DBZ: The Fallen Empire (Chapter 5: Asylum)

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"I don't think there's a job doing what my dad does." Jaz shook a box and it jingled with scrap metal. "I think he just made a bunch of stuff for fun. I never really did find out what my dad's job was. Maybe dad can make you a bunch of colorful lights that remind you of home, I'm sure you really miss it."

Jaz held up a random colorful bulb and gave it to Mioi. 


Kire remained silent for a long time despite Junior's apology. He rubbed his eyes clean of any tears, mostly because he didn't want Junior to see. He sniffled in annoyance but let out a loud sigh of relief. In a way, Kire felt embarrassed for telling his story to someone he barely knows. He only shook his head. He rose to his feet and stretched his body. Everything was still rather quiet while Kire paced back and forth, cracking his knuckles and popping his neck. The silence was finally broken when Kire stopped pacing and turned on his heel to face Junior.

"Alright." His voice was nearly cheerful despite his emotional fit earlier. "We'll protect Jaz from anything that comes our way. Just put your chin up and give yourself one chance at being confident, at least around Jaz. That girl looks at you like you're the world and beyond, a smile or two would make her day, trust me." Kire took out a cigarette and lit it up, taking in the fumes. His cheery tone turned sarcastic. "But don't you even think about touching her and stuff, she's off limits until you got my permission. Am I clear to you?"

Kire chuckled before moving over to Junior, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.

"But that shouldn't be hard for a guy like you, right?"
Vegetto said:
Vegetto Jr. glanced down, pausing in silence for a few moments once Kire finished. He glanced around for a moment, the uncertainty mixing with the sadness in his expression. He perked his head slightly to the side.

"I...I had no idea. I'm sorry..."

His eyes remained locked on Kire in the chair, his frown still strong.

"I...uh...appreciate that you actually care about me, Kire, but I've already failed enough to know I'd only hurt her more. But...maybe...together, we have a better chance at protecting her?"


Arcann's eye turned to Solaris, a sarcastic chuckle escaping his mask.

"In my favor? Hardly, the Scions constantly talked about your lot. Day in and day out, foreseeing my demise at your hands constantly."

He turned his head towards the massive statue behind him, his condescending tone dripping with venom.

"The Scions worship at the false alter of fate and destiny. That is why I exiled and killed them: I am beyond prophecy. Destiny is merely a conduit for my will, and I forged my own path against all odds by making those tough choices."

He turned his head back to the others, gesturing at them with his right hand.

"Now, it's your turn."

Vegetto raised an eyebrow.

"You're here to make a deal?"

Arcann nodded curtly.

"I can be merciful. Surrender, and you'll be returned to carbonite until I can find a way to rid you of my father."

Vegetto's glare intensified.

"And the others? My son and his friends?"

Arcann kept his arms at his side, now feet away from the group.

"Free to leave, without the Gravestone, of course. It belongs to the Eternal Throne. I'm sure you understand."

The Dread Saiyan's voice rose in the group's head, yet no tangible form of his appeared.

"Fear the snake who believes himself a dragon. My son will betray you!"

Arcann rose both arms, his hands on his hips.

"I'm a busy man. Don't make me wait."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Brachi said, "but I have no intention of returning to some kind of lifeless state, thank you very much; I prefer to be around alive and well, keeping the peace for my loved ones and everyone around in my own fashion. Same goes for my husband." 

Xenest nodded.

"We're not some kind of prize to be put on some kind of collection spot or whatever. Perhaps there is a way to compromise, like us simply going to our family and friends and stay out of your way overall?" Xenest asked, feeling that if they're negotiating anyway, they might as well try to offer something else.
Vegetto Jr. smiled warmly for the first time, nodding once.

"Yeah, I think I get it now. If I'm not strong enough in my own eyes, then I at least need to look like it for those I care about."

He scratched the back of his head.



Arcann's narrowed eye glanced amongst Brachi and Xenest as they finished, turning to Vegetto who only responded with moving into a defensive combat stance. He ignored Solaris' fit on the floor, standing silently for a few moments before suddenly reaching up and toughing on the side of his visor.

"They won't come quietly. Begin the assault."

