The Reality Vortex: The Black Rose

Spina lowered his head, but his eyes locked onto Whis during his explanation. His fists clenched tightly, with veins bulging around in response to his rising anger. Ultimately, what tipped him to nearly his breaking point was Whis’ request.

Whis’ departure from the Breakers did not bother the old Saiyan. Rather, in Spina’s mind, the absurdities fall on several things. The angel forced his supposed dream onto the Breakers, and when they failed, he hopped to another to achieve it through them instead. Driving his rage further, Whis had the audacity to not only come back, but also demanded help to clean up his mess. It triggered a dark memory that Spina had buried long ago, unearthing his immense hatred of being used in a similar situation. Brutality did not help ease Spina’s rage, instead stoking it even further by showcasing Vegetto’s arrival during the Eleki battle and Rogue City—where Vegetto also left to pursuit another because [they] did not reach his expectations.

The moment Coella declared Whis’ request as a battle between students pushed Spina off to the deep end. With a roar, as sparks of dark energy appeared around him, grabbed the table and tossed it towards the ceiling. All the tableware went flying everywhere, with foods spilling on the Breakers. “Listen here, rabbit.” He threw harsh words at Coella. “I’m no one’s student. Especially from him. He didn’t do a damn thing. Not at all.” He emphasized.

“You fucked around, and it blew up in your face. Not my problem. I’m not your janitor to clean up your slop. You deal with it instead.”

“Hey!” Clark took a stance. “Calm down. Whis is genuinely asking us for help! Why are you freaking out—”

“Shut the fuck up.” Spina demanded. “If you idiots want to help. Be my guest. I won’t be drag into someone’s squabble.” He turns to Whis, raising his hand at the angel’s face. Energy soaring around the palm of his hand until it became a bright ball of pink light. “I have a better idea. Let’s kill you instead and now they won’t have a reason to show up, huh?”
Victor quickly summons a slime, and it blocked the food heading toads him.

Victor says flatly "Spina and you have trayed to claimed to be these kids' leader." Victor asks, "If a fight is required can we go some were less polluted."
As Zenta listened to Whis, a small frown formed on his face. As he thought about Whis’s situation, his ears perked up upon hearing Spina’s outburst. In a way, he understood the outburst, but, perhaps, it was overdramatic from Spina’s part.

Forcing your dreams onto your disciples is never a good idea… Spina’s rage, albeit much, is understandable…

Zenta shook his head, disappointed, but choosing to remain silent about his opinion. Even as Spina flung the table, Zenta remained calmly seated.

Avalon and Asher watched Spina go ballistic, ducking out of the way as the forks, spoons, and knives flew everywhere. Only when Spina aimed his energy blast at Whis did Avalon and Asher try to intervene.

“Whoa! Spina, hold on!” Avalon said, holding his arms up to Spina. “Before you blast people’s heads off, just calm down!”

Asher, however, was more direct. The youngster ran to Spina and grabbed his arm, pulling it to the side and towards the ceiling. He held onto the older Saiyan tightly.

“Hey! What the hell is the matter with you?! Chillax!”
The rabbit witch jolted backward as Spina threw up the table in a rage. Food flew past her and she folded her ears down, hoping to keep the food from getting on her head. As Spina addressed her she froze, only blinking every so often. As Spina turned his frustration to Whis, she tilted her head in confusion. Seems she had misread the situation.
“Shut up.” Spina spoke with pure venom in his tone. He delivered a powerful kick against Avalon’s stomach, flinging him away. The old Saiyan felt his arm being tugged away from Whis, which simply added to his building frustration on this whole ordeal.

Seeing Asher, a total stranger in a grand scheme of things, butting in didn’t deter Spina at all. Without any regard to the fact that Asher was a child of Cuki, Spina headbutted the child to knock him away from his arm. “Don’t get in my way again, brat. That’s your first and final warning.”

Clark knew he had to act. He quickly dashed over to Asher, coming in between the youngster and the old Saiyan. “That’s enough. You’re going too far!” The Kryptonian tensed his body in preparation for a battle to erupt. “I don’t know what set you off, but you need to calm down. Or I’ll make you calm down.” He said with a demanding voice. “Whis is asking for help with an issue—just hear him out. We don’t know what’s going on and it’s clear that Whis had to come to us in that condition. That’s at least you can do since he was the group’s guide—”

Spina’s anger grows as he scoffs at the comment. “Stop talking. He may mean something to those idiots, but never to me. I don’t care about his issues.” He powered up his attack once more, pointing at Whis with clear intent of killing the angel. There were dark particles sparking around the Saiyan, which caused not just Clark, but anyone to back off due to the presence of “dark energy” emitting from him. “It’ll be quick and easy.” Spina’s tone was grim.
The slime moves to stop Avalon form flying way too far.

