The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

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As Vegetto rose to his feet, he quickly dusted himself off and took a step away from Mooli; an expression of frustration and potentially slight disgust at having been as close as he was to the Saiyan woman. His silver eyes honed in on the situation at hand, recovering from his failed attack on trying to ring out Lucifer but grimaced slightly at Mooli's original demand.

"Just wait a second...we don't have a good openin-"

He gasped slightly at the constricting flowers that flowed up from Victor's casting, immediately summoning energy to his right arm. Silver ki flourished in a blade that encircled Vegetto's forearm, but before he could even slash at the vines that held him and Mooli, Vortex Man's eyes siphoned away the magical power that empowered their hold. He blinked and watched on, first at Vortex Man's call to seize the opportunity and then Mooli's immediate flow into the immense energy that bound Lucifer in the air.

Vegetto did not move for a moment, his silver eyes fixated greatly on the angel. The tournament and game played served as a game; death or defeat did not result in coining, but rather simply being reshuffled into a deck. Yet to the Potara fusion, the vulnerability of Lucifer's situation resonated true at the immense opportunity of eliminating the overwhelming pressure the angel presented.

The intense fire rose dramatically once more, swirling not in volatile anger or emotion this time. The hatred and immense disdain Vegetto felt towards Lucifer originally served as a small catalyst, but it soon melted away in the moment. There was no urge to act on the potential to avenge wounded pride or settle a score, no urge to save or protect anyone from the wrath of an opponent. Nor even desperation at freedom from the oppressive nature the angel presented. All of the desires and feelings burned away at the present moment.

Only the opportunity of victory, and the need to act on it remained in a singular instinct for the Potara fusion.

Vegetto shot forward in a deafening, yet ground shattering blitz as debris and rock kicked up in his wake. The shimmering glow of Ultra Instinct shined brilliantly, the low growl of the Oozaru verbally resonating with Vegetto's dual voice as he approached while the scorching heat of his fire swirled outwards and protected the Potara fusion against any stray needles launched in Brachi's counterattack. The silver Spirit Sword encircling his right arm magnified and expanded outwards, Vegetto cocking the arm back in tactical preparation in the approach.

He glided across the floor and instantly was upon Lucifer in his suspended state; the angel still locked in Mooli's Twin Dragon Strike hold. Vegetto had shot around the attack, directly face to face with Lucifer in the air as he was suspended. The silver eyes gleamed with a glow that Vegetto had yet to achieve, but now shined with the proper radiance of the true form.

The surging element of the stare felt empty, yet full at the same time. No emotion or malice corrupted the Potara Fusion's movements this time, only an empowered strike in sheer will and determination. Vegetto's right arm shot down with a thunderous roar of the oozaru mixed into his dual voice, attempting to slice Lucifer cleanly in half while the angel was locked in suspension rather than attempting to knock the angel out of the arena.
Before Avalon could speak, Zenta grabbed his scarf and launched him into the air, rushing right after him. He caught up with the ninja in midair and lifted his arms into the air, slamming him right on top of his head with both fists. Before Avalon could even hit the floor, Zenta kicked his body to the side, and repeated it. Before Avalon could stop Zenta’s previous attack, he was slammed by another. The sheer amount of pain from Zenta’s hits left Avalon in a state between conscious and unconscious. His body simply could not withstand blows from the Beast.

At this rate… He’s seriously going to kill me…!

While Zenta was playing with Avalon’s rag doll body, his face darted to Clark rushing in. He swiftly kicked Avalon away, sending him flying towards the ground. He hissed gleefully as Clark approached him with his fist.

Zenta held on to Clark’s fist, stopping it with his own briefly. His smirk grew wider as Clark pushed him back and unleashed a flurry of punches capable of blasting stars away. The beast crossed his arms over his chest, trying to shield himself, but he did so sloppily. He seemed to enjoy the attack, the sensation of a new felt power striking his body. A laugh was heard from the beast as he endured the hypernova explosions with glee.

Zenta extended his arms, the energy from the explosion swirling around his hands, absorbing into his body. He took the blunt of the explosions, showing no sign of defending himself, almost as if he wanted to feel the damage. Parts of his fur burned off, his skin charred, and his visor sporting another crack.

