DBZ: Dominion War

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Brachi turned to Rad'sha.

"Siber was of the same race as Frieza, being an Arcrosian, or Frost Demon or just Frieza's race, just however you prefer. He was thought to have been killed by King Cold himself, but used his own wits to trick him into BELIEVING he was killed, allowing him to carefully stage his own plans of universal conquest below the radar. The whole story of our recent encounter with him begins after the two Planet Trade Soldiers named Shonfu and Tamar, sought an audience with our group concerning the fact that Planet Trade Soldiers have been attacking their own planets, initially in search of some kind of artifact, in the form of a gemstone, which had the power to revive a being of their choosing or otherwise grant the user great power. While we succeeded in fighting off the Planet Trade Soldiers on Planet Frieza 37, an inhospitable desert planet, they managed to escape with the artifact they discovered on that planet. We also were briefly taken into a small realm between dimension where we fought off a group of Demons..." She said, beginning the story in her eyes.
"This Siber character was indeed a nuisance. He was nothing but trouble from the start. And I see that the Plane Trade Soldiers were just as bad." Rad'sha said to Brachi.
"Shonfu and Tamar both informed us about an orbital base of the planet, which we entered to seek for clues as to the whereabouts of the attackers, or the artifact which they took with him. It was during the skirmishes on the base where we learned about the potential involvement of an Arcrosian warlord named Siber. We eventually intercepted the enemy fleet whom had attacked Planet Frieza 37 and destroyed the enemy ships we encountered, but upon return to the orbital base, it was Siber himself whom addressed us... before proceeding to attack us." Brachi said, continuing the story.
"His actions weren't that good. Tyrants such as Siber don't have no respect for anybody. Now I see that he turned on his own as well." Rad'sha mentioned.
"We fought Siber, whom turned out to be a fake, as if he had used a clone or some kind of hologram or impostor to get a first incling of our abilities. We won the initial fight, but Siber then attempted to trick us by triggering a sequence which would let the orbital base crash on the settlement, which would no doubt crush any surviving civilians and personnel which remained there. I destroyed the orbital base to ensure the citizens would survive, while the others went on their vessels, which also consisted of a large strike fleet of Martian Warships. No sooner was this plan set in motion, the Martians reported enemy activity headed for a star system known as Hypo Prime, named after another Arcrosian. You may know him as King Hypo." Brachi said, continuing the story.
"King Hypo. Hmmmmmmmm. That name does sound familiar but it's been such a while ago though. King Hypo's name probably slipped my mind since I was sent to go on so many missions." Rad'sha said.
"We encountered vessels of both Siber's troops as well as a contingent of Demon forces within the Star system. Siber promised to hand the Star System over to the Demons in exchange for their support in his bid for power. We engaged their forces in the hopes of gaining a foothold in the area of space controlled by him so we could penetrate further into his territory, however we did not expect to see how far Siber was willing to go... As it became evident the battle would turn into our favor, Siber used one of his soldiers to detonate a gravity attenuation device within the event horizon of the star system's black hole, which in turn destabilized the Hypo Prime Sun, causing it to go supernova and destroy the entire system. Our fleet barely managed to escape as said soldier was a former comrade of Shonfu and Tamar and warned us in time..." Brachi said.
" I'am glad that you and comrades are alive and well. Hopefully nothing like that ever happens again." Rad'sha said.
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