The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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May responds to Bage "I aware of this fact but if the king wanted us coined all he would have to do is not save us. Odds are good that the king wants to speak to us." May thinks "unless he impendent or unaware of the fact outside special cases death is not permanent in the Vertex. Even the responding mechanics are hardly consent between Cycles."

May dos as asked mostly out plotlines and professionalism. May thinks "I guess that may explain a lot about what happened back in reflection. We're going need Nia after the battle to help find any other Xy'phers."
Bara also stood up, even if it was to just get a good look at this Red King first, but making sure she wasn't doing anything untoward yet. Testing the waters would be the best course of action, she figured.
Avalon noticed Bernkastel's motion and instantly went to Berserk's side as instructed. He kept the fragment in his hand as tight as he could. His hand shook, primarily out of fear, not knowing how he could help the Breakers in such a dire moment. He glanced at Berserk's arm and kept a hard glare at it. His mind was racing about as fast as his heart, and all he could think about was how Berserk got a horrible gash and blamed himself.

Berserk's a tough cookie, but I know she's hurtin'... What can I do..?

As Avalon thought deeply about his actions, he looked directly at the fragment in his hand. Normally, he would be able to think up a million ideas of what to do with it, but as of now, he was not himself.

However, once Atomic Flare made her presence, Avalon's eyes widen immensely. He quickly opened his scroll to glance at the poster of the Atomic Force. There she was! Atomic Flare in the flesh and as a Xy'pher. Avalon tilted his head in confusion since they met Atomic Flare in Reflection City as they escaped the Xy'phers. Was she a Xy'pher back then, or is she a recent one? As Avalon thoughts ran wild, he immediately thought about Emilyn and how she left with Atomic Flare.

Wait... what's goin' on..? There's no way...

Zenta, on the other hand, kept himself by Bernkastel's side at all costs. The beast was more tense than usual, but there was no doubt that Cuki ran through his head. If she truly was a Xy'pher, this is where he would find her. The question is: Would he be able to identify her. While he sat patiently, awaiting the King, his nails dug into the crystal, cracking it. The expression he had was neutral, yet his actions showed hostility. Even as Bernkastel held on to his arm, it was harder than the crystal he cracked. He was anxious, above all else. Lucifer's comment did little to sway his anxiety, but his ear twitched, indicating his heard him clearly.

Nia was nervous as the Xy'phers around them did nothing to attack them. As Walter and Atomic Flare appeared, she knew the King was just moments away from arriving. Luckily, Spawn's whisper caught her attention. She leaned closer to him to listen to what he has to say.

"What can I aide you in? Better make it quick... the King will be arriving soon..." Nia whispered back.

"All bow to the King." Walter said after Atomic Flare before snapping his fingers.

Above the magnificent throne opened a massive portal that was almost holy in appearance. A shockwave of energy released from the portal, yet, nothing flew off from the table. All it did was slightly disturb the crystal curtains, allowing them to shine radiantly across the dining hall. All the Xy'phers in the room moved in perfect sequence to face the portal and lower themselves by the hip to bow. The smaller Xy'phers (the Chefs) all bowed at the hip, while the larger Xy'phers (The Knights) all dropped to one knee. Walter would bow similarly to how Zenta bows to Bernkastel. Finally, the King's presence was here...

From the portal emerged a marvelously stunning Xy'pher whose color was one of a kind and unique to any Xy'pher. A brilliant red, none of which have been seen in any Xy'pher the Breakers have met. Every time the light shined on this Xy'pher, the inside of his body would glisten in every possible shade of red. It was truly a sight to behold. As more of the Xy'phers body came out from the portal, there was a royal blue robe over its shoulders with edges behind far longer than the rest of the robe, mimicking arms and hands. The robe has gold-plated markings on it as well as small multicolored crystals lining it. It has sleeves with gold tassels. The tassels would wrap around the Xy'phers chest where a transparent crystal rested. Around its waist was a cluster of crystals that resembled that of a tutu that also had golden tassels.