In a swift motion, Zenta swiped by arm upwards, and another razor-thin line of energy escaped from him. It was not aimed properly and escaped into the sky

I feel it… I sliced through something solid using my energy…? I was not able to perfect back home, so why am I not as fatigue…? Using such a move back home left me drained, but not here? Ha, who cares! I feel it…! I must get more!

As Zenta took the onslaught of the punches from Clark, he continued to misfire into the air, as if trying to find a better way to manipulate such energy. His arms flung wildly, swirling the energy from the blasts around his hands. Soon, his fur began to change color, from white to subtle pink, the more he tried to harness the surrounding energy. Soon, the energy slices began to fire more rapidly and defensively, easily paving away at the explosions happening around him.

Zenta took a deep breath and hunched over, his mouth in a wide grin dripping with saliva. His tongue slithered between his canine teeth, truly enjoying the push Clark was giving back. His fur began to bristle as he quickly looked up, seeing Clark charging up his attack. For a moment, his face harbored fear, but it quickly shifted to wickedness. Zenta began to concentrate on what energy he absorbed, trying to slice the air in front of Clark to hit him. It didn’t reach him at first, so Zenta continued to try again and again. The thought of being blasted away by Clark, left in ashes, and dying…

It truly excited him.

More…! More…! Manifest more…!

Zenta continued to slice the air wildly, the compressed energy getting more violent and unstable as Clark charged up his Atomic Vision.

More…! More! Even more! MORE!

Zenta held out his hand as wisps of energy he’d absorbed, and the energy around him started to circle around his fingers. It was wild and unable, so much so that even Zenta had a hard time keeping it under control. But he didn’t care, he continued to pour more energy into his fingers until it engulfed his hand, burning away at his flesh. He looked up once more to see Clark finally fire his Atomic Vision at him, his smile wider than it’s ever been.

Zenta swiped his arm to the side, releasing the energy he collected. It immediately disappeared, as if vanishing from how unstable it was. Zenta missed the Atomic Vision entirely, but his sinister grin remained. He did not show downs of escape, nor did he want to. He simply held open his arms to the upcoming Atomic Vision, laughing loudly, and taking the attack full on.

“I knew it! I knew it…! The chains are weakening! Soon, I’ll be free…! Thank you, Kal-el! Ahahaha!”

Behind Clark, the clouds were sliced cleanly, however, there was not a single mark on Clark. Then, he felt a strange sensation… a sensation that he was unable to breathe, his lower half was entirely paralyzed, and felt a surge of fire within his body. His energy core, not his body, was sliced clean in half from Zenta’s attack, making Clark entirely unable to control his powers properly. When he tried to fly, his body would move against his will, wildly trying to compose itself from the inside.
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“You can deplete its power all you want, the moment my eyes see it, I can absorb and copy its ability. Flower Construction!” Vortex-Man slammed his fists against the ground, forming a formation of vines bound together tightly like a spear. The attack easily tore through the earth elemental and struck Victor against his stomach, pushing him far away as the others finished their onslaught against Lucifer.

Lucifer’s body flails around upon Mooli unleashing her Twin Dragon Strike. His wings bounded by the coiling of the Dragons and his head being smashed against the ground. With further assistance with combination attack between Brachi, Bara and Dielec, the needles pinned down the demon to disrupt his mobility even further.

“…. Butcher—”

“High King!” Vortex-Man shouted, unleashing another “almighty” attack against Lucifer, disrupting his chance to call to counterattack.

Lucifer’s eyes narrowed when Vegetto arrived, seeing the dazzling blade of energy forming out of his right hand coming towards him. The demon was half in slice.

The upper torso of Lucifer flung towards the air in a suspended state; bottom remained on the ground, burning away from intense fire from Mooli’s attack. Scores of bloods came rushing out from Lucifer’s torso, showering the area the attackers were on.

Spina dashed forward first, heading towards the others fighting against Lucifer. His eyes locked onto the battered angel and seized the opportunity. Getting rid of Lucifer first will make an easier time to fight the others. The old Saiyan pointed his finger at Lucifer. “Begone!” Everything turned black for a second, before a series of light erupted in front of Lucifer, blowing up at point-blank range.

