DBZ: Dominion War

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"Toss me one." Atama asked.
"Yeah, I'm trying to work on a small-scaled set of advanced power generators using the minerals we gathered from the Anomaly System Planets," Brachi said, "you may not have been aware of this, but Fico Hydra is loaded with various raw minerals, which can be processed into usable materials. What the Martians managed to bring back from the Anomaly while you lot were doing your best to get us out of the Anomaly as well was quite a large amount; so much that the Martians are practically overstocked and donated a decent portion to us to work with."

"What are you going to use those power generators for anyway?" Majin Bara asked.

"Well, I'll first make one to keep the main servers up and running in case of a power outage, or when something short-circuits the system. It does need to be tested, but if the main computer can be fitted with a strong, external power supply, it will decrease the stress put on the main components and prevent being overheated." Brachi replied.

"Which in turn ensures that the computer becomes more powerful in that regard, right?" Celicia asked.

"That is correct," Brachi said, "I'm also working on a separate power generator as a back-up generator for the main power-supply."

"Oh? Won't that be a bit too much?" Majin Bara asked.

"The Martians have explained that, with the proper construction, set-up and placement, the power generators will be able to deliver a lot of power to all the systems connected to them, keeping the power demand of all those systems low and guaranteeing a high supply of reserve power in case something does go wrong. I've also been given some designs in regards to the indestructible casings the Martians have made for their now-abandoned Heavy Element Engines system, so nobody will be able to tamper with those power generators no matter what they do. It is also to prevent potential damage done in case a power generator does malfunction, so it also serves as a failsafe on that regard for the environment." Brachi said.
"Solar power was used as the majority of production on Sola. Outside of magic assisted construction." Atama said. "Considering the heat and abundance of light on the planet."
"We've been using Solar power and windmills to get electricity too, but as the technology advances, I feel that we should adapt, hence I'm working on the design of such an advanced power generator which will supply us with a large amount of power over a long period of time without it affecting the environment in a negative way through pollution and all..." Brachi said.

"My, my; I didn't know you were quite the enviromentalist, Brachi." Celicia joked.

"Hey, I'm the CEO of one of the largest companies of the world, if not THE largest one. I feel it's my responsibility to set an example in order to show I truly have the planet in my best interest and not being someone whom has been consumed by greed. Hell, I've even refused bonuses or instead gave that to my employees or those people who need it the most to make a point in regards to my salary and all." Brachi said.

"That truly shows the Bulma in you." Celicia said, giggling as her Cell-like tail was waving about peacefully, showing that she had no intention of hiding the limb unless she had to.
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