DBZ: Dominion War

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Z-Fighter said:
"She's doing fine," Anne said, "it took her some time to get her bearings back together, but the Martian Time Chamber helped out a lot with this. She's currently in her lab with Majin Bara."

"I see, well im glad you're all doing just fine." Panich replied.
"Any suggestions on what to do with Memora?" Atama asked. She looked at him with a shrug.
Hours have passed and Piccolo had spent some time to himself to meditate. Something he never got a chance to do when he helped the Z fighters defeat Earth's enemies.
Anne smiled and giggled.

"How about you come with us to see her? I'm sure she's more than happy to see you again." Anne replied.


"Hmmm, that is going to be tricky. We have no idea how those Nobodies look like nor where they come from. We would be more than happy to assist, but the ultimate choice of fighting her nobody ultimately comes down to Memora herself." Brachi replied, while Tatsu and Yango were moving close to Piccolo's location in regards to their current sparring session.
"Ah? I... I suppose i could spare a little time." Panich sighed and smiled. "Lead the way."
"It looks like it..." Celicia said, before sensing something.

"What's the matter?" Majin Bara asked.

"I'm suddenly detecting a Saiyan energy signature headed this way; it's Panich!" She said.

"Panich, you say?" Brachi asked with a smile on her face, "Well, looks like we're going to have another visitor over already."

"Shall I prepare for her arrival?" Celicia asked.

"Go ahead and inform reception for it. I'll personally come over to greet her." Brachi said, smiling.
Z-Fighter said:
Anne smiled and giggled.

"How about you come with us to see her? I'm sure she's more than happy to see you again." Anne replied.


"Hmmm, that is going to be tricky. We have no idea how those Nobodies look like nor where they come from. We would be more than happy to assist, but the ultimate choice of fighting her nobody ultimately comes down to Memora herself." Brachi replied, while Tatsu and Yango were moving close to Piccolo's location in regards to their current sparring session.

While still meditating, Piccolo suddenly felt another energy source not to far from him.
Both Tatsu and Yango were now fighting in the sky, at a distance above Piccolo's position, continuing their sparring session as the two Warrior Namekians were testing each other on their skills.
Now completely out of meditation, Piccolo flew a little closer to where the energy was coming from. He then noticed two figures in hindsight as if they were fighting.
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