Lucifer was being ripped apart; one wing was blown away from his body, while the other was riddled with holes thanks to Brachi, Mooli and Spina. His left arm was in bits, while he barely had any fingers on his right hand. His face was entirely wipe cleaned from his head, leaving a bloody face instead. “…. Gaea.”

“High King!” Vortex-Man shouted the attack once more, forcing the Demon unable to performed whatever move he was trying to activate. “He’s still conscious! Finish him off now!”


As smoke seared away from his eyes, Clark stood up impressed seeing Zenta surviving his attacks. “You’re a tough one, Zenta. At the very least l can tell that you mastered your skills respectfully. A shame that how you use it is rather unpleasant.” He was confused hearing Zenta speak about the chains and his change in appearance. “Chains?”

He turned to notice everyone attacking Lucifer. “Oof, boy, well. Looks like you are not going to get your fight with Lucifer, fella.” Clenching his muscles. “I’ll put away the kid’s gloves now. Let’s kick up a notch—” Clark’s eyes narrowed as he fell to his knees. “Great Scott…”

The Kryptonian felt like his powers were all over the place. There was no consistency or rhythm in place. He attempts to fly but his body wouldn’t move. He tried to use his visions, but he couldn’t see anything aside from his usual eyesight. “Holy moly, what did you do…?” He was going in and out from his “Super Flare State” as Clark tried to get it under control.
Victor says as the flowers lance break apart on victor's stomach "you really understate both summons vertex man." Victor stops on the other side of the arena. Flowers start to grow on vertex man and the earth elemental no longer defends victor and only helps the field grow. Victor says, "I gest turnabout is fair play after all." As a root slap Vertex man's using "High king" and somehow Vertex man starts to feal weaker.

Victor thinks as his robs were ripped showing that victor is in great shape "Time to see how this little one dose." The flowers start to heal victor's allies. Some flowers start to spark and gather a strange energy.

Victor gets ready to defend himself and summons a white cat.
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Vegetto stepped slightly back, subconsciously moving as Spina approached, the final elements of the others' attacks damaging Lucifer as extensively as they did while the Potara fusion deftly weaved slightly to avoid any potential crossfire. His silver eyes remained glued on Lucifer; his serious and growing determination mirroring the urgency that Vortex Man indicated. And so, once more, Vegetto bolted forward once the opening had reappeared.

The proud Potara Fusion did not hesitate, as he would normally in the simple fact that Lucifer had been compromised by other means that were not Vegetto's. The aspect that Vegetto was not responsible for victory over Lucifer held no corruption in the Potara fusion's movements this time as it did with other opponents. As well, Vegetto's extensive hatred and fear of the overwhelming power Lucifer had exerted over him since as long as the two had existed in each others' presence did not enhance bloodlust or power to wield against the angel.

The surging heat and ominous power continued to mount and surge like before; the purity of the power building only in response to the need for victory, untainted by emotion or pride. Like a hungry predator upon wounded prey, Vegetto blitzed forward only in the determination to seize victory against what he perceived to be the greatest threat to his existence.

Vegetto swung outwards, slashing and cutting at the Lucifer's remaining body with the searing Spirit Sword in rapid succession. He wasted no time in fully analyzing the damage of each strike, deftly flipping once backwards once he felt enough damage had been done and landing on two feet. He threw out both arms away from his chest, the silver energy of the Spirit Sword on his right arm retreating inwards and suddenly encasing his entire body. The immense fire of Ultra Instinct surged in tandem with the powerup and rising determination to end the battle, Vegetto's dual voice roaring with a single word that shook the ground and not only telegraphed his incoming attack, but the impending end he craved:


He threw his hands inwards, clashing the ends of his white gloved palms together in the Final Flash pose. Silver energy whirred and spilled outwards from his hands and forearms, Vegetto curling them back inwards behind his back.


In finality, Vegetto roared the last incantation, summoning all of his power into one, absolute blast.


