I know that much. Maybe I should've used it to kill the replica soon as I saw it; not only did we get nothing useful out of him but now Valeria definitely has an advantage over us, Bernkastel thought in response with an annoyed expression showing through her features. Guardian's last phrase piqued her curiosity. Who? Is there something you know that I don't?
Before she could wait for a reply from the Overseer, Bern caught Cayde's pleading stare resting on her. She was only passively listening and remained silent for a moment to think about the question. The Witch tilted her head with an unblinking stare, mulling it over before deciding to speak her mind. "What one person lacks, the other has. It balances out the weaknesses of a team, and when there is unity a miracle can be brought about in a situation that is otherwise impossible to overcome."
"I think that's true enough for you guys. Shoot, even the ones whose personalities clash like oil and water can pull off some great teamwork once in a while!" Berserk playfully elbowed Avalon with a wink. "Sides, Cayde's right, I'm your friend too remember? If you get yourself in a sticky situation, what good'll it do if I just sat there and watched? The only worrisome thing is if you do something crazy and we can't bail you out."
"If we stick together, that won't be a problem. There is one other thing that is important between friends and teammates..." Bern held up a finger. "I'm starting to understand that friends need trust by a balance of giving and taking. Relying only on others weakens your ability to stand alone when you need to. But if you need help, yet never reach out to others..." Bernkastel glanced down at the floor sullenly, choosing not to finish her sentence. "...Friends will help you if you let them. Then it's your turn to help them back."
Bern then turned toward Spina. She looked him over, in concerned disbelief he wasn't in pieces. "Hey. Thanks for saving Cayde, but are you... really okay? I mean, I'm glad you're alive. But anybody else would be a pile of dust right now."
Before she could wait for a reply from the Overseer, Bern caught Cayde's pleading stare resting on her. She was only passively listening and remained silent for a moment to think about the question. The Witch tilted her head with an unblinking stare, mulling it over before deciding to speak her mind. "What one person lacks, the other has. It balances out the weaknesses of a team, and when there is unity a miracle can be brought about in a situation that is otherwise impossible to overcome."
"I think that's true enough for you guys. Shoot, even the ones whose personalities clash like oil and water can pull off some great teamwork once in a while!" Berserk playfully elbowed Avalon with a wink. "Sides, Cayde's right, I'm your friend too remember? If you get yourself in a sticky situation, what good'll it do if I just sat there and watched? The only worrisome thing is if you do something crazy and we can't bail you out."
"If we stick together, that won't be a problem. There is one other thing that is important between friends and teammates..." Bern held up a finger. "I'm starting to understand that friends need trust by a balance of giving and taking. Relying only on others weakens your ability to stand alone when you need to. But if you need help, yet never reach out to others..." Bernkastel glanced down at the floor sullenly, choosing not to finish her sentence. "...Friends will help you if you let them. Then it's your turn to help them back."
Bern then turned toward Spina. She looked him over, in concerned disbelief he wasn't in pieces. "Hey. Thanks for saving Cayde, but are you... really okay? I mean, I'm glad you're alive. But anybody else would be a pile of dust right now."