The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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May says "your welcome bernkastel and way do I think you're going to ask me to do the something the next time we run in to something identical." May is mostly stating facts and dos does not seem to mind.

May says "I have to agree that is strange but at this point we have to hope it has little meaning. Like I statute before we need to get going, I rather meet up with the others and loot whatever has vale for us." May thinks "I can think of one reason an AI with dooms mind and it's in a somewhat active state or someone was here already and changed the passwords. Agen not up to us to find out yet."
The Room

Zenta devouring a piece of Vegetto amused Lucifer so much, his mood had improved significantly. “I’m not surprised…” There was no ill meaning behind those words. “Very few of mortal-kind are exposed to the internal workings of their worlds. And fewer than those are consciously aware of what lies beyond.”

As the cubes orbit around the fallen angel, Lucifer simply raised his right hand. A twirl of energy gathers above the palm, creating a flower beaming with life. A presentation done for Zenta since he was unable to see, physically, otherwise.

“All worlds follow the same mechanisms, albeit slight variations on varying degrees.” The flower beaming with life, withered away seconds after and turned into ash, as a new flower sprout from its essence. “Life begins, Death comes, and a new life [rebirth] arise. Some would say, it just how the way of the world operates. This cycle is just a natural phenomenon.”

Lucifer balled the flower with intense pressure, creating a small energy ball that resembles the universe. His eyes soften upon observation. “But I’ve discovered that this is but a fantasy. A carefully design mechanism to subjugate mortal-kind to the feet of deities.” He stares at the cubes of Vegetto. “To draw out the faith [power] from mortal kind to fuel their own desires and remain dominant and cast judgement to their governed worlds.”

The angel smiles like a devil. “Mortal kind seek answers to their existence, whether positive or negative, and from that, came the birth the age of demons, angels, and gods and other entities. In turn, these supernatural entities use those beliefs in various ways. Evil born when entities manipulated mortal kind that the others are “the enemy”, demonizing them and weakening their power. Arrogance rose. Conflicts are an eternal inevitably.” Lucifer sneered when Vegetto’s eye floated in front of his face. “Uncertainty grows when one is told that they lack a soul.” He let out a light chuckle.

Lucifer snapped his fingers as the energy ball disappeared into mere particles. “A vicious cycle where mortal-kind sprung forth this phenomenon; and in turn, deities will take advantage of mortal-kind, no matter how benevolent or malevolent.” He paused for a second. “And eventually, it will give rise to an entity that seek to become the strongest of them all—the one who claims mortal-kind to themselves and ushered the ultimate path for mortal-kind to follow.”

“An incarnation of myself rebelled against the supposed creator of that world, to end the vicious cycle, he thought, and install freedom within mortal-kind. But alas, was a temporary solution. As long as a single soul held strongly about these entities, they will always return. Let’s referred such concept as the mandala system. As long mortal-kind desires answers to their existence, entities will revive again and again, and cycle will continue.”

The angel raised a single finger. “This brings me to my central point… I killed the [distorted sounds] of my world and absorbed its essence. And from there, I realized how I can break the mandala system.” He paused and shrugged his shoulders. “Then, I ended up here and I lost Creator’s Essence before I did anything too significant.” He smiles. “But I do know that mortal-kind with Creator’s Essence, in theory, should be able to break any cycle."


The Secret Door of Doctor Doom

“A new type of magic….” Detective Spawn was obviously skeptical about Bernkastel’s explanations. They were the same eyes that Detective Goku held when they spar a bit. But something is different… hers is far more apparent. Even the edge of her hair is turning white. “Right… it’s not surprising that some will gain new abilities in this world.” I need to watch her more carefully for now on out. “Nevertheless… using them as the passwords What a twisted fucker.” He agreed with Cayde that stepping in after hearing those names seems like a bad idea. “That Doom Coin is still in Metropolis, right?”

Spina caught Bernkastel staring at his direction. “Let’s keep going and find out.” He was secretly impressed with how Bernkastel somehow managed to find the answers to the passwords. He instinctively scratched the side of his neck, and then the shoulder where Zenta left his mark.

As Bara entered the room, and Spina followed, there were barely any lighting in the room, aside from small pockets on the corners in the room. Naturally, Spina held his hand up and created an energy ball to light up the room.

Immediately, Spina eyed at all the crystals that was riddled in the room. They were all over the place—coming in the walls, on the ground and even ceiling. Furthermore, it seems that there were plenty of items that seems heavily damaged.