Finally, the head of the Xy'pher was revealed. It sported a large crystal crown that was a part of its anatomy. The crystals were stretched and thinned out so neatly that they almost resembled feathers around his head and neck. The way he manipulated the crystals on his body almost gave the impression that he had other trinkets on him. He easily made rock hard crystals look like silk. Compared to the other Xy'phers, who were more human in appearance, the King was definitely more alien, looking nothing like anything the Breakers had seen. On its face were two unblinking empty eyes, almost as if they were carved right on his face, and no mouth. A tiny crystal rested on his forehead to showcase his status.

His body was unique. The King's legs were straight and ended in sharp points. He can move them individually, he just chose not to in order to keep the pristine and perfect look. The King did not have any arms, using the longer ends of the robe as substitutes. Every part of his body was perfectly cut and chiseled to show the ultimate beauty in not just himself, but the Xy'phers as a whole. Every move he did was entirely calculated, elegant, and graceful. There was not a single err in any move he did. The King lived in absolute perfection, he was perfection.

Finally, once the King floated down from the portal and onto his throne, he did not sit. His psychic powers were making him float, and his robe constantly looked as if it was flowing in the wind. His psychic powers would move him around automatically without him having to waste any energy. He wasn't a giant, being shorter than Lucifer, Zenta, and even Bage, yet his constant hover made sure he was always above anyone he looked down on.

red king and elites 2.jpg

Here's a colored version.

Red King.jpg

At long last, the King spoke.

"Welcome, Breakers, to my magnificent and noble castle." His voice has a slight echo to it, almost like a crystal tint. This applied with every move he made as well. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you all in person."

The Red King offered a curtsy bow to the Breakers. Despite killing entire cities worth of people, he was still humble to the Breakers.

"I would have had you sooner, but I had some Xy'phers who did not obey my orders. You are quite lucky to have survived this far, though, I suppose that is part of your reputation, yes?"

"A-Are you gonna kill us right now?" Avalon said in a near whimper voice.

"No, not yet." The King chuckled before opening his robe-like arms in a welcoming gesture. "Please, eat Breakers! I made this lustrous cuisine to suit your needs. I understand you all have questions, so I will dine with you and answer any and all questions you may have. For now, you need not worry about your fate. For now."
Cayde haughtily scoffed at Berserk's question, shaking his head from side to side.

"Of course not, it means I am superior to you in every way!"

He then rubbed his chin at her suggestion, his mechanical eyes lighting up a bit.

"Say...that's not a bad idea. Or even better: modify it to eat energy or I can spit it back out at others and turn their own energy against them."

The android froze immediately, however, upon hearing Lucifer's targeted taunting. His frown quickly formed, listening in to merely the first sentence with concern. Once again, the angel pushed all the right buttons with the Potara fusion. A comparison to Spina's powerful display, mocking not just the failure to destroy the castle, but the pride that Vegetto clung dearly to. Cayde kept his frown, speculating on the outcome of another brawl unleashing. Perhaps, he thought, it may not end so badly. If Lucifer simply coined everyone into nothing for Vegetto landing a blow, that would include the Red King and the Xy'phers. Victory, albeit unconventional and at a steep cost, but what other outcome could result now that Vegetto would surely launch into a rageful vengeance against the angel for the mockery.

However, Cayde perked his eyebrows in seeing Vegetto's demeanor. The Potara fusion had not lifted his head once or bothered to look towards Lucifer in the exchange; a dead stare towards the plate all that could be seen. Strangely enough, when Vegetto finally spoke, his dual voice did not boom or shout in the usual firey rage in response. This time, it was quiet and gentle. Untimid and firm, but empty and hollow at the same time.

"Please leave me alone."

Cayde blinked immediately at the spoken words, a chill running up his spine at the delivery. The strange behavior prompted the android to open his mouth, but the sound of boots moving through the hall prompted his attention. Atomic Flare's arrival prompted a small choke from the android in his eating, swallowing his food fully and dropping his fork.

"Ack...oh shit!"