Victor says in a flat and chilling tone as a creature with many eyes starts to form behind victor "I rather not being a puppet to some kind of power. Givin your aperient state of mind that what you want." It seems that that white cat is starting to softly glow.
Brachi, Bara and Dielec were instantly at alert, though Brachi remained serious.

"So this is what is has come to, huh? Attacking someone who is clearly requesting our aid... and you call yourself a Saiyan Warrior by letting this dark energy control you?! WHERE IS YOUR PRIDE?!" Brachi snarled in a tone similar to Vegeta, "If you've cast that aside, you're no warrior, you're just a savage brute attacking anyone on a whim, all because you can. Attacking me, Whis or anyone else right now will only prove my point as to what has become of you."

With that, Brachi powered up into Super Saiyan Blue Evolved.

"So, what's it going to be? Are you going to stand down and prove you have some shred of pride and self-control? Or are you going to prove my point that you're just a savage coward unwilling to listen to anyone else and letting that dark energy fester like an infection to where you'll be the one ending up being consumed by it, where you are no longer in control of yourself, and letting whoever has 'granted' you that dark energy take control of you like a puppet, while the puppeteer just remains in the shadows, controlling your actions on a whim?! If that is the case, then the puppet is a greater fool than the puppeteer!" She said, staring Spina down.
Gripping her red wrist, Mooli felt forced to get further away; the pressure Spina was giving off felt like a physical barrier was preventing her from getting any closer anymore. Regardless, she kept Whis in her line of sight and readied herself by widening her stance, a drop of sweat rolling down her face as she eyed everyone in cautious anticipation of what was to come by Brachi feeling emboldened enough to transform and threaten Spina directly. The only provocation she needed to join Victor and Brachi would be for Spina to actually follow through with his attempt.

Bernkastel scowled at the display unraveling in front of her, hesitating to move given that things were slowly escalating beyond reasonable levels. Aside from Zenta, tension was clearly on the rise with some even getting ready to retaliate physically. After taking in a deep breath and brushing all the food that got her clothes dirty, she stood up from her chair and stepped forward to put herself in front of Coella now that the table was no longer in the way. The Witch reached out to gently touch Brachi's arm.

"Let's all calm down a little," she spoke to the room in a level-headed tone, pacing herself to choose her next words carefully. "I understand this is a serious overstep and you want to protect Whis, but this approach isn't doing anybody any favors. We should know better than to goad Spina after what happened earlier, you know? As for you," Bernkastel turned to Spina. She looked to be enduring a physical strain just by getting a little closer to him but was able to push through in keeping a calm delivery despite the atmosphere putting everybody on edge. "There's no need to go any further, I believe you've made your point quite clear. But please forgive Coella's misplaced words; she meant no harm by it. Regardless... I would reconsider killing Whis if I were you. You see," There was an ever so slight change in her eyes upon shifting the topic,

"This isn't like the Coin Hunter or the Red King where killing would solve the problem permanently; these people won't just walk away in resignation if they find Whis's Coin in your hand. Something clearly happened for his own students to turn on him enough to brutalize him. Whether it be hatred or betrayal... they feel it so strongly that they deem themselves justified in being his judge, jury, and executioners. Were it me, I'd stop at nothing to attain the satisfaction of destroying everything my master believed in until I only saw fear and regret in their eyes while I slowly, painfully snuff out their life with my own hands." Bernkastel's lifeless eyes were practically abyssal as she locked eyes with him, foretelling the mindset of a calculated killer in such an eerily familiar manner with no hesitance in delivery. "If someone had the audacity to steal that rapturous delight from me, I'd hunt them down to the ends of time and exact my revenge accordingly. Killing would be far too merciful, so perhaps I'd trap them inside a fragment and make them suffer every version of execution I'd dreamed to use on my master until I'd met satisfaction. If my victim had near-immaculate regeneration... I'd certainly savor it."

She hadn't taken her eyes off him even once, though she made sure everyone in the room heard her reasoning. "Do you understand what I'm getting at? Don't create a mess greater than the one you're looking to avoid. If you want no part in this, then let me handle it."
Whis sat calmly once Spina had erupted into his tirade, but his demeanor was far from relaxed or complacent with the behavior. The angel sat upright and straight, yet uninhibited by anxious thoughts or nervousness from the concerning behavior from the older Saiyan. Instead, Whis eyed Spina like a careful combatant, ready to strike as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

He watched on silently as Avalon and Asher were practically flung to the side, staring up at the energy ball formed in front of his own face. Even as the others spoke out in protest against Spina's actions, Whis sat firmly in his position while the energy whirred dangerously before him. Then, as Bernkastel spoke, his eyes shifted for the first time towards the witch.

