DB FE: Odessen

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Panich observed the group as she took her seat near Brachi. The princess looked to her with a curious eye. "You seem tense. This is supposed to be a time for us to unwind. What's troubling you?" She took a sip on her drink as she waited for a response.

ZIbarica took a seat near Gogeta and Theron with Bage, the Namekian offering Bage a drink only to have it politely declined.
Mioi stared down at her arm, puzzled about why she and the others experienced what they did even though they were supposed to be in suspended stages of death within that carbonite. For a moment, she wondered if it was thanks to the Dread Saiyan Valkorian; who was killed by Arcann in the very brief moments they submitted before him. But that wouldn't make sense to anyone that wasn't also frozen. Mioi tucked away the memory to be distracted about for another time and listened to Cheelai talk about how she came across the body.

"It is not easy to make such a decision to defy authority... but it is when you've had your mind made up about what it is you're doing it for." If she had a mouth, she would have smiled. How long had it been since she had heard such optimism in someone's voice? It was hard to see it in anyone she was around often besides the younger members of the group, and even that was becoming a rarity with how things have been going. "For all those I've allied with until now, I've merely followed aimlessly with the feeling that there is something I must do, but it's never revealed itself to me. It is important to me that we carry out the final mission to defeat Arcann, but I need something else beyond fighting this war." 

She let her gaze drift down to the propped-up rifle Kire gave her that rested against the wall. "I am not like the Saiyans, but I know I must go where I am needed. Protect who I must. Maybe I will go with the Earthlings to their home planet on a clean slate after all this... If there is anything left to rebuild, that is." Mioi looked at the tank wistfully."Find a new place to call home."
Kira kept her eyes on Theron, but a frown came across her face.

"Can't say I'm surprised." Was all she stated before going silent. That shut her up real quick.

- - -

Solaris took note of the air around Kire, and the destruction of most of the android's cockiness. Sitting down after Kire beckoned him in a trained manner, he also looked around the room, but at something else. Different energies, visible to a second alien sight. Photons from the lights, heat generated by bodies, kinetic force from the moving of liquids. While it was a complicated sight for his Solarian eyes, it did give him something to focus on and dissect to keep himself resting. He was woke from his stupor when he heard the nickname "Solgaris," him quickly snapping to attention in slight annoyance.

"The name's Solaris." he corrected his companion, gaze moving from Kire to Oriko. His face very quickly moved back to Kire upon hearing the glass break, Solaris reacting with forced speed, raising up a hand. Blue magic appeared around Kire's hand, suspending the broken glass pieces and shards in mid air. Solaris' face tightened as he took the next step, moving his hand and moving the glass with it away from Kire's hand. The glass now away from the android, Solaris curled his fingers and twisted his hand counter-clockwise, trying something, but only succeeding in tilting the orientation of the glass. With an internal sigh, he relaxed his fingers and straightened his hand. With a slight push forward, a blast of intense heat left Solaris hand and impacted the collected glass, which caused it to immediately melt into a molten lump. Solaris then carefully manipulated his fingers, molding the molten glass and shaping it, using different telekinetic barriers to shape the glass without it all collapsing. With the glass reformed into well, a glass, Solaris pulled his hand slightly. The heat immediately left the glass, reforming it into a weaker, less sturdy but repaired version. He placed down the glass on the table, and smiled.

He then looked over to Oriko.
"I hope you can get back to your companions soon. Being gone for this long will certainly lead to problems." He stated. "As I said, the name is Solaris. I am not much of note. Kire on the other hand is, far above interesting."
Ale quickly made his way to the bar as the group entered. Four very large mugs of beer surrounded the destroyer as he made his way back to them.

“Some drinking before training always does calm oneself.”

One of the mugs flew over to Ale’s hand and he chugged his drink almost instantly.

“A little hoppy.” 


Raditz made his way out of the capsule home now sporting a blue colored variant of his Saiyan armor.

“Feel much better now. But now it’s back to square one.” the saiyan narrowed his eyes as he floated upwards. “I still have to find a way to get off this planet and this place seems to be void of beings.”

Raditz crossed his arms and tried to think for a moment.

It’s just weird. I did feel that slight burst of energy when I arrived and then it vanished. But the energy felt different. It felt similar to my Dread Energy.
'"Oh... I never introduced myself to you two?" Oriko rubbed his chin, trying to think back to where he thought he had introduced himself to Kire and Solaris. "Maybe this is a side effect of being stuck in one place for 25 years. Anyway! My name's Oriko. I come from a different Earth, and I can say that with absolute confidence from what I've seen here and what I can gander you two have seen as well." He let out a small grin as he finished his statement.

