A Personality in Anime You Dislike?

Animes that feel unoriginal or copy and pasted. We get it you went to another world with some kind of stipulation, we get it the main character is OP from the start, we get it our main character was randomly chosen for the events of the series. i could droll on and on and on with this one
The treatment of female characters in a lot of shows. I'm not even talking about the fanservice this time. 
Their role is almost always supportive or their struggles are always related to sexual harrassment or other very sexist type of struggles, idk it rubs me the wrong way after seeing one too many of these type of shows lol.
Characters that have too much energy annoy me from time to time. Like the character themselves is probably fine, but i can't deal with them literally shouting every word they say.
*Serious moment in the anime*

"You know what will be great in this? Big ol jiggly honkers"
I hate the hacker-type of character that uses two clicks of a button to hack the White House.
I hate the hacker-type of character that uses two clicks of a button to hack the White House.
@Z , dude Betelguese in Re:Zero scared the heck out  of me, so i think his chara worked pretty well for me xD. Also check out the Caster from Fate/Zero he was scary in the exact same way, maybe even more xD

I hate characters that never explain to others the reason for their controversial behaviour. Just COMMUNICATE for the love of god. XD

Harems. All variation of it.

"I just transferred to this class."

"My parents are away on a business trip, so I'm in this house by myself."

*Falls over girl, grabs boobies* Haha, funny, haha girl slaps, haha real fucking funny.

"She's my sister, but we're not blood related, so it's okay to do the boom boom and the bam bam."


"MC-Kun... I lov-"
*something interrupted them*
Haha... nothing.

Children with a couple years of training beating adults with decades of experience.

Beach Episodes.
Field Trip Episodes. Bonus Points if Field Trip Episodes leads to death/tragedy/stuck in a blizzard/forest/whatever. Bonus Bonus Points if the teacher is a pervert.
School Festival Episodes.
Training Episodes.
Hot Springs Episodes.

Comedy Relief Character that is loud and never shuts up. 

Those cicadas stock sound that goes ENNNNN EN-EN-EN-ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnn every damn second.

Female Characters having the biggest boobies in the world.

Ordinary High School Boy. Suddenly, he's important now.

Popular Female Character that nobody talks too. As soon MC talks to her, she's constantly inches away from his ding dong.

MC talks to a girl, all the men in his school now and had assaulted him for it.

Two characters have guns and are mere inches away from each other. Bullets hits the ground instead.

Main Villain is literally strangeling the MC with his bare hand and has a sword on the other. Throws him to a wall instead.

Post-apocalyptic style setting and the MC is the most friendly being on the planet despite there being chaos and mayhem all around them and gets surprised that there are bad people and traitors in such hard times.

Simulation-type animes where if people die in 'said game/simulation/arena', they die in real life. Everyone who makes an intelligent choice is dead meanwhile the MC fights for his harem/fwends, forgive the bad guy and mindlessly risks the life of his friends so he can look good. nah son.

Bad guys that talk too much.
Good guys that talk even more.

Generic 'New transfer student' chosen one.

MC has amazing skills, very smart, and the second coming of Christ. No one notices him until he wins a fight or does a backflip.

And I especially despise when an anime has absolutely... NO CONSEQUENCES for anyone's actions!!! I friggin hate it so much! Not everything is so black and white!

> scene happens and MC goes to a alleyway, doubles if the MC is the girl
> suddenly surrounded by 3 bad guys that always one tall dude, one fat dude, and one short dude that wants to rob, assault, kill MC for whatever reason.
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