The Sisterhood of White Magic Society

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meta knight said:
Vox says as a matter of fact "I got to agree i am curious as well." Walking torts the clouds as well.

As they head towards the location where the supposed "clouds" were, they've stumbled upon a battle between two magicians. "Whoa! We're in admist of a battle! Now this is definitely exciting to see!" Bob was overjoy. 

~ Z ~ said:
Z was tackled to the floor and she began to chuckle with an echo. She held the girl by the back of her shirt and rolled to the side, pushing her off. She pointed at Liza with the lightning rod which caused her to float in the air, unable to get down. She held the promotion for Liza in her other hand and wiggled it around, taunting her. Her tone got serious and the tip of the lightning rod began to glow, preparing an attack at Liza.

"You have failed to obtain the promotion from my hand and you have resorted to cheap tactics that not even a novice will resort to~" Z said coldly. "You are worse than a novice with the amount of knowledge you possess, Liza~ I honestly expected better from a lightning mage as yourself~ They say good things about you but I see it is nothing but a lie~" The attack on the lightning rod got bigger and bigger. "You are no true mage~"

"What!? You're in no room to talk, you damn imp!" Liza angered. "I have you know, Shine himself personally wanted to promoted me! So I don't want to here from someone who slacks off!" Liza shouted. The burst of electricity formed around her. "You think some stupid rod can stop me? I'll shall you what a true Lightning mage, is capable of!"  

Her eyes became glow with electric sparks beaming from her eyes. She lifted up her wand towards the clouds. "Take this! Thunder God! The Wrath of Enel! GO Thoron!" The formation of the clouds warped itself around Liza until it shaped forms similar to that of a humanoid being. The eyes opened as the lightning rapidly forms around it. The amount of lightning was clashing across the sisterhood, as the cloud-being griped it's two fist together and screamed as it launched it's attack.  In admist of the battle, the rod that Z hold, began to crack - When Liza attacked Z head on, Liza used a magical item, the "Explosion Tag" on the rod, to destroy it - her tackle was nothing more than a decoy. The cloud being slammed it's fist onto Z, creating a shock wave that shook the area they were in. Light bulbs began to burst, walls began to crack as the cloud continue it's assault in rapid succession. After it's last blows, the cloud being disappeared as the cloud disperse away. Liza fell down onto the floor, panting. "H-.. How do you like that!?"
Z took the full hit of the cloud being and stayed on the floor for a couple of seconds. She floated up and lifted her head to face Liza with her entire body relatively unharmed with the exception for a couple scratches and the tip of her jacket burnt off. She casually floated to Liza and held the promotion papers to her.

"You were suppose to take the paper from my hand, not cause a power-outage in the Sisterhood~" Z sighed. "But you certainly live up to your reputation~ Alas, your temper needs work, yes~?" Z began to draw light bulbs with her pencil and make them float back to replace the broken ones. She didn't even look remotely tired. "You let your anger cloud your judgement, Liza~ You mustn't let your anger take advantage of you~ You are a strong Mage but a wise Mage controls their emotions~ Do this and you'll be one step closer to being a Master Mage~"

Z petted Liza's head before handing off her promotional diploma in her hands. She floated off but stopped to say one last thing.

"Have you any news of Shine, the idiot has been missing for a while and has left me doing all the work...~"
Vox says looking at the destroyed lighting rod and the panting younger mage "yes but by the looks the mach is over." Pointing at the doll thing handing over something to the young mage. "by the looks the younger mage passed some kind of test."
~ Z ~ said:
Z took the full hit of the cloud being and stayed on the floor for a couple of seconds. She floated up and lifted her head to face Liza with her entire body relatively unharmed with the exception for a couple scratches and the tip of her jacket burnt off. She casually floated to Liza and held the promotion papers to her.

"You were suppose to take the paper from my hand, not cause a power-outage in the Sisterhood~" Z sighed. "But you certainly live up to your reputation~ Alas, your temper needs work, yes~?" Z began to draw light bulbs with her pencil and make them float back to replace the broken ones. She didn't even look remotely tired. "You let your anger cloud your judgement, Liza~ You mustn't let your anger take advantage of you~ You are a strong Mage but a wise Mage controls their emotions~ Do this and you'll be one step closer to being a Master Mage~"

Z petted Liza's head before handing off her promotional diploma in her hands. She floated off but stopped to say one last thing.

