one wants you to be like your father. I really don't want you to grow up to be like him." Kire yawned loudly before rising to his feet and crossing his arms. "You wanna follow your father's footsteps rather than carve your own. Your old man lead his own path, you should do the same."

Kire casually moved over to his computer and sat himself down on a chair, spinning around a couple times before he continued to talk.

"You talk about how your father and friends 'fix' this mess but it looks like your father is a part of the huge problem. Look at how he's been treating everyone lately. He's been constantly shoving his belief down our throats and if we say anything against it, he'd probably kill us. I mean, he almost did with Jaz." Kire pushed one button on his keyboard, showing the vivid memory of Vegetto nearly taking Jaz's life until Gogeta interfered. "When's the last time he even spoke to you? 25 years away from his son and he doesn't even care about you or what you've been through? I mean, I haven't seen him help you out with your little situation with Jaz and Vaylin. I'm sitting here doing what your father should be doing: helping you out."

Kire snorted to himself before shaking his head.

"I don't see him, or your friends, here at all. How long have they been gone now? A couple days at this point? Yeah, some hero, kiddo." Kire rubbed his eyes at how harsh he might have been on Junior so he let out a sigh of defeat. "Look Junior, I'm not trying to bash on your father or friends... Your father is a strong guy, that's for sure. He has a legacy behind him that'll never die but you gotta understand that he wasn't following anyone. He did all this because he thought it was the right thing to do."

Kire remained silent for a moment and thought for a moment. Minutes passed by and he finally rose and placed a gentle hand on Junior's shoulder, looking at the floor like he did.

"You don't have to be a hero or strong to do the right thing, Junior. In Jaz's eyes, you're always a hero... and I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're a hero in my eyes too." Kire let out a small groan but let his shoulders slump as he continued to speak. Like before, his voice was calm. "Anyone who is willing to risk their life to protect my little girl from Dready can't be as weak as you say they are. If it makes you feel any better Junior, I'll always have your back when others don't. I know what you did in order to save us and I don't see you like the others do. Guess that explains why I've been so nice, huh?" Kire smacked the back of Junior's head in his attempts to straighten him out and 'rid' of his sadness. "So quit being so sad and depressed, Jaz doesn't like seeing you like that."

Kire paused for a moment before moving over to his chair and types away his usual commands. He seemed to ignore Junior for a moment until he stopped typing and turned to face him. His tone was very serious.

"And don't tell Jaz I told you that she loved you. That was suppose to be a secret..." Kire cracked his knuckles. "If you tell her, you'll wake up very confused on another planet castrated. I hope I make myself very clear to you." Kire turned to his computer. "Besides, it's kinda cute to watch her squirm, don'chat think?" He winked at the boy.
Vegetto Jr. grunted in frustration, shaking his head.

"No! You don't get it! What the hell do you think I've been doing all these years, huh? Trying to live in my father's shadow, like a damn puppet?"

His eyes had narrowed into a full glare for the first time, clenching his fists together.

"The man who has brought this entire universe to its knees has done that; everyone knows he's just a scared little child, crying for his daddy's approval. Don't you dare compare me to him, as if everything I've done has been made in an effort to be like my father!"

He quickly turned his head to the side.

"I did my way for years, fighting against them. And the only thing it got me was pain, failure, and death. You don't know what it's like, trying to stand for something greater than yourself, only for you to constantly fail at every attempt you make to strive forward. While they continue to take everything from you: your family, your home, even the will to even wake up the next damn day, afraid someone you made the foolish decision to attach yourself to will die again under your watch. For Kami's sake, I couldn't even save my first time for the girl I love because of those two!"

The man finally sunk down to the floor, letting his arms drop to his knees and hiding his face as the anger in his tone disappeared.

"My way doesn't work, and it will never work. The only chance we have left now is them, they're the only ones that changed the universe when it needed it most. Not me, not you, nor anyone else around here. That is the way it will always work, no matter how much I hate it."