“Looks like a battle occurred here…” Detective Spawn said. “Is this the place where you fought Doom?” The hellspawn noticed “humanoids” machines that were planted in the walls or the ground. Some were missing their missing their heads, torsos, etc. as they were scattered around. Most notable is the abundance of crystals shattering their armor. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the machines looked similar to that of the Doctor somewhat, but it was hard to hell because of their condition.

“No.” Spina looked around. “We fought him in a different place.”

The only thing that managed to stay perfectly intact was the supercomputer, and it was still functioning despite the battle that seems happen here. Though the quality of it, if attempt to play any video, will notably be low. There was a throne that facing the supercomputer, and held large crystals embedded into it. In additions of the machine bodies, there were artifacts lying around, including a weirdly shaped gun and orbs in a broken tube.

“Then what the hell happen here?” Detective Spawn asked.

“Let me answer that.” A voice came from the throne. It turned on and slowly turned. Once the throne faced the Breakers, there was a figure with crystals coming out of it. There was a slight paused as he looked around each individual. “Ah… the Breakers… hahaha.”
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Immediately Bara was on full alert.
"Doom? Here!?" She asked, quite shocked, yet she recomposed herself after shaking her head to get the memories of what Dr. Doom did to her out of her head, before looking at the throne.
Zenta took a sip of his tea, listening very carefully to everything Lucifer has to say. It sparked his interest, no surprise. As Lucifer explained the cycle he mentioned before, it made Zenta tilt his head slightly. Although Lucifer did a good job trying to explain his point of view, Zenta was still stuck on some things.

So the things we consider 'normal' are simply part of the greater will of others? Life and death are supposed to happen? Is it all some sort of plan?

"I see," Zenta began. "So, in a way, it is almost like the 'Chicken and the Egg' theory. Which one came first? However, in this case, you are telling me that the theory is something that is crafted, and there is something beyond the chicken and the egg. There is no egg or chicken because they were placed there by deities, according to you." There was a slight pause from Zenta as he watched the flower in Lucifer's hand turn to a universe. "You claim there is something beyond this cycle... The cycle of life and death. The norm, if you will."

The beast thought silently to himself.

If what Lucifer is saying is true, then his knowledge can apply to other universes. But how is he so sure it can be applied to Reality Vortex, let alone other realms of reality?

"If I may ask you a series of questions, Lucifer..." He faced Lucifer, giving the Angel his full attention. His tails swayed harmonically behind him, showing his interest. "My first question is, once this cycle is broken, what does it accomplish? I assume the liberty to do what one pleases, but I think it is a little bit more than that... I sense that you found something beyond the power of deities." The beast chuckled under his breath before taking another sip of tea. "Beyond freedom. How interesting..."

Zenta finished his tea and gently placed the cup down for the little Xy'phers to carry away. He offered a motion to the little crystals that he wanted more tea.

"And my second question; how does this affect immortal people? I assume their circumstance is a little unique. Unable to die, but constantly being reborn. It is a cycle within a cycle. How would breaking the cycle free them, if at all?" He paused briefly, as if to think about something before speaking again. "Back home, I knew a person who happened to be immortal due to a curse laid on him. Apparently he committed horrible crimes in the past. ...I do not recall the details. However, I did not see the monster people claimed he was, instead, he was quite the opposite. Ah, I have many humorous stories to tell about him..." A warm smile came from Zenta's jaw, yet, it felt empty almost. "Any who, should I ever meet my friend here, how would breaking that cycle affect him?"

The furry man held out three fingers towards Lucifer.

"My third and final question is, even if you are right in your hypothesis, how are you certain that it will apply to Reality Vortex? Your universe's logic might not work here. Most of the laws we know do not matter here, so whose to say there is even a cycle to break in Reality Vortex?"


"A new type of magic?" Avalon tilted his head. "I guess that's a witch for ya'. Always craftin' stuff in their black cauldrons." He peered at the growing white hair on Bernkastel, but chose not to bring it up to the Witch due to how tired and out of breath she looked.

The password had a few names I recognized, but a lot I don't know... Were they part of the Breakers too? Did they die in the Doom fight I've heard about?

As the door opened, Avalon stepped in and nearly tripped over one of the mechanical humanoid bots. Once he realized there were several of them, all covered with crystals, he knew the room had a battle inside. Whatever happened inside was meant to keep the Xy'phers out. The ninja's attention shifted to the Supercomputer, then to the mysterious artifacts to the side. A gun and orbs?

He reached out to touch the gun, but before he could, he pulled his hand back upon hearing the voice of someone else in the room. Quickly rushing back to Berserk's side, he wondered if this was a trick made by the Red King.