"Have you any news of Shine, the idiot has been missing for a while and has left me doing all the work...~"

Liza's expression went blank, unable to process what Z had said. "Swipe the paper from her..?" She thought to herself. She'd looked around, noticing the damaged she'd caused. Her face turned red from embarrassment. "S-sorry.." as she looked at her diploma. 

meta knight said:
Vox says looking at the destroyed lighting rod and the panting younger mage "yes but by the looks the mach is over." Pointing at the doll thing handing over something to the young mage. "by the looks the younger mage passed some kind of test."

"Ah! Yes, Mages can increased their rank when they think they're able to do so. However, they have to get approved officially by ShineCero; otherwise they won't look good for guilds - regardless of their special talent. Since ShineCero isn't here, Z has to be the one do the promotion" Bob rubbed his chin. "But man.. what a spectacular show, to see such powerful magic within this one!" Bob said.
Z turned to face Bob and Vox and floated closer to them, her face inches from their own. She was awfully small compared to them which seemed to come off as a surprise, especially if this was the first time they met her. How can such a tiny thing be so powerful? She lifted her large pencil in the air and began to draw two brooms and a trash can. She let the two brooms float to the two men.

"You two seem capable of cleaning the mess Liza made, yes~?" Z said while petting both their heads. "Leave no glass on the floor~"

Z then floated over to Liza and gently bonked her head with her pencil. She needed some sort of clue as to where Shine might be. The sooner she finds him, the less work she has to do. She floated in front of Liza.

"What information have you of that dork, Shine~?" She said calmly. "He's been missing for a while and not even I know of his whereabouts~ We need all the information we can about Shine and his locations~ Please tell me what you know of Shine, Liza~"
meta knight said:
Vox says nicely "I have to agree with the fact it was a good fight."

~ Z ~ said:
Z turned to face Bob and Vox and floated closer to them, her face inches from their own. She was awfully small compared to them which seemed to come off as a surprise, especially if this was the first time they met her. How can such a tiny thing be so powerful? She lifted her large pencil in the air and began to draw two brooms and a trash can. She let the two brooms float to the two men.

"You two seem capable of cleaning the mess Liza made, yes~?" Z said while petting both their heads. "Leave no glass on the floor~"

Z then floated over to Liza and gently bonked her head with her pencil. She needed some sort of clue as to where Shine might be. The sooner she finds him, the less work she has to do. She floated in front of Liza.

"What information have you of that dork, Shine~?" She said calmly. "He's been missing for a while and not even I know of his whereabouts~ We need all the information we can about Shine and his locations~ Please tell me what you know of Shine, Liza~"

Bob had a blank expression. "Eh?" He was confused that Z gave him a broom and petted his head. "Ah well.. I guess we're suppose to clean.. but we just got here..?" Bob chuckled. "Well, it could be an experience..!"

"I haven't seen Shine for a while.." Liza said. "Last time I heard from him that he's going to a temple to discovered something about the world.. but that's all I know." She turned to the two being forced to clean up the mess, feeling a bit ashamed.
Z listened to Liza and nodded to herself. She finally had a clue as to more or less where Shine could be. Deep down inside, she truly hoped that he was okay... so she can beat him up later. She stared at Liza's eyes and noticed her looking at Bob and Vox. She pondered as to what she was thinking and only shook her head. She snapped her fingers and the diploma in Liza's hands turned to a broom.

"You aid them in this mess, you caused it after all~" Z chuckled. "No worries about your diploma, all your hard work has already been recorded~ You can summon your diploma after you clean up this mess~" Z floated into the air and suddenly disappeared from sight.


Z appeared in front of a working Faunix and a guarding Lix. Everyone complaining seemed to have stopped once they saw Z for the first time. Despite the fact that many were cursing her out before, they all remained silent when she actually appeared. Faunix and Lix stared at Z with confusion.

"You two need to head to a temple that holds the secrets of this planet, that is where Shine was last seen~" Z ordered. The onlookers seemed relieved that there was a clue of Shine's whereabouts. "You are to go there and gather information about Shine~"

"Clues about Shine?!" Faunix said happily. "Sure thing Lord Z but what about the people waiting to see you?"

"I am taking the whole day of today and tomorrow to tend to those who seek approval~"

"Wow, that's amazing Lord Z, you're actually going to work for on---"

"My clones will handle each person individually so as I can get some sleep~"

"Never get your hopes up, Faunix." Lix said emotionlessly.

