Harems. All variation of it.
"I just transferred to this class."
"My parents are away on a business trip, so I'm in this house by myself."
*Falls over girl, grabs boobies* Haha, funny, haha girl slaps, haha real fucking funny.
"She's my sister, but we're not blood related, so it's okay to do the boom boom and the bam bam."
"MC-Kun... I lov-"
*something interrupted them*
Haha... nothing.
Children with a couple years of training beating adults with decades of experience.
Beach Episodes.
Field Trip Episodes. Bonus Points if Field Trip Episodes leads to death/tragedy/stuck in a blizzard/forest/whatever. Bonus Bonus Points if the teacher is a pervert.
School Festival Episodes.
Training Episodes.
Hot Springs Episodes.
Comedy Relief Character that is loud and never shuts up.
Those cicadas stock sound that goes ENNNNN EN-EN-EN-ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnn every damn second.
Female Characters having the biggest boobies in the world.
Ordinary High School Boy. Suddenly, he's important now.
Popular Female Character that nobody talks too. As soon MC talks to her, she's constantly inches away from his ding dong.
MC talks to a girl, all the men in his school now and had assaulted him for it.
Two characters have guns and are mere inches away from each other. Bullets hits the ground instead.
Main Villain is literally strangeling the MC with his bare hand and has a sword on the other. Throws him to a wall instead.