"So anyway, you said that you're an inventor and that you have a daughter named Jaz? Is she the one in that really cool power armor like what Mioi has? Did you make that armor? What would it take to get a suit? I kind of reeeeaaallllyy want one." The boy's mind starting filling with ideas of what he could do with a suit of super armor, especially in conjunction with his existing abilities and powers.
Vegetto Jr. held a disinterested stare throughout Jaz's comments about Kire's feelings. His eyes glanced away, tuning out for the entire time until he heard her voice break a bit, turning his attention back to her in concern. His expression lightened, a small smile forming at the diminished optimism she displayed. He followed after her down towards the hanger exit, keeping his smile while raising his right eyebrow.

"Don't you think you should put on your armor first? It's not like you can transform like a Saiyan and take him on."


Theron shrugged his shoulders, teetering a bit and nearly swaying into Zibarica before straightening himself out.

"Me either. It's not exactly the Jedi way to stay attached to anything for long, especially not when the Republic needs you most."

His speech was a bit slurred, his right elbow jabbing into Kira's ribs jestingly.

"Good old Grandmaster Shan is the best at teaching that example, let me tell ya!"

Gogeta Jr. sighed lightly, leaning around and nodding at Kira.

"Sorry about this...Theron's always been a lightweight."

Theron scoffed, reaching up with his cup and taking a sip before continuing into his small and strangely lighthearted tangent.

"I'm just tired...shut up Junior. Anyway..back to Jedi...that's just something you're gonna have to think about. You can be like my mother and go off to meditate in some forest, or you can give up a little bit of that religious belief to help us fight Zakuul. No hard feelings....just do what you gotta do."


Beerus approached the counter, standing with his arms clasped behind his back next to Panich. His narrowed eyes scanned the room for a moment, his head turning down to the sight of Panich's glass and peering curiously at the drink. He held a flat tone as he spoke, blatantly interrupting Panich's question to Brachi.

"Princess...what is this beverage you are drinking?"


Cheelai rubbed her chin, having stopped her evaluation and pondering Mioi's words. She broke out into a warm smile, her tone cheery.

"Why not make this your home? I know everyone around here is a little tense with the war and all that, but this the only place in the universe like it. Factions of people that spent lifetimes killing each other...actually working together. All these people just focused on Arcann and Zakuul...but they're gonna need a home too once it's all over. Might as well make it here!"

She kept her smile.

"Besides...I could use an assistant to help me with gathering important resources out there in the battlefield."
"Oh, uhm... yeah." Jaz nodded before pushing the centerpiece of KABS to make the suit morph around her entire body. As usual, every curve on her body was a sight to see thanks to how skin tight the suit was. 

She took a deep breath before lowering her head slightly to allow the visor surround and hide her face. The inside part of the visor lit up and displayed a scan of the nearby area, showing that everything was safe. Jaz remained silent as they walked out of the hanger and into greener scenery. Her mind raced about Junior's words and reactions to what she said. 

"You know he's right, little Jaz," A voice rang within Jaz's head. "All these friends you have, the egotistical Sith Lord, and your foolish father should perish. You don't need such weak links to hold you back."

"I don't want to hear your voice... Get out of my head, you're nothin' but an annoyance!"

"Am I? Are you afraid that I see and understand things you will never be capable of? Afraid that my chains will break any minute? Afraid to lose control of yourself?"

"No way! I've kept you under control for this long! You talk a lot of crap for someone who hasn't shown her face for 25 years!"

"I am simply waiting for the right time. While you play with your friends and enjoy your precious time with them, I grow stronger. Even as we lay frozen in time, I felt the chains grow with rust. Your hold on me is getting weaker. The longer you surround yourself with these people, the more you endanger them."

"S-Shut up..."

"You saw how Vegetto did not hesitate to blast you away, or how Kire constantly fights with those around you. Even Junior laughs at how weak you've gotten. He paid no attention to your stress and tossed it to the side, waiting for you to change the topic to something he wanted. Power. He craves power.

"Junior wants to stop this war! He doesn't want power, he just... He just wants to find a way to stop Arcann! He'll replace power for something else!"

"The same way he replaced you for Vaylin?" Red Mist chuckled. "That's all you are to him, a piece of flesh. The moment he loses interest in you, he will go running back to Vaylin, a woman who can satisfy his every urge and fill the empty void in his heart. Vaylin is the true diamond in his eyes and the power he deserves. You are nothing. You will never amount to anything for him. All you do is drag him down. He'll die protecting you."

"I said shut up!"

"The Sith Lord will have a reason to kill you. Even he sees your uselessness, using you simply for birthing the next generation, his generation. They don't care about you, they never did. The day you need their help, your cries will never reach them. They will never come to your aid. They will simply push forward without you."

"That's not true! I... I know Veggie and Junior and the others are nothing like that! They'll help me through any situation the same way I would help them. You're just trying to get me to lower my guard so you can take over! I won't let you take over my body, Mist!"