The monsterous silver beam erupted forward from his palms, Vegetto immediately blasting backwards on the ground from the sheer force of the attack being unleashed. The massive beam tore through the ground and vaporized any debris in its path; heading straight for the damaged and battered Lucifer still in the air.
Clark’s attack should’ve definitely got rid of Zenta… No way he could’ve survived that… Avalon thought to himself. Now that Zenta is eliminated, we can focus on Lucifer…

As Avalon rushed to Clark, he noticed that he was unstable and unable to control his powers and energy. However, before he could come to Clark’s aide, he felt a sudden mass of pressure build on his shoulders. His skin turned pale as he slowly moved his head to face the crater from Superman’s Atomic vision.

From the rubble and ashes of Clark’s Atomic Vision was a shadow moving side to side in the smoke. Then, suddenly, the smoke was sliced neatly in half before being minced away to show Zenta standing in the center. The beast was still alive and in the game!

Zenta’s fur was charred, with some of his skin melted away and exposing his muscles. He bled, but he took a step forward, a sinister smile forming on his melted jaw. The heat from the Atomic Vision melted Zenta’s visor right on his face. Despite the grisly look of Zenta, the beast laughed and staggered out of the crater.

“Kal-el! Impressive…! I fully expected to die, obliterated into nothing! Yet, I stand! I knew something has changed about me… and I’m happy you helped me see it, Kal-el!”

Zenta laughed before lowering his body slightly and pushing off into a sprint towards Clark and Avalon. Before Avalon could even react, Zenta already launched his foot onto Clark’s chest, kicking him so hard that he knocked the wind out of him. While Clark was in the air, Zenta grabbed Avalon’s leg and used the ninja as a bat, swinging him so his body collided with Clark’s. Clark’s body flung out of the arena, slamming onto the wall, leaving his body’s mangled imprint on it.

Zenta stared down at Avalon’s limp body. He rendered him unconscious with his move against Clark. Avalon’s eyes were blank, the side of his head, his nose, and his ears bleeding. Zenta scoffed before turning his attention to Lucifer, his smile widening at the sight of the Angel being attacked left and right.

You’re mine…

The Beast snarled under his breath as he sprinted towards Lucifer, ignoring the others as he did. He tossed Avalon’s unconscious body towards the group, it landing near Bernkastel. Zenta dashed by, leaving pieces of his burning flesh behind as he pushed past several Breakers to get to Lucifer. He growled under his breath, seeing Lucifer fade away under the mass attacks of the Breakers. His face contorted to sheer rage as he shouted at Lucifer.

“Lucifer Morningstaaaaaaar! No! You coward do not die without fighting me! Lucifeeeer!”

Zenta tried to reach Lucifer, ignoring if he was to get caught in any of the attacks.
Clark appeared over the bleachers and crashed on top of Cayde. “Good golly… that was sure a surprise!” His voice was softer than his usual high-spirit self. Because of is energy being cut in half he was unable to maintain his Super Flare state, which caused his body to shrivel up rapidly.

“Clark is eliminated!”

Seto Kaiba crossed his arms and smirk. Feeling confident, the duelist turned to the other competitors with a boast. “Superman is eliminated, and Lucifer is done!” He declared. “I’ll admit, I was a tad bit worried there when that freak came in here and changed the trajectory of this game. Heh, but he was all talk.”

He raised a single finger and pointed directly at Coella. “Coella, you have absolutely no chance at winning. Give up now and I’ll make sure your card will be a legendary one that people will seek. That goes for you two.” He spoke to both Lilith and Berserk. “Don’t continue this humiliation any further than it needs to be.”

Seeing the Demon reduced to mere ash by Vegetto’s explosive attack solidified his position further. “The Witch might be problematic; I can see that she’s the strongest on the field… but I can shut her down with a status move.” But Kaiba was not all at worry; whenever Zenta did to Superman, he could do to others. “Zenta, Lucifer is a lost cause! Fight the others!” He shouted at him.

Vegetto’s extraordinary blast engulfed Lucifer entirely. His body was reduced to mere particles before disappearing. “I can no longer sense his body.” Vortex-Man observed. “Tsk… Clark was careless.” He turns to Zenta rushing towards them. “But I’m not. High King—”

A chill came down on Vortex-Man’s spine. He turned around in the direction where Vegetto had blasted Lucifer. Other than the residue from the attack, there was nothing there. “What is this feeling?” In a flash, an object struck Vortex-Man’s stomach, knocking the wind out of them. “Can’t breathe…!” He was flung back so hard that the arena he was standing on shattered upon impact. “Such power!” He tumbled against the ground multiple times before leaving the arena, causing his elimination.