Like the others, Cayde was prepared to launch into a tirade of questions about how the hero was working for the Red King all along. Yet the command to stand rung out before he could speak, and without thinking, Cayde rose up out of his seat. He glanced around briefly, however, noticing that not one of the other Breakers had risen up with him. Spawn's demand came next, and after it, Cayde dropped back into his seat with a cringe on his face.

"Err...sorry about that, old habit. Forgot we're trying to stop a vortex ending threat instead of enjoying fine dining."

The portal opened shortly after, and Cayde turned his gaze up. His narrowed eyes followed the Red King upon arrival, watching the figure move to his throne. The android's frown slowly returned, his eyes turning to Vegetto.

Damn...double oh shit...he looks nothing like the theories we had. We never even got close to finding this sonofabitch...what's the play?

Yet his own attention perked again at the sight of an unresponsive Vegetto. The Potara fusion's hair and gi rippled a bit under the shockwave of the portal, but no other movement came from the broken man. He simply sat slumped forward, the dead stare locked on the plate while Cayde looked on with a frown, his eyes lifting off Vegetto once Avalon asked the million dollar question. Upon the request for the Breakers to eat and that the Red King would not kill them immediately, Cayde raised his hand next and openly began speaking without waiting for someone to call on him. His mechanical voice echoed out in the chamber with a tone not of direct challenge or determination, but a firm, direct and aloof nature in his voice.

"Ok but if you won't kill us immediately, will you let us kill you immediately?"
Lucifer took one last bite of the steak, seconds after the Red King emerged from the portal to present himself. Taking a small napkin and wiping both his and Lilith’s mouths from any dirt, the angel started applauding. “The man of the hour,” Lucifer’s smile was beaming with excitement. “To think that the lord of the domain would have such a marvelous color. A rarity to see a diamond with a red tint.” He bares his teeth. “Matches the confidence.” The angel took another plate on the dining table: a seafood cuisine with the combination of lobster, grilled shrimp, baked and glazed fish.

While this marks the first time seeing Red King’s physical appearance, it doubles for Spina being one of the few that actually heard the Red King’s voice. His unblinking eyes, and his movements that moved too perfectly as if he was a machine. Something about the way the Red King moves and his mannerism made the old Saiyan feels unease and causing him to remember things he didn’t want to remember. “Tch…” Spina scowled in disgust. Shaking his head and not dwell on it longer, the old Saiyan took the role of asking the question. Feeling that the Red King will simply humor Cayde, he headed straight to the biggest question. “Why are you after us or the flying boy? This seems to be a lot of effort to try and fight the damn voice.”

As Spina and Cayde asked their questions respectively, Detective Spawn whispered to Nia. It didn’t take long that Red King is capable of psionics. “I’d assumed that the Red King is far stronger compared to the last time you two fought.” Bits of green energy forms in-between his fingers. “If the castle’s barrier is any indication, I’d suspect that it’s powerful since it can tank Vegetto’s sword easily. How thin can you make your barrier if you cast onto somehow?” Waiting for Nia’s answer, the hellspawn launched his attack quickly, in attempt to strike the Red King while he’s distracted.
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May thinks "Best to get read of distracting thoughts about this region. It's time to get serious."

May asks professional tone "Way bother saving us? It would be more efficient to let get hit and odds are good that most we would been coined." May thinks "It would been less risky for the king to let the blast hit and get our coins after the fact."
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"That doesn't sound like a half-bad idea! Tell ya what, I'll give ya the schematics for my blade and see if we can mod ya up to suck up energy like you do with ramen noodles!" Berserk offered Cayde, genuine interest to upgrade his technology since she had seen him do some rather interesting gunslinger tricks before. She fell silent with him, overhearing Vegetto's placid response. It was hard to tell if that was a threat or a plea.

At the same time, Bernkastel tilted her head to Lucifer's declaration. "Yes, pride is obviously a malady with him just as it was with the brother. But I think there's something else at play... thanks to that pride, I couldn't put a finger on it until now." Resting her gaze on Vegetto for the remaining moments of silence left, her dead stare still neutral but regardless of whether he met her gaze he was going to feel it burning into him.