"You act as if I don't already have control."

"I'll lock you away. I'll make sure to throw you into the deepest and darkest pit so I never see you again."

Red Mist began to chuckle once more, each laugh getting progressively louder and sinister. 

"I'll play into your charade. I want to see your reaction when you see how strong I've truly become. I'll start by testing this strength on that little toy you call a boyfriend..."

While the two walked, Jaz was occasionally heard grunting as she battled the other persona within her mind. Once the couple appeared to be a distance away from the hanger and the rest of the group, Jaz stopped before a large tree and saw the image of Red Mist as she taunted Jaz with her final words. Jaz unleashed her blades and struck the tree, a surge of energy escaping her body.

"Leave Junior alone!"

Jaz paused before staring at her blade wedged deep inside the trunk of the tree. She yanked her blade out and turned to face Junior, the blast of energy having flattened the grass around them, particularly around Jaz. Her expression was hidden by her visor but Junior could hear the awkwardness in her voice as she struggled for an excuse.

"Uhm! T-That was my battle cry! I'll say 'Leave Junior alone!' when Vaylin tries to hurt you again! I'll make sure to jab my blade riiiiight in her ugly face! I gotta be at the top of my game! Heehee..."

Kire slammed his third and fourth cup of alcohol on the table, wincing at the burning sensation before shaking his head free of the pain. He turned to Theron and held back a chuckle, reaching for his fifth glass. He sipped it this time, allowing his throat and mouth to heal from the burning. 

Heh, lightweight...

Kire turned to Oriko and raised a brow, curious and interested at the boy's enthusiasm.

"Ah, so ya' like KABS, eh? I made that suit all by myself while I studied these Ki shenanigans in the Saiyans. Wasn't hard to think up a counter against brute force," Kire swirled the drink around in his glass. "So you want a KABS suit? Well, I can give you a suit if you're willin' to work and wait for it. I'll just have Solgaris go dumpster divin' for scraps while I begin to prep a lab here. In the meanwhile, I can work on somethin' else while you wait, it might just fancy you more than KABS."

Kire eyed Oriko.

"I'm sure you got somethin' else on you that you wouldn't mind me tinkerin' with. I promise to make whatever you got a million times better than what it already is. All you gotta do kiddo is help me out every now and then. Don't worry, I ain't gonna work you t' the bone, I just think Solgaris can use a buddy to talk to when I'm busy. Besides, I'm gonna be extra busy soon, so I need two strong dudes to keep an eye on my lil' cupcake." Kire shrugged. "But anyways, the deal is simple, help me out, and I'll handle any upgrades you need from me."

Kire finished drinking his fifth glass of alcohol and held his hand out to Oriko, already taking a sip of his sixth glass. 

"Do we have a deal~?"
Kira watched Theron jab her in the ribs, her frown only growing.

"The Jedi forbid attachment. Particularly love and possession but also to the Republic. The Jedi can survive without the Republic, and the Light side remains in balance of the galaxy." She stated. "But without the Jedi the Republic can't survive. Not to discount anyone else it's just the Jedi are awful good at dying for the galaxy stopping Sith Lords and blowing up super weapons. So with Grandmaster Satele not helping the Republic that leaves one choice." She glance over to Gogeta Jr. "A Sith saved my life and are doing more for the Republic than the Jedi. Not like Scourge who was a Sith fighting another Sith, a Sith Emperor saved my life because it was the right thing to do even if I was just along for the ride. So the right thing to do is to fight Zakuul. Avoiding attachment means nothing if both the Republic and the Jedi die."

- - -

"I can't say I'm particularly excited at the idea of going dumpster diving, but considering I am in Kire's debt and thus his assistant, I'm more than willing to help in acquiring a... KRABS suit for you." Solaris stated to Oriko. "Krabs? Clabs? Cramps?" He muttered to himself. "It's just another thing I need to for Kire, nothing extraordinary. On the other hand, a good suit of armor does a lot." He added, grabbing the helmet attached to his waist and holding it up. "There's was an AI present in this helmet that allowed me to learn how to fight and improve myself a lot faster than I could've normally, It was useful, but ultimately a crutch."
"I'll take a few more drinks, thank you." Ale said to the bartender as he finished up his last mug. He watched on as others spoke and were getting more tipsy. "Very lightweight indeed." he mused as his drinks arrived. 

He walked over with his floating mugs of beer towards the table where Kire, Oriko, and others were settled and took a seat. 

"Don't mind me just wanted to make your acquaintance." he said as a mug floated towards his hand.


Raditz flew up towards the sky to examine the surface.

"Just all trees as far as I can see. Whoever is here has to be hiding in the dense forest. That burst of energy was not my imagination. It had the same pure feeling that i get when I go Dread Saiyan."

He folded his arms.

"Which means I have to be wary."
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