His body vanished and reappeared over the bleachers, crashing next to shriveled up Clark and Cayde. “W-what the hell happened!?”

“Vortex-Man is eliminated!”

The object that knocked out Vortex-Man ricocheted and struck Mooli in rapid succession. With no warning, with a powerful strike, it knocked Mooli out of the arena, causing her elimination. She appeared next to Vortex-Man and the others on the Bleachers.

“Mooli is eliminated!”

Once again, the object ricocheted once again from Mooli towards Dielec and Kirito. Knocking both out of the arena and eliminating them both in rapid succession.

“Dielec and Kirito are eliminated!”

Kaiba narrowed his eyes, lowering his confident finger pointing. “W-what?”

Spina stopped in his tracks to examine the object that was eliminating four fighters at once. “Is… that a heart?”

The object took to the air and spun around slowly to determine its next target. As Spina stated, it was Lucifer’s large, beating heart that was eliminating everyone it had come across. After pulsing hard and stop beating, it strengthened its chambers and dashed forward. Rapidly, it struck every single Breaker on the field with massive attacking power—but he did not eliminate them from the field. Rather, he forced them against the ground instead. It was fast and unpredictable as ping-pong himself against the Breakers.

Spina faceplanted against the flowery terrain after being struck. “That bastard can still move even after all that?!”

After finishing its onslaught, it bounces a couple times against the ground and landed near Asher. From there, the heart resumes its beats. Rapidly, bones, flesh and the works erupted around the heart to form a body: instant regeneration. Spreading all six of his demonic wings, Lucifer appeared once more and made a roaring applause.

“Bravo! Marvelous! Maravilloso! Subarashī!” Lucifer praise. “To think some of you managed to work together in an organic fashion… I say it is a vast improvement compared to your battle with the Red King!” His tone changed to a harsh tone. “But is that all your strength amount too? Is this the limit of your power? Please do not hold back at all; I’m seeking to see the fullest extent of your potential here.” His eyes narrowed. “Unless that is your full capacity?” He paused for a second. “If so… then this greatly a disappointment. I expected much, much better than this.”
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As Zenta rushed towards what were the remains of Lucifer, he growled in annoyance once he saw Lucifer obliterated by everyone. He was not mad that Lucifer had died, but upset that he did not get his fight with the Angel. He stopped in his tracks, skidding to a stop, panting as he bared his teeth at having missed Lucifer.

“Damnit! No!”

Zenta snarled under his breath as he hissed in annoyance. However, his annoyance was short-lived due to the heart flying all over the place. His attention locked onto the heart, but it struck him before he could move. Zenta flung back, but flipped gracefully back up on his feet, skidding to a stop. His scowl turned to a wicked smile as he felt the familiar energy coming from the heart.

“Lucifer Morningstar! You still beat with life! Yes!”

Zenta was quick to try to chase the heart, stopping a few feet away as Lucifer regenerated himself. He could not recognize the being who stood next to the reformed Lucifer, his own grandson.

Asher, on the other hand, had wide eyes as Lucifer single-handedly knocked out several people from the tournament. He was not shocked, but excited, that Lucifer was such a powerful opponent. His heart pumped with glee as he saw the entire tournament as a friendly sparring match between contestants, not realizing the danger he was in. Asher grew even more ecstatic to see his grandfather, Zenta.

“Hey, Grandpa! This guy is super strong!” Asher said, summoning his Ruyi Bang, readying himself to fight Lucifer. “I’m gonna bring him down! Everyone did such a cool job of ripping him to shreds! I bet he’s totally tired and easy pickings!”

Zenta quickly stopped in his tracks, his demeanor changing in a split second. His rabid and feral stance, his lust for fighting Lucifer, and his maniacal obsession over pushing his limits came to a screeching halt. The voice of Asher quelled all chaos stirring inside the beast. It was like night and day. However, Zenta took one step forward, almost… confused that he could not recognize his own grandson. Asher’s energy was… different. It was wild, unstable, and unpredictable; no shape or form, simply a mass that constantly changed and morphed into an unknown entity, never staying still.


