A Personality in Anime You Dislike?

@"ShineCero" will know what I mean when I say the trope Myne from Tate no Yuusha/Shield Hero falls under.. xD and just plain bad miscommunication
Linkaden said:
Anime only getting 25 episodes
add to the salt when they rush the hell out of episodes 24 and 25 for an ending that isn't THAT bad, but you end up feeling very frustrated over avoidable/unnecessary things that are forced out
When the character have a point in their argument, but the characters completely dismissed it without a sound argument.
I personally hate characters that are 'insane.' Their definition of insane is spewing nonsense and shock factor to 'scare' the viewer or convince them into thinking 'Wow, this guy is nuts!' when in reality they are the funniest and ridiculous character in the entire story. It's so over the top and dramatic that I can't help but laugh. Here is an example of what I mean. How anyone can sit there and take this guy seriously is beyond me. 


Another trope I hate is the 'licking a girl's cheek to prove I'm a bad guy/rapist' despite doing horrible stuff to begin with.
You're telling me that you killing millions of people wasn't enough to tell me you're a bad guy, but the second you lick the waifu's cheek, that's crossing the line? c'mon, really? Where are the priorities?!  :wagh:
I really don't like when 'smart characters' state the obvious to prove how smart they are. They also have a habit of knowing everything their opponent does but never tell their teammates and are shocked when someone dies. Just because a character says a couple big words doesn't mean he's smart, it means they are pretentious.
Characters that refer to themselves by third person to present themselves as either childish or cutesy and use this very grating high pitched voice. Maybe the intent is to make them annoying, but God it is just annoyingly unnecessary. I actually prefer it when dubs make them use "I" instead of their name and their voices are much more tolerable (except they kept that for Buu because haha Fat Buu haha fkgkfktkrk)

It's cringe in real life, it's cringe in anime and I hate it!!!!
Whenever a character is pouring out his emotions to another character, they say, in response, by saying their name sympathetically. Something like "Main-Kun....." in a whisper.

Drives me nuts.
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