"For who's sake are you fighting for, if not what?" Bern's tone was soft in its delivery, though she appeared to not refer solely to their current predicament. "The answer isn't for me, it's just for yourself."

There wasn't any further from Bernkastel's end once the Red King fully introduced himself to them. Glancing over for Spina to get straight to the point, the Witch nodded. "Yes. Why Superman? Are you going to kill us right here if we do not hand him over to you?" After learning of the Xy'phers plans in the underground Hive, Bern was glad about Clark's absence. What was strange was that Gogeta wasn't with them; not that it was a bad thing, but given his disposition he would've insisted to come along regardless of being fatally wounded. That train of thought was intnerrupted once she saw Spawn launch a sudden attack at the King, her wide eyes flicking over towards Avalon in response.

Berserk jumped in her seat with a startle, placing a hand on the grip of her blade before staring nervously at the Xypher soldiers around them. Was it wise to make such a move in front of so many enemies, let alone Atomic Flare?
Atomic Flare turned and bowed the same as Walter toward the portal in respect to the King finally making his entrance.

Bage remained seated with the few Breakers that did, mostly distracted by the Red King's miniature size compared to the rest of them as he entered through the massive portal. He remained quiet as the King introduced himself and watched as he addressed them so casually as if he were fans of the fighters. It was almost insulting, but a very clear display of his confidence as Lucifer mentioned. As the King allowed them to eat and the others began with the questioning, Bage simply pushed his plate away, turning his head to the King. "If it's all the same to you, we'd like to skip the pleasantries." He watched as Spawn threw his attack, preparing to pounce should the green blast hit him.

But suddenly the blast was stopped mid-air and floated above the group. There was a small hesitation before the green energy began to crystalize before everyone's eyes and reshape itself into a small pendant. The small crystal fell into the palm of Atomic Flare, the Xy'pher now glaring at the group.

"How disgusting. My King graces you with his presence and an elegant spread before your death yet you cretins dare to disrespect him. I believe I said to stand for his Majesty's arrival" She stated, as suddenly the seats of those who refused to stand suddenly pulled out from under them.

Bage yelped as he landed on the hard flooring. He turned back toward the knight next to his seat to snap at it for pulling his seat and strangely, it and the other Xy'pher knights hadn't moved a muscle. The detective rose to his feet, massaging his bottom to soothe the dull pain. His gaze went from the King to Atomic Flare.

She put the small pendant away, before speaking again. "Be grateful that his Majesty has not slowly ripped your deplorable flesh carcasses apart the moment you set foot here. Now do as my King suggests... and eat." The Atomic Xypher commanded with a low growl before raising her right hand and snapping her fingers. At the snap, the Knights standing at each of their seats grabbed hold of the chairs and pushed them against the standing group, forcing them back into their seats. Bage stumbled back into the crystal chair with a grunt, being caught off guard by the Knights' actions. Without a single moment of hesitation, the knights began grabbing handfuls of food and attempted to force the meal into each of the Breakers' and Detectives' mouths.

Bage struggled against the Xy'pher for a moment, as a clump of meat, bread and vegetable was shoved into his mouth.
Bara on her turn was just eating and had not made a single move to attack yet. Sure she knew that the Red King was the enemy, but she was also hungry... although she did take a moment to assess the actions of the others to ascertain the abilities of the Red King. It was as if she was either hesitant in attacking directly unlike some of the more hard-headed members of the group, or she had a plan of her own... but for now, she was using the food to replenish her energy.
"My psychic prowess is nothing compared to the King in this world. However, our barriers are paper thin, yet harder than any metal." Nia whispered to Spawn. Her eyes shifted back to the King as he spoke. "What is your plan..?"

However, before Nia could get a response, her eyes nearly flew out of her face when she notices Spawn outright attack the King. She immediately thought that the King or his Elites would end their lives right there, but, to her surprise, Atomic Flare stopped the attack. In a way, she was relieved, but worried about what would happen next.