Whis remained quiet while she explained the situation in detail further, the presentation of the real problem prompting a small, content expression on the angel's face momentarily. Yet the angel was effective to show no pride in such an explanation, as he still knew Spina's issue was accurate: the entire problem was Whis' burden, and by coming to the Breakers, he had now laid it onto them against their will.

As Bernkastel spoke, Whis slowly rose to his feet; his eyes carefully tracking Spina in looming over the older Saiyan. However, unlike the others that were forced back by the unfamiliar presence of Dark Energy, Whis raised his arm slowly but uninhibited by the power. An indication that the angel had experience dealing with the power already.

Reaching out, Whis simply wrapped his fingers around the threatening energy sphere Spina aimed at his face. And with a swift motion, Whis balled his hand up and dispersed the energy in a single stroke. With the ominous destructive energy gone, Whis summoned his staff with his other free hand and kept his gaze down on Spina.

"I am sorry, Spina. My choice of words was...poor. You do not owe me anything...and I apologize for rudely asking for your help when I have given you very little."

The words spoken from the angel, however, felt slightly hollow. The actual meaning and spoken words being genuine from Whis, but still lacking as if Whis had already determined his own apology was wasted. Whis looked on at Spina as if he were staring at a dead man walking; a clear expression and tone that the others could easily pick up on, but soon turned his head and glanced to the others.

"As well...I do apologize if anyone else shares the same sentiment. I do not wish to drag any unwilling participants into this conflict...and I will leave promptly if you do not wish to aid me."

Cayde had remained tensed throughout the entire situation, especially in watching Clark struggle to reason with Spina so intensely. His hand, however, lifted quietly off his holster but the android was first to speak out after Whis finished.

"I'm all for helping...but buddy...I'm gonna need more details here. Last time you were in Rogue City, I watched you take on the two muscle heads (Vegetto and Clark) without even breaking a sweat. So if your...students...could do this much damage to you...then how close is this fight gonna be?"

Whis paused, taking a moment to look around at the gathered individuals. His stare lacked emotion once more; a poor sign as Whis gave no indication or positive reinforcement when looking over the gathered Breakers that they could defeat the rogue students. His eyes lifted slowly, and instead, he decided to speak on the specifics of the matter.

"There are two of them. After I split from all of you, I first ventured outwards to stop a rather troublesome-"


In the midst of the swirling energy and heightened emotions burning all around you, a familiar distortion slips in. Such a quiet sensation should have been missed, yet its strong and overbearing presence suddenly forces your attention once again. You feel something...or someone...disappointed in your actions.

The sickening sensation radiates further, your eyes commanded towards Bernkastel. What was confusing before, is now clear: she is not the source. But rather the target of...whatever the source truly is. Creeping power, unfamiliar but undeniably similar to the power radiating from Spina. It continued to grow at the command of something; someone separate from the witch. Threatening to unmake her, as you can feel her own reason and logic being overridden by this strange power. A unseen puppeteer, poised to enslave the witch to its cause.

Her placid face boils over into rage, scrunched and distorted as her lip curls back to bare her sharp teeth. With every passing second, you can feel her killing intent deepen towards Whis despite knowing the truth. The emotional energy resonating from the small little witch dwarfing the insanity of the older Saiyan threatening to erase what should be rightful her kill. You feel choked up all over, as though your body can tell a hunter is present and your survival instincts are trying to make you disappear.

A chill runs up your spine, the sensation warning that you shouldn't get involved. And once more, you feel the commands resonating within you rather than words spoken to you.


Scuttle away into a hole like the vermin you are and hide. Lest you have your wings ripped, your limbs plucked, and your rotten insides splayed about before being scraped into a paste on the ground.

As quickly as it began, the threatening and foreboding flash vanished within the blink of an eye once more. Bernkastel stood unchanged, but not immune or unaware of the situation that just occured.

As you returned to reality, Whis looked on expectantly. Having finished his explanation, waiting for any Breakers to ask more questions.
Victor starts to laugh not out fear but because he truly found it funny as his aura flares and the creature becomes more real. Victor thinks "I wonder if it would be worth my time to tame that creature?"

Victor says as he recovers from the laughter "I gest this is not the time to explain to this old geezer who Coin Hunter or the Red King are. I am new to this group." Victor says flatly "do you think we try to I don't know not involve normal people."
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