Asher gave Zenta a thumbs up.

“Yep! Now watch this, Grandpa!”

Asher said confidently as he expertly spun his Ruyi Bang and swung it to slam Lucifer’s head, hoping to send him out of the arena.
A vein popped on Berserk's forehead as she grimaced hearing Kaiba jeer at her and Lilith, grunting in annoyance. "Shut yer trap, Bowlcut! Don't lump us in with the weenies you're used to dueling..." I only had Avalon and Vegetto last round, now one's beat to half-death and the other might not have enough battery to handle Zenny. This is bad and I can't jump in to help besides some lame statuses that'll just get in the way. But something doesn't make sense, how'd Lucifer of all people get his butt whooped so fast? That went way too well... unless that form's more vulnerable than it looks. Berserk glanced over at Lilith but she either had a damn good poker face or something was up.

Once the bright flash of Vegetto's attack was over, Berserk watched something zigzag across the field and instantly knocking off a bunch of people and pinning the rest down. "What the..."

"Oof!" Bernkastel was hit by the heart from behind, knocking her to the ground near Avalon with enough impact to make countless flower petals fly out in a cloud. Slowly she got up on her elbow with blood seeping out her nose, looking puzzled as to what, or who hit her. Once Lucifer reformed his body, she narrowed her eyes in understanding. Placidly she glanced next to Avalon and checked his injuries. She was surprised to think Zenta did all that in such a brutal fashion, especially to him. He looks really mad, Bernkastel thought watching Zenta make a beeline for where Lucifer was reforming at and assessing his previous 'outbursts'. Seems like he's only interested in Lucifer, but not for the reasons I anticipated. This is troublesome for us if neither one of them are backing down and Lucifer's just 'allowing' us to get in Zenta's way on purpose. What should I do...

Mooli appeared in the bleachers in close proximity to Vortex Man and company, but now reverted to her usual appearance. She phased in looking ecstatic with both arms making fist pumps... before opening her eyes and looking around with a confused expression, and then she threw her arms up with a wail.

"NOOOOO I GOT THROWN OUT!? UNBELIEVABLE! Vegetto you sweaty nimrod, you blinded me with your dumb flashy finisher!" The Saiyan woman shouted up at the arena while shaking her fist in a tantrum. "I totally could've dodged him if it weren't for you! HMPH!" Mooli crossed her arms.

"...HA! NOW who's humiliated? Don't get too big for your britches yet, nerd," Berserk laughed at Kaiba's stunned expression before turning back to the fight. "Veg', don't let up! You got him once, you can do it again! Avalon if you can hear me, you better get up and fight you weenie! Or else I'm gonna give you a wedgie so hard even your spirit buddy will feel it! I mean it!"

Bernkastel propped Avalon up against a rock figuring he wasn't dead enough to be out of the match, managing to stand and start preparing to deal with Zenta and Lucifer at the same time. "If he wants us to get serious, then fine. What a pain, I wanted to at least save my energy for Spina first." Seeing the way Zenta reacted to Asher caught her attention. Was he not able to sense him this whole time?

"... He's distracted. Now! Merciless Fragment!" Bernkastel threw her arms forth, gathering the shattered bits of the fragments she used as a shield earlier and sending them flying past Zenta and closing in to rain down on Lucifer to follow Asher's attack and continue forcing him back. If Zenta turns on me I won't have a choice but to deal with him before he offs me. No matter what his real motive is, he can't win for Kaiba!
Victor says, "Good to see that your still not a coin Lucifer." Victor thinks "I wonder how long; will it take for them to remove myself that not breaker aliened?"

Victor turns to say to Asher "Do keep in mind that that demon is on our side." In a reminding tone. Victor thinks "that kid did forget about the announcement?"

Flowers starting to absorb Spina's energy. Some of the flowers near Bernkastel starts to charge a power identical to Spina's.

Flowers that were sparking and had the strange energy fired at Zenta.
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