Vegetto turned his head towards Solaris, moving forward after the his and Senya's comments.

"Well, hopefully we won't need it. If these Scions are done talking to us, then perhaps we're finished with the trials. Let's get moving."

The Potara fusion wasted no time entering into the adjacent hallway with the other warriors in tow, leading the group onward through the dimly lit corridors. The absence of energy signatures from before could be felt in comparison to the constant appearance of multiple entities from before, only a single lone power of godly energy could be felt from within the center of the new massive corridor the group walked forward into.


Still, motionless bodies clad in the robes of the Scions littered the ground as Vegetto entered with the group into the large chamber. The fusion's eyes narrowed only at the sight before him, however, locking his attention on the singular man standing in the center of the massive star on the floor. His clenched expression showed he struggled against some imaginary force, the man clad in the same robes as the other bodies lining the floor around the room, with a bright pink blade of energy ignited from his weapon's hilt. He slowly lifted the blade upwards, pointing it at the group.

Vegetto tensed immediately, but his eyes widened slightly at the sight of the blade suddenly shutting off and dropping to the floor, the man's body slowly cascading down to the floor shortly afterwards. He let out a low groan of pain upon contacting the ground, lying still as his fall allowed another figure to come into view. The black metal arm of the warrior glistened slightly in the light barring down on him, the blood of Heskal's wound coating it.

Arcann's lone eye remained narrowed, his voice nearly flat.

"I don't leave Zakuul for just anyone. Be honored."
So this is what you were talking about master.

"Such a shame really, the Scions argued well in your favor. And you killed them for it." Solaris remarked focusing and getting ready for the next fight.
Kire remained silent on Junior's rambling but he seemed to have hit a nerve. Kire instantly rose to his feet, his fists trembled and his eyes seem to change from green to golden red. His voice was loud while he screamed at the boy and his tone was almost malicious.

"You think I don't know what it's like to lose someone important to me?! You think I'm just living the good life and making inventions to better myself?! Huh?!" He walked over to Junior and gripped his hair, pulling him up to his feet. "Lemmie tell you a little story about myself... Helga, roll memory visuals."

"Yes Master." Helga's lowered a very large screen that showed off of Kire's memories when he was alive. Behind Kire was a group of people all smiling and having a drink in their hand of what looked to be a celebrated victory. A mix of soldiers and scientists drank their hearts out with Kire. It showed memories of Kire having fun with each and every single individual and how much they meant to him. As the memories rolled, they all got darker and darker until it showed all of his friends dying off one by one, each one more graphic than the last.

"They were all family to me... I lost everyone in this stupid war. Even after I stopped this war all by myself, no one asked me how I was doing. No one even knew about me. Some hero I was, huh? I saved the fucking world from some genocidal maniac... I don't even get a single thank you."

Kire continued to watch his haunting memories and it showed his son killing him. "I come back home only to get murdered by my own son out of jealousy... Even after I die, he goes on to torment my daughter and two other sons. You saw from Jaz's memories how she had to kill her own brother... My family killing each other and all for what? One little decision I made, and that was to give Red Spade to Jaz and not Ace."

More memories flew and this time it stopped on a beautiful woman posing with Kire for a picture. Kire's rant stopped as soon as he stared at the woman who oddly looked like Jaz. He lowered his head. His anger washed away and he began to calm down. His voice was soft but it seemed that he held back the urge to cry.

"Junior... you don't know what it's like to have the girl of your dreams die in your arms. This girl, Evelyn, meant more than the world to me... All she wanted was to have a family with me but I couldn't even give her that. When I found out I was sterile, I felt my whole world fall apart in an instant. She wanted a little girl named Jaz. Before we could adopt she was hit with a heart disease and I failed to save her. She died right in my arms while I did everything I could to find some sort of cure." Kire's voice cracked and he cleared his throat. "That's when I made Jaz Evelyn Rebbel, the sole purpose I continue to live today. Jaz is the living image of Evelyn and what we both wanted: A family. I spent the last hundred years looking for my little girl and when I finally do, what am I rewarded with?!" 