Vegetto tensed, the sound of a muffled electronic voice incoherently ringing out from the side. The quality could be made out as feminine, however, Arcann speaking once more after it finished.

"No, leave no survivors. I want them all dead."


The city surrounding the plains housing the Gravestone had already been sacked by the invading force, fire burning from the skyline. Vaylin grinned to herself wickedly, nearly skipping towards the edge of the city line with her hood down, her shorter hair ragged yet seemed fully recovered from the previous ordeal.

"Aww, thanks big brother. You always know just how to brighten my day!"

The Gravestone was visible, despite it still being a few miles out, while a large platoon of Skytrooper droids flanked Vaylin's side. A dark purple surge of energy erupted from underneath the woman's boots, her entire body being coated in the sinister dark energy as she transformed. A few bangs of purple hair hung over her eyes despite most sticking straight up in spiked bundles, her grin rising heavily.

"Let's give them a little warning shot, shall we?"

With both arms raised, a massive ball of dark purple energy began to form. The droids attempted to move around the blast, only for the violent energy to vaporize the few droids standing in front of her as it shot forward, rapidly closing in on the Gravestone.


Arcann then let out a thunderous roar of his own, the room shaking heavily in his power up. A golden orange aura rapidly coated the warrior, his white robes shining heavily in his immense power. Vegetto blinked, rapidly ascending to his Dread Master form.

"His power...there's no way."

The Dread Saiyan's ghostly visage stood at the edge of the room, his voice flat.

"My son has learned to master the energy he stole from your comrades in a different manner. While he fails to run my perfect government, he succeeds at managing energy far better than you. You will likely perish."

Arcann slowly lowered his arms, moving into a defensive stance of his own in watching the others.


Boss Battle:

Arcann, Emperor of Zakuul

Powers: Extensive strength significantly above "Dread Master", mild to severe reality warper. Capable of redirection of energy and dispelling energy attacks.

Personality/Focus: A proud warrior and emperor, Arcann naturally boasts superiority in his mind above all. However, his path to power has been fraught with humiliating defeats and stolen power. While mostly dismissive, Arcann is susceptible to mind games under the correct pressure applied by the fighters. Sees Vegetto as the largest threat to his rule, will focus him above the others but is capable of changing focus easily.

Rules of Engagement: No autowounding, no player chain combos, and no direct autohits with energy attacks. One turn per character; multiple posts can be made for characters controlled by a single player for variety. Chain combos through coordinated attacks with other players are allowed, but each character involved must be controlled by a different player.

Boss Mechanics:

Wrath of the Emperor: Countless battles and losses in combat have taught Arcann well in the face of adversity, in the prime ability to choose the perfect time to strike and retreat. Attempts to land heavy attacks or combos on Arcann when he is not preoccupied with combat with another fighter will result in a devastating counter auto wound for the characters involved, nullifying the attempted autoattack and damage. Characters are allowed a maximum of taking two autowounds from this passive: after the second autowound, the character must be incapacitated. Failure to comply will result in Arcann forcibly incapacitating the character through loss of limbs or potential autokilling.

Cowardice: Extensive paranoia still grips Arcann's mind in the face of the strongest Outlanders from history, despite his overwhelming strength above them. As the fight progresses, Arcann's discipline and skill in managing attacks will degrade, but his power will rise. Backed into a corner, the Emperor will be nearly impossible to kill or defend against, but will be significantly easier to dodge.

Success Chance: 0%  (100% Chance with Valkorian's Aid) 
Solaris got up rubbing the chin part of his helmet.

"You may think you're above fate. That may be true." His body language indicated smiling under the armor.

"But you will never be above Destiny! My bloodline has fought for their own fate for years and no one is taking it from us! That's where you need a dictionary!" He roared into Dread Saiyan. It should be noted he didn't fix the tear in his armor from where he tore his arm off, leaving that as a bit of a weak point. Even though the armor only protected against cutting weaponry and did absolutely nothing to stop any of the physical damage he had taken earlier, or the energy.


Kira rubbed her temples.

"Something bad is happening... People are dying." She said to Gogeta Jr. She looked at the nearest exit to outside the grave stone and ran out to see the sacking.

