A Personality in Anime You Dislike?

The worst one is when the character in question actually brings up a good point, only for the MC to say "well, yeah, but you're a poopnose, so there." I remember seeing this page that showcase that issue where a guy brought up great points how whaling was bad, only for the MC to dismissed it because some trolls say means thing on Twitter, as if that invalidite his points.
ShineCero said:
The worst one is when the character in question actually brings up a good point, only for the MC to say "well, yeah, but you're a poopnose, so there." I remember seeing this page that showcase that issue where a guy brought up great points how whaling was bad, only for the MC to dismissed it because some trolls say means thing on Twitter, as if that invalidite his points.


This is the one I'm talking about. Whereas an character brings up an valid point, but it is dismissed immediately. Does a bunch of trolls on twitter jackasses? No doubt, but how does it invalidate the man's argument that whaling is and always has been, uncivilized customs?
Yeah, I don't think edgy twitter is remotely comparable to whaling and forced female sterilization, as terrible as the Tsunami was... if they really wanted a jab at Westerners, they should have used a better example if they wanted to do a "gotcha"

I feel some projection emanating from that page
Yeah. I think any writers, from any medium, that chose to write something, especially an controversial topic at that, should probably be a little more better in providing some arguments that doesn't fall on twitter trolls.

It's basically the same mindset of "if you kill him, you'll be just as bad as him."
Nick said:
When one of the 'sucked into a game' anime pops up but never mentions it ever again, like its some cheap marketing gag at this point

Doubles if they managed to become the most OP thing in the entire world, despite being transported there. Many "transfer to another world" thing is pretty tiring nowadays.

When an ability in question seems to look "cool", but when you apply some logic into it, it falls apart. I'm looking at you My Hero Academia.
ShineCero said:
When an ability in question seems to look "cool", but when you apply some logic into it, it falls apart. I'm looking at you My Hero Academia.

Then One Piece should be in that category too.. but I think that at one point you need to stop thinking realistically to be able to enjoy super powered series because youre always gonna find an error. XD

I hate it when there are characters that unnecessarily scream too much.. looking at you black clover..
I CANNOT FUCKING STAND the "Assumed Pervert" cliche. Hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it! Where some dude (usually the main character) is running somewhere, he runs into a girl (usually with Big Anime Boobs) and when they both fall over, his hand is suddenly grabbing her boob. She then proceeds to beat the absolute shit out of him every time they meet, simply because of that one fateful encounter. I hate it so much
I personally hate it when it starts off with a strong idea/premise but then it becomes predictable like all hell or loses the focus of what the show is about. I personally think Attack On Titan falls under this because it started off very good and strong, with relatable characters (To a degree), interesting plot, and new ideas. Sadly, from what I have seen and heard, the show/manga is getting a lot of plotholes and most of the 'twists' are either predictable or outright dumb for the story.
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