The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

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Zenta remained silent for a moment, Lucifer's words striking him like daggers. He was unsure of what he meant by knowing his capabilities. Did he secretly judge him when he fought Clark, or did he know something he didn't? He didn't even know there was a test. Zenta scoffed, pushing himself off the wall when Lucifer mentioned Spina, but he thought about what Lucifer saw in him.

"Mr. Spina? Hm. He has been acting strange as of late..." Zenta tried to think about what Spina did that might have stood out. "Close to reaching what, if I may ask?"
"I didn't think he had any interest in a type like that because of how he normally is... it feels like I'm intruding watching it even though he's openly flirting like that." Even with Bernkastel's personality she seemed to view Zenta earnestly enough that there was a childlike aversion to seeing a parental figure in her eyes be flirtatious. She'd gone quiet at the mention of Spina and the test. Was there more to that than just proving a point? The witch kept an ear perked in their direction with a wary expression.
Brachi just narrowed her eyes as she watched Malugia leave.

"Some people really need to know their place." She muttered, while overhearing the conversations the others head, remaining silent at that while Bara was munching on some of the candies she found, while Dielec moved up beside her.
Limit-Breaker.” Lucifer answered. “A natural phenomenon that hardly been examined nor showcase. Spina, because of his extraordinary growth, is teetering on the edge. But something needs to be done to achieve that state.” The angel remained silent. “But there’s more. I cannot sense it… but I can tell there’s more. Like Bernkastel in a way,” The angel glanced at Bernkastel briefly before turning his gaze back at the beast. “If I were to spar, it would be with him once he reached that.” He held a devil smile. “Not you, Zenta.”
Zenta hardly took offense to Lucifer's words, but, instead, expressed interest. He never heard of Limit-Breaker, but he had to agree that Spina and Bernkastel certainly were growing at a phenomenal rate. He knew something odd was happening to Spina, but he could not place his finger on it. His energy was never the same since Rogue City, and he never understood why.

Lucifer noticed the oddity with Spina as well. Hmm...

"You seem very interested in Spina, so, why not hear my plea?" Zenta said, smirking. "If I defeat Mr. Spina at his strongest, will you battle me then? I do not wish to bore you, heavens no, but I cannot stand losing your interest. You truly have captivated me, Lucifer Morningstar, and I must fight you. You understand, no?"
Lucifer paused for a second. A question did baffle him. “Such confidence, hm?” The once bore angel became curious when Zenta proposed such a deal. He pressed his hands on Berserk’s shoulder. “If you managed to defeat Spina at his fullest capabilities… then I’ll admit my defeat, and I’ll battle you with all my might.” His tone suddenly shifted to a darker one. “But if you lose. Don’t bother seeking me out. You will not like the consequences if you did.”

The angel’s tone shifted back to his usual demeanor. “Well, I wasted enough time as is, and Berserk and I shall get going. It is a pleasure to work with you Breakers, and I’m sure that the next time we meet… there will be a change. I am just truly and heartbroken that I do have to leave you Breakers this way, but it must be done. Until the next time we meet… it will be a glorious reunion.”

Particles of light formed around Berserk and Lucifer. “Farewell…” Both teleported instantly, leaving behind a single feather from the angel’s wings.
As Lucifer and Berserk disappeared, leaving behind only a feather from Lucifer's wing, Zenta went to pick up the feather, taking it. Lucifer's words echoed in his head, but more interestingly, the consequences of losing. How would Lucifer even know? Zenta scoffed, tossing those words to the back of his mind.

To beat Spina at his best? This shall be interesting indeed... Perhaps with Lucifer gone, things might not be too boring.

Zenta chuckled to himself, getting a little louder as he carefully brushed his fingers over Lucifer's feather. Then, that wicked smile came back.

"Very well, you have a deal, Lucifer Morningstar. I will fight Spina at his best and finally earn my fight with you. Ah! Such a bittersweet departure, but rest assured, when we meet again, our fight will be legendary, Lucifer Morningstar..."

Zenta chuckled to himself as he kept Lucifer's feather, placing it in hid pocket.
Spina had walked so far away from the tournament arena that he reached the edge of the city. Due to the lack of people around, the atmosphere was calm and there were hardly any sounds, the old Saiyan closed his eyes and took a deep breath before letting out a sigh of relief.

Once he reopened his eyes, Spina noticed Brutality stared directly at him. Despite their many encounters with one another, this was the first time he had seen Brutality entirely without a cast of shadow. He was a gigantic monster with multiple eyes across his head, with a main, single eye at the center accompanied by a large, cackling smile. There was another giant eye on the center of his chest, but it hardly ever blinked. His body was shriveled up in a sense, and only had two floating hands circling his body.

His appearance, however, can only be seen and sensed by Spina and no one else. Like Guardian, his existence bypasses everyone’s senses. Overseers chose to allow themselves to be seen by someone, but once they choses not too, it is impossible for anyone, regardless of power nor ability, to detect them.

“An opportunity came, and you just ignored it.” Brutality laughs. “Should’ve just gone and went with him. Will provide some good fights if you did. More than the Breakers will ever provide.”

“I don’t care about that. I only want to fight Bernkastel.” Spina retorted.