Kire's voice started to grow more agitated and louder. He gripped Junior's shirt and pulled him closer to his enraged face. "Some entitled little bastard and his idiot father taking her away from me!" He shoved Junior to the side but his face had tears. "I had to accept that my daughter was raised and taken care of by two stronger, better men. She looks up to Vegetto as if he was her father..." 

Kire took a step back and realized what he said. He made his way back to his chair and sat down, his face hidden within his hands, mostly to hide his tears. His fingers dug into his autumn hair.

"Why would she ever need me in her life when she has people as strong as you and your dad to protect her..? Look at me, I'm just some asshole working for the very men who took his daughter away. Yet here I am, trying to cheer up the very man who took Jaz away from me and I can't even do that right." Kire took a deep breath and there was a long pause. Everything was uncomfortably quiet until Kire opened his mouth. "I'm sorry, Junior. I'm sorry I compared you to your father. I wanted to help you find some confidence in yourself so you don't grow up like me: a weak, pathetic old man. I just want you to be happy with Jaz and protect her, something I never had the chance to do."


"Maybe they got some bugs. Think you'll eat them?" Jaz giggled. "Most of 'em got some metal scraps, dad can use those to make his weird inventions."
Vegetto Jr. glanced down, pausing in silence for a few moments once Kire finished. He glanced around for a moment, the uncertainty mixing with the sadness in his expression. He perked his head slightly to the side.

"I...I had no idea. I'm sorry..."

His eyes remained locked on Kire in the chair, his frown still strong.

"I...uh...appreciate that you actually care about me, Kire, but I've already failed enough to know I'd only hurt her more. But...maybe...together, we have a better chance at protecting her?"


Arcann's eye turned to Solaris, a sarcastic chuckle escaping his mask.

"In my favor? Hardly, the Scions constantly talked about your lot. Day in and day out, foreseeing my demise at your hands constantly."

He turned his head towards the massive statue behind him, his condescending tone dripping with venom.

"The Scions worship at the false alter of fate and destiny. That is why I exiled and killed them: I am beyond prophecy. Destiny is merely a conduit for my will, and I forged my own path against all odds by making those tough choices."

He turned his head back to the others, gesturing at them with his right hand.

"Now, it's your turn."

Vegetto raised an eyebrow.

"You're here to make a deal?"

Arcann nodded curtly.

"I can be merciful. Surrender, and you'll be returned to carbonite until I can find a way to rid you of my father."

Vegetto's glare intensified.

"And the others? My son and his friends?"

Arcann kept his arms at his side, now feet away from the group.

"Free to leave, without the Gravestone, of course. It belongs to the Eternal Throne. I'm sure you understand."

The Dread Saiyan's voice rose in the group's head, yet no tangible form of his appeared.

"Fear the snake who believes himself a dragon. My son will betray you!"

Arcann rose both arms, his hands on his hips.

"I'm a busy man. Don't make me wait."
"If I find any insects, they are probably the remains of any that existed before the original owners of this ship abandoned it." Mioi deadpanned. "Your father is quite adept at making whatever devices he can so quickly. Did he hold a special occupation on Earth for it?" She reached into a box and pulled out some random scrap part, holding it up to the light to examine it. "I used to keep a lot of refuse like this in my living quarters, since we often would get space debris from other planets sent out under the assumption it would return to them. It is intriguing how one could make such complex equipment from simple pieces like these. The colored lights were the best pieces to look at... at least, until you pulled them out of their sockets." 
Solaris fell to the ground feigning weakness, but upon closer inspection he was muffling extremely loud laughter. He hoped his deception would work against Arcann due to the fact he made himself look like he was having spasms then laughing.
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