"Yeah... Well, when do we get started, Lord Z?" Faunix asked.

"Now~ The sooner we find Shine, the more sleep I can get~" Z turned to the people who were whispering to themselves. She let out an annoyed sigh and used her large OmniPencil to draw a portal. She grabbed the portal with her mitten hands and shook it around. Hundreds of Z-Clones fell out from the portal, each one tending to every single person in the Sisterhood. Z closed the portal and left one Z-Clone in charge by giving it a yellow OmniPencil and some glasses to make her stand out. Z yawned and turned to Faunix and Lix. "Alright, go find Shine, I'll be napping in the meanwhile~ I've done so much today...~"
Vox says unaffected by what happen "It dos seem to be the case that little doll thing wishes us to clean this mess. Some thing tells me it thinks we are staff." Vox seems to think about casting a spell to clean things up.
"Indeed.." Bob starts picking up fragments from the floor by hands. "Ah, although, I can use some of these broken materials to sell onto shps. I'm sure they would benefits from this in one way or another.."

Liza nodded and went to assist them in the mess. "H-hey.. sorry about that. I tend to get hot-headed sometimes.." Liza sweated. She starts picking up fragments. "Sorry about my actions that got you two involved."

"Ah! Don't worry, young mage." Bob said. "We just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, though I would have to day, that was quite a amazing magic you've performed out there."
A Z-Clone appeared with Liza, Bob, and Vox. It had a OmniPencil that seemed to look similar to a broom. It floated above the trio, watching them. Even the clones were just as lazy as the real thing. It spoke out to the people.

"You may use magic to clean this mess if you wish to get out sooner~" Z-Clone chuckled. "And no selling property of the Sisterhood, Salesman Bob~ Nice try but you may only sell your own merchandise here~ However, you may steal from the Brotherhood and sell their products~"
Vox says nicely to bob "I can think of a some spells that can use glass." Vox says to Liza nicely "If this is the cost of seeing a young mage show how power she is then its well worth it." A wind starts to help cleaning up the mess as well. Vox says to the Z-clone"you mean like that."
~ Z ~ said:
A Z-Clone appeared with Liza, Bob, and Vox. It had a OmniPencil that seemed to look similar to a broom. It floated above the trio, watching them. Even the clones were just as lazy as the real thing. It spoke out to the people.

"You may use magic to clean this mess if you wish to get out sooner~" Z-Clone chuckled. "And no selling property of the Sisterhood, Salesman Bob~ Nice try but you may only sell your own merchandise here~ However, you may steal from the Brotherhood and sell their products~"

"Ah.." Bob sweated a bit. He seems to look that he was disappointed that he wasn't able to take any scrapes, but he came to respect her wishes. "No worries, I don't want to do anything worth disrespecting the sisterhood, my fair lady." Bob turns to Vox, cleaning up the mess with the magic. "W-well then, I suppose that's much easier than picking up by hand." 

Liza blushed a bit from being praised, stopping after Vox used magic to ease up the mess. "Well, thanks!" She'd seem excited that she had two people impressed with her skills. "Watch out, Shine.. I'm going to catch up to you.."  Liza thought to herself.
Vox after all the glass was in the can says to the Z-clone "I think that should be good." Vox says nicely to Bob and Liza "the spell is a useful little cantrip i picked up on my travels."
"Thanks goodness for Vox to save us back there! That's definitely a good spell to pick on your travels!" Bob said cheerfully. He turns to Liza "That was some intense magic! How long were you in training?"

"Well, I always wanted to become a mage.. to be the strongest.." Liza said. "I actually want to become leader of the Black Magic.. but I need to outrank Shine first.."
"Well, I am a bit hungry.." Liza grabbed onto her stomach. "Let's head to the Magical Hall. I heard Sisterhood has a wonderful garden with the freshest of fruits and vegetables."

"Then let's not waste anytime, let's dish in more fine foods." Bob cheerfully said.
As they walk towards Sisterhood's Magical Halls, Bob prompt a question.

"Ah, you know where Shine is currently?"

"Kind of.." Liza said. "He went to a temple, but that's all I know. We haven't been in contact as much lately" Liza said. "Ah! I haven't caught your names yet.. My names is Liza, the Lightning Mage. You two?"

"I'm Bob." Bob replied.
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