“Oh,” Brutality had a big smile on his face. “Don’t tell me that you’ve become attached to that little blue snot, huh? You’re gonna wage all bets on one person. Again?”

“… It will be different. Bernkastel has an interest in fighting me and—”

“Yeah. Interest in you, now. But when she realizes the sheer level gap of power between the two of you, her entertainment is over. The fight will just become another slugfest for her. Boredom will creep up on her fast and she’ll toss you out. Then you’re right back where you started.”


“See, unlike the rest of those Breakers. I know everything about you. Your thoughts, your memories, the amount of damage inflicted on you. Everything in that little noggin of yours, from your guts to the things you hate. The amount of people that betray you, stabbed you, kill you, left you abandoned on multiple missions, including literal planet destruction… I know it all! Like a cancer…” Brutality twirls his hands happily. “Super Cancer! But I’m a cancer that is trying to help you. Help you get stronger!”

Brutality circled Spina, continuing his laughter. “See, unlike Bernkastel who only took on an interest in you now because her little boytoy became shoe polish, I’m your friend. Just looking for the best for you. Just think about it. You have no debts for the Breakers—and I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you when you join the new group. No judgement. Just the interest of becoming strong, hmm? That way, that witch won’t noticed the gap in power between you… and you can do that song and dance with her forever, right… hahaha. That’s what your betting your existence on… hahaha!”

Spina grew silent, closing his eyes before opening them again. Brutality had vanished as the old Saiyan stared at the vast field outside of Beach City. “……” He clenched his fists tightly. The dark markings on his left eye grew exponentially, nearly covering the left side of his face.


“Damn them….” Seto Kaiba cursed under his breath as he drove away from Beach City in an electric sportscar. “What an absolute blunder this whole thing.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel, nearly ripping off the leather coating. “An opportunity of a lifetime, squandered by those damn Breakers.”

“No time to dwell on the past and move to the future”, Kaiba peptalk to himself. At least there was confirmation; Kaiba had the technology to capture not just the Breakers but Omnipotent beings as well. Although the latter’s claim remains contested, it was still possible to capture a deity.

Kaiba pressed a button on the control panel, and it brought up several future events on a calendar. “There’s a conference next week where it’s a gathering of the smartest beings in this world. Valeria will surely attend.” Kaiba smirks. “Yes… I might have missed out on capturing Coella and her luck, but I’m still able to catch her off guard when the opportunity presents itself. From there, she can build a device that cannot be overcome by magic.”

A rousing laughter erupted from the man. “Yes! Yes! This is nothing more than a simple step back. Just you wait Breakers—”

There was a loud thud heard from the rooftop of his car. Before the man could react, a fist rammed through the ceiling and tore off the top of the vehicle to be tossed away. “There you are! Thought you could escape the fist of justice!?”

Kaiba squinted his eyes since nightfall had begun, but it was clear that it was none other than Spider-Chaos. “You’re that crazy guy! Get off my car!” Confused, Kaiba attempted to shake him off by swerving erratically, but Spider-Chaos remains steady.

“Goodnight!” Spider-Chaos punched Kaiba, causing the man to lose control of the wheel and the car crashed onto a nearby tree. It was not long before he blacked out.

It was hours before Kaiba finally woke up. Still winced after being punched and surviving a car accident, the man realized that he was in a strange room. The first thing that caught his attention was the enormous number of photos scattered all over the walls.

“What… where am I?” Kaiba took several steps back.

“You had the opportunity to capture the Breakers, but you decided to settle debts instead.”

Unlike his encounter with Spider-Chaos, the man knew this voice well. Once he turned around, he seen this figure staring him down due to the sheer height difference between them. They had an androgynous look—but the poor lighting in the room made it difficult for him to make out their entire appearance. However, Kaiba knew this person.

“Growth,” Kaiba stated their name. “Listen, this isn’t how it supposed to go down. I didn’t expect Lucifer to hijack the game like that. I was simply testing out the waters against Coella to finetune—”

“Enough of that.” Growth interrupted Kaiba. “Had you gone after the Breakers first, this wouldn’t been an issue. Now those two are homing in their skills. That spells disaster to my babies.”

“I understand that I got a little… carried away. But I have a new plan. I’ll capture Valeria and—”

“Silence. It was a mistake to rely on you outsiders… I am not cut out for this kind of work.” Growth reached over to Kaiba, her right hand growing enormously. “I’ll shall take matters on my own hands.” Growth crushed Kaiba in her hands, coining him in the process.

Spider-Chaos was crawling around the walls and jumped towards the ground after Kaiba was coined. “Looks like justice has prevail! What’s our next move?”

“You’ve seen firsthand of the power of the Breakers. They’re… nothing worthy of note, but two of them had achieved something that is a threat to my babies.” They grew silent. “Because of them… they will deny them a meaningful existence. Especially him.”

Growth’s eyes narrowed as it glows bright yellow. “Spider-Chaos… I shall issue out an order…”

“Hear me, Yowls… I am Growth, your mother. You are all under threat by a group known as the Breakers. They are here to deny your existence, your right to life. They will trample, destroy and eliminate any traces of you. You cannot let this happen. No matter what they will claim, their reasons and laced with lies. Hear me, my babies, destroy the Breakers and anyone who sides with them. Turn this world into a land that belongs to Yowls!”
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