DBZ: Dominion War

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Celicia smiled as she went to the reception's desk to inform her about it. 

Tatsu and Yango in the meantime eventually stopped, landing down on the ground, close to Piccolo's location. Both Namekians had associated with him before and, while Yango initially remained on New Namek himself at first and Tatsu was more of a traveler, both Namekians had adjusted well to their current stay on Earth.
Once Piccolo got closer to both figures, he noticed that it was the two Namekians he met before..."Well if it isn't Tatsu and Yango. How have you two been?"Piccolo asked with a smirk on his face.
"Yes I understand. Maybe I should catch up on my fighting skills. But it's been peaceful and I have been enjoying every minute of it." Piccolo said smiling.
"Well, you'll never know what will happen," Yango said, "even Brachi continues to train whenever she has the time. On top of that, having a friendly Majin with us other than Buu has made our group a lot more versatile than before."
"Agreed. Majin Bara is a fantastic person. Like Brachi she keeps things in order." Piccolo mentioned.
"Hahaha........Yes and if Cell was like them then things would've been better....welllllll.......probably.....better." Said a chuckling Piccolo.
Tatsu chuckled as well.

"From what I've heard about Cell is that he was preaching about becoming the perfect being, something he supposedly managed to achieve, however, some of our allies are highly convinced that things as complete perfection and invincibility do not exist. If they were, whoever has those qualities would be stagnant and unable to evolve any further. When we're facing a threat which supposedly is untouchable by our current techniques, doesn't automatically mean said threat is invincible. It may be imprevious to our current attacks, but there is always a flaw, which requires strategy and cunning to exploit those weaknesses. This also counts for enemies whom rely more on numbers rather than actual strength." Tatsu said.

"How so?" Yango asked.

"The Metar have been an infamous example. They were quite the powerful beings in their own right and tended to attack in numbers to overwhelm bases which aren't theirs. They even had this unique ability to adapt to counter specific threats by genetically modifying their body forms over a single generation. Their greatest weakness however was the interdimensional link which they used to feed on the ambient energies of normal space. By detonating the Anomaly Device on their homeworld Cadimus II, we sent the Metar and all of their colonized worlds back into a bubble of space sealed off from the main universe, which in turn severed this interdimensional link, causing the Metar to starve to death within a matter of hours, forcing them in a state of hibernation in order to survive." Tatsu said as he and Piccolo had encountered these Metar creatures before back when their colonized world had spilled in the universe years ago.
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