"Oh no..."
"Glad you're catching on, kiddo." Kire smiled. "But trust me when I say this: the first step in becoming stronger is admitting that you still got a lot to learn. Being depressed and sad means you're telling people you're weak and given up. Don't let them see your fear because they'll use it against you."

Kire slapped his hand roughly on Junior's back. 

"You'll catch on as time goes by. Soon, you'll be able to better control your emotions and not cry over petty shit."

"Warning! Master, there is an extremely high energy level approaching the Gravestone." Helga spoke out. "It appears we have been spotted by Vaylin and her army." Helga's screen showed live footage of Vaylin and her Skytroopers approaching them. "We will be overwhelmed if we do not do anything soon."

"Well then, time to show me if you really do understand, Junior." Kire gripped the back of Junior's shirt and opened his lab door, shoving him outside. He gave Junior his iconic smile and a thumbs up. "Think you and Jaz can stall for some time or something? Gotta get your father and other buddies back on before we fly off with this bad girl."


Throughout the Gravestone, Helga's voice rang out in attempts to alert the others of the imminent danger.

"Warning! Vaylin and her army are within a few miles of our location. She has spotted us and has launched the first attack. Prepare for a possible battle with Vaylin." Helga's voice then turned calm, almost as if this was a game to her. "Will Sir Koth please report to the main controls?"

Jaz's head perked upon listening to Helga's warning and the moment she heard Vaylin's name, her face turned from happy to nothing but animosity.  

"Vaylin's here?!" Jaz shouted. "I'll handle that frog myself! Mioi, this might have to wait a bit!"

She instantly dropped whatever she was doing and dashed out the door, jumping over the boxes in the hall. She bounced off the walls to avoid slowing herself down with the mess of boxes.

Time to show her how strong I really am...
"Wait, what?!" Oriko  cried out. "How did they find us?" Oriko sighed as he summoned his bow. "Helga, do you know the current whereabouts of Vegetto and the others?"
Mioi watched Jaz run off before staring up at the ceiling to listen for any more warnings from Helga. 

I cannot stay here and just watch again. This time, running away from the ship is not a viable option. We have no other place to hide now. She pressed her hand to the centerpiece of her suit. "KABS, it is time. I will not be watching from afar again. Please resume your battle form." The piece responded to allow her access to her battle suit, to which Mioi took off running towards the front of the Gravestone. 

"If the others have not returned, then Arcann must have left Vaylin to destroy us while he searched for his true targets." She said to Oriko once she caught up. "We have to stand our ground here. There's nowhere to run to right now. Right now we are nothing but beetles for Vaylin to rip the wings off of for entertainment. Who knows what she can do if she survived Gogeta's attack."
Vegetto Jr. nodded once.

"Right, I'm on it!"

He quickly bolted out through the room, forcing the door open and erupting into a dash after the others to exit the Gravestone.


The massive purple blast struck the hull of the ship head on, shaking the entire vessel heavily in the resulting shockwave while fire and smoke billowed heavily from the massive crater left in the side. Vaylin grinned to herself, landing a few feet away from the ship's entrance. Vegetto Jr. quickly narrowed his eyes once he saw her standing close to the group, tensing heavily.

"So the rumors are true after all. You didn't just roll over and die on Zakuul."

Vaylin giggled to herself, opening her arms wide.

"Of course not honey. I couldn't just leave my favorite little hunk alone in this world-"

Her diluted eyes rapidly turned to Jaz, the excessive rage and insanity boiling over in her expression and voice.

"-with this little bitch."


Vegetto glanced among the other fighters for a moment, Arcann having stayed silent in Solaris' comment. The fused Saiyan grunted, suddenly bolting forward and rapidly throwing his right arm forward, the blow connecting with Arcann's forearm that raised up to block the strike. The two erupted into a furious exchange of blows, the entire arena the group found themselves in shaking heavily from the force of the strikes.
Brachi and Xenest both remained focused as they watched Vegetto engage in the melee brawl against Arcann, waiting for their chance to catch the latter off-guard and give Vegetto some reprieve and an edge. Focusing, Xenest then waved a hand upwards to summon an energy pillar from below Arcann's position, making it so that it would only hit Arcann while leaving Vegetto untouched with his Pillar Strike.
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