"You dense idiot--" Nia was cut off as she fell down, then back up on the chair. With the knights forcing food into their mouths, she coughed and gagged.

Avalon yelped as he tried to push away the Knights shoving food into his mouth.

"Bwah! H-Hey! Quit it!"

Zenta, on the other hand, gripped the Knight's hand so tight that his nails started to dig into it. He tried his best to prevent the knight from touching his face with food. Low growls came from the beast while he bared his fangs.

The King watched Atomic flare defend him, almost as if expected of her. As the Breakers were forced to eat, he couldn't help but chuckle at Atomic Flare's devotion. His robe swayed, and the longer arm-like ends patted Atomic's back. In a way, he seemed proud of her, yet, there was no emotion on his face.

"Now, now Atomic... It is quite alright. I knew that the Breakers would not comply so easily, so I simply lowered my expectations." The King waved his robe-like arm to his knights who stopped feeding the Breakers, at least forcefully. The Knights still stayed in place and kept their hands near the faces of the Breakers. "But goodness, they are still eager to fight. Fascinating." As the questions came in, the King's red color glistened. "Flying boy?"

"I believe he means Clark Kent, my Lord." Walter quickly informed the King.

"Ah, yes! Superman." The King nodded before following it up with a sigh. "I believe I should make things clear, considering that those disgusting Xy'phers made a mess out of everything."

The King floated so that he was in clear view of the Breakers, his shining brilliance giving the entire dining hall a crimson grace.

"I am after you simply because you are a magnet to finding stronger and more powerful opponents. People such as Superman, for example, are not so easy to capture by themselves. The question was how to grab his attention." Red King paused for a moment. "Ultraman, otherwise known as Vortex Man, and Hart Kimber, were the key to accomplish such. It was easy, honestly; locate Hart and instigate Vortex Man to fight. Superman will eventually come to help his brother, and Detective Goku would fight and capture him. He may be strong, but even he will fall to a wave of Xy'phers. Alas... things didn't go according to plan. Although, I still managed to push through and captured more of those in this group."

"The group?" Avalon said, recalling the information from the Hive. "Do you mean..?"

"The group he is talking about is one Dr. Doom composed over three years ago." Zenta sighed. He did not seem to like talking about it. "It seems that Doom sought out very powerful people that were capable of fulfilling his tasks into this group. At least, I believe that was his motive behind it."

"Precisely." The Red King snapped the tassels on his robe to implicate him snapping his fingers. "Walter."

Walter nodded before opening a portal above the King, and from it fell several photos. All the photos stopped in front of the King and circled in place, so the King can see them clearer. Each photo was a fighter who worked for Doom at the time. Air Dancer's photo had a red 'X' on it. Finally, the last photo to appear was of Dr. Doom himself. The photo floated in the center while the others orbited around Doom.

"See, once I obtain the others, then I will be able to bring Dr. Doom under into my control. His mind and scientific advances will be a wonderful addition to my army and will help me accomplish the end goal. While you hid in your miserable city [Rouge City], I managed to locate several of the ones closest to Doom. I was lucky to obtain Air Dancer, but that is because that creature is an oddity. Thanks to my Recon, I located Moby Dick during that time and have already planned an assault on Federation City." The King paused for a moment and tapped his chin with his robe. "Walter, where is my Recon Xy'pher?"

"She should be here momentarily--"

"I'm heeeeere~!" A familiar voice rang from the other end of the hall. "I've got more information on the whereabouts of Federation City, my lord~!"

Skipping and giggling down the hall was Emilyn, her dress glittering brightly in the light. Emilyn approached her King and bowed formally before holding up a gray crystal, the inside of it showing buildings and people, almost like a photo. She then moved next to Atomic Flare and wrapped her arm around hers. Her eyes shined in their pure Xy'pher glory as she smirked towards the Breakers.

"Heehee, nice to see you again, Breakers~!"
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