DBZ: Dominion War

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Z-Fighter said:
"Indeed." Tatsu said.

"What were they after in the first place?" Yango asked.

"Universal conquest perhaps. They made it clear on AP173.B, Al-Fadir and all other worlds they colonized and where we encountered them that their intentions were not friendly. We, our friends and our Martian Allies had to join forces with the infamous Planet Trade Organization in order to at least stand a chance against them, something which only Shonfu and Tamar, whom are now allied with us, can testify to that." Tatsu replied.

Yango nodded.

"And to think that we landed back in those worlds after the Gyges Disaster..." He said, "even though it technically was the first time for me..."

Tatsu nodded.

"At least we were out cold, so we didn't feel much of it, but we technically were at death's door. I was told shortly after I woke up that this Demon Lord Ruthas was acting up again, using us to combat our remaining allies." Tatsu said.

"He did?!" Yango asked, blinking.

"Yes. Demons have their own way of making you do things that are dangerous. Having complete control of your enemies is fun and games to them." Piccolo replied.
"Which is why I'm actually surprised we had a demon fighting on our side against Ruthas," Yango said, "Deramas may be a demon, but it appears he has his standards too. What surprised me more was that the two other demons we associated with earlier, back when Ruthas kidnapped Brachi, were his children."

"Even evil has loved ones, Yango," Tatsu said, "although we haven't seen or witnessed it much in the conflicts we have faced so far, although I did hear that Frieza did have a father and a brother of his own."

Anne's smile turned into a sad frown.
"You don't remember me? I'm Anne, one of the androids whom is part of Brachi's group..." She said, stopping in her tracks.

"Relax, Anne; they only must have met you recently," Dielec said, patting Anne on the back as the saddened android moved off to Celicia, before turning back to Atama and Memora, "you'll have to excuse my sister's behavior. While she is happy go lucky most of the time, she is also highly emotionally sensitive. She just got back to her default mood after our dealings with Siber and Ruthas respectively."
Dielec nodded at this. 

"It was worse back after she was resurrected by Shenron after we dealt with Siber; she was an emotional wreck back then, especially during the time where Brachi was sick and plagued by nightmares... Ruthas' actions made it even worse, so it took time for us to get her back to normal..." She said.
Z-Fighter said:
"Which is why I'm actually surprised we had a demon fighting on our side against Ruthas," Yango said, "Deramas may be a demon, but it appears he has his standards too. What surprised me more was that the two other demons we associated with earlier, back when Ruthas kidnapped Brachi, were his children."

"Even evil has loved ones, Yango," Tatsu said, "although we haven't seen or witnessed it much in the conflicts we have faced so far, although I did hear that Frieza did have a father and a brother of his own."

Anne's smile turned into a sad frown.
"You don't remember me? I'm Anne, one of the androids whom is part of Brachi's group..." She said, stopping in her tracks.

"Relax, Anne; they only must have met you recently," Dielec said, patting Anne on the back as the saddened android moved off to Celicia, before turning back to Atama and Memora, "you'll have to excuse my sister's behavior. While she is happy go lucky most of the time, she is also highly emotionally sensitive. She just got back to her default mood after our dealings with Siber and Ruthas respectively."

"This is very true. Frieza did have a father and brother and both were ruthless such as he. Also, Frieza was responsible of destroying the Saiyan-jin home world called Vegeta-sai. Frieza and his family wanted to conquer the universe but was stopped by the Z-fighters many years ago." Piccolo stated to Tatsu and Yango.
Tatsu and Yango nodded at this.

"This must have put quite the blemish on their race..." Tatsu said.

"How are you so sure of that? Siber was of their species and he was just as ruthless, if not worse thant Frieza was." Yango asked.

"That is true, but as the adage goes: 'Never judge a book by its cover'. Remember that Deramas, Abaddon and Malia, while they are demons, have been fighting on our side, having gone so far as to even request asylum with us due to the Demon Realm itself being too chaotic or dangerous, even for the likes of them. Besides, not everyone of our races are exactly saints either; There are Humans, Saiyans and even Namekians whom have done quite the despicable things. If my knowledge of our race's history serves me well, our race did have so-called 'Super Nameks', whom were banished from our original home world a long time ago due to them being extremely agressive and radically different from our agrarian brothers. I recall a passage of someone known as 'Lord Slug' being one of those Super Nameks." Tatsu said.

"You raise a valid point." Yango replied.


Dielec sighed sadly.

"I don't know what's even worse... I pretty much watched all my sisters being killed by that ruthless Arcrosian... and yet I lived..." She said.
Z-Fighter said:
Tatsu and Yango nodded at this.

"This must have put quite the blemish on their race..." Tatsu said.

"How are you so sure of that? Siber was of their species and he was just as ruthless, if not worse thant Frieza was." Yango asked.

"That is true, but as the adage goes: 'Never judge a book by its cover'. Remember that Deramas, Abaddon and Malia, while they are demons, have been fighting on our side, having gone so far as to even request asylum with us due to the Demon Realm itself being too chaotic or dangerous, even for the likes of them. Besides, not everyone of our races are exactly saints either; There are Humans, Saiyans and even Namekians whom have done quite the despicable things. If my knowledge of our race's history serves me well, our race did have so-called 'Super Nameks', whom were banished from our original home world a long time ago due to them being extremely agressive and radically different from our agrarian brothers. I recall a passage of someone known as 'Lord Slug' being one of those Super Nameks." Tatsu said.

"You raise a valid point." Yango replied.


Dielec sighed sadly.

"I don't know what's even worse... I pretty much watched all my sisters being killed by that ruthless Arcrosian... and yet I lived..." She said.
" Don't get me wrong but I to wasn't that kind either. I wanted to take over this world myself until one day those Z-fighters let me see my way of error. As long as I became friends with them, the more I saw that change was necessary. I even trained one of their sons named Gohan when he was a little kid." Piccolo said to Tatsu and Yango.
Tatsu nodded in respect.

"At least you have remained on the good side then; Super Namekians were vulnerable to corruption and abusing their powers which made them into a threat in the past." He said.

"It surprises me that so many beings so many races have been fighting side by side..." Yango said, "I mean, there's us Namekians, fighting along side Humans, Saiyans, Martians, Demons, Androids, a Majin, a Hera-seijin and even former members of the Planet Trade Organization." 

"When united against a common enemy or having the same or a similar goal, it's only beneficial to co-operate when lives are on the line," Tatsu said, "I honestly was surprised myself when we were instructed to work together with the notorious Planet Trade Organization to combat the Metar more properly." 

"Enemies of our enemies are our friends," Yango said, "at times it is needed to put aside the differences between parties to combat a common/shared threat."
"I did hear that some people experiencing this can get so upset that they will hunt down the perpetrator and slaughter anyone foolish enough trying to stop him. I believe they'd go on a 'Roaring Rampage of Revenge' as they call it." Dielec said.
"Those who have no future to protect, whom have lost everything they hold dear, love and cherish, do not fear death... they know no fear and there is nothing that can hold them back." A sudden voice said. 

Turning to the source of the voice, Dielec blinked at seeing Simon, Sheila's father being present, followed by Major Sanda, whom is his most trusted military advisor in his unit.
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