"Wait, hold on... Doom?! Like Dr. Doom?!" Avalon said, confused. "But... I thought you guys killed him in your fight? How is he here?"
Bage smiled in amazement at Berkastel's ability to help May decipher the door's password. "Well alright! Nice teamwork you two!" He praised both May and Bernkastel, paying no mind to the slight change in the small witch's appearance. It wasn't uncommon for the Saiyan to see such limits in power be surpassed right before his eyes, so it made him happy to see that this Breaker was getting even stronger!

Slowly the Detective followed the group into the room, noticing the mess that could have only been caused by a fight breaking out within. By the look of the crystals around the room, there was a clear winner. But Like Spawn, Bage was confused when Spina mentioned that their battle with doom was in fact somewhere different. His head turned quickly as the foreign voice spoke out, his eyes narrowing as the throne turned to reveal someone.

"Could it be that... they got his coin and turned him into a Xy'pher now too?" Bage tried to infer, seeing the crystals shooting out from the figure's body. Bage's stance tensed, almost as if preparing to act in defense.
May says "I doute it's as simple Doom becoming an Xy'pher. If it was all do is lock us out and let the king know." May thinks as she takes out a gun that loaded with anti-armor rounds "This could be the real doom or AI that has doom's mind mapped. At this point neither matter"

May sends out some sleuth orbs to gather data about the soundings. May thinks "There a good chance this may be needed."
Bernkastel relaxed a bit, relieved that her explanation seemed to work well enough in her view. The results would have been guaranteed either way but something about Bage's words made her feel like it was better she relied on May to reach the passcodes. There's still the other use... if I get worked up, how do I maintain the focus to use it? Bern stopped once the group came across the vast darkness of a seemingly empty room.

What Spina's illumination revealed caused her eyes to narrow at the unfamiliar scene. And then there was a voice that came from the throne by the monitor. Instinctively, the name made her recoil with a flinch. "That can't be right if the King is still trying to hunt him down. Even if it was just a bluff, he wouldn't have any need to hold us captive were that the case."

"We could've walked into a trap." Berserk scanned the room with a scowl, holding her blade in front of herself and Avalon. "Stay close together."

Bernkastel's hands curled up into fists, but they were trembling. She silently begged for the figure to be anybody but Doom. As much as she frowned upon Vegetto's extreme reactions, she didn't know if she could control herself in the heat of the moment. But if this person were Doom: they have to kill him no matter what, and ruin the King's plans. "Whoever you are... show yourself."
The Room

Gods… are ideas.” Lucifer emphasized; properly summarizing his theory to Zenta. “And the mortal mind is the pinnacle of turning ideas of uncertainty into possibility.” The angel narrowed his eyes upon Zenta asking three questions.

“You heard it yourself, my boy. The Voice, who can easily wipe our existence, chose to keep the world as is because he wanted to preserved life. And you saw what lies beyond this world.” His expression grew grim once again. “The Voice absolutely saw the value of life, and even tasked the Breakers as his messengers to this world. As I said earlier, all worlds follow the same cycle—and this world is no different.” His eyes shined brightly. “Just moments before I lost Creator’s Essence… I bare witnessed of many whom believed of a higher power—whether they want to overthrow or not matters little. Their belief of something is more than enough.”

After answering the final question first, the angel tackles the first question. “I’ll leave that up to your imagination, Zenta. After all, I never had the chance to do anything before appearing here.”

Lastly, Lucifer analyzed Zenta’s comment about a supposed acquaintance. “You have to be more specific. Cursed by who? The gods?” His eyes narrowed, and his grim expression softened to a more playful smile. “Are you talking about this beast that appeared in your universe, hmm?”


The Secret Door of Doctor Doom

As Bernkastel demanded the man to revealed himself, the figure stood up from its chair. He walked several steps forward. The sounds of metal boots were loud.

Thud. The step that reminded the Breakers of their fateful encounter against the doctor.

Thud. The sounds of energy beams blasted from a distance.

THUD. THUD. THUD. THUD. THUD. Coming closer to the light, these sounds were nearly a deliberate act of how each of the Breakers that died.

Once the figure stepped into the light, the Breakers will see a humanoid figure covered in greyish metal armor. Surrounded by a tore up green cloak, with crystals embedded throughout its body.

“The story of Doom never ends, just delayed.” Doctor Doom appeared before the Breakers. He wasn’t a Xy’pher as May predicted. He stare at the Breakers, noticing that they obtained several new members in their group. "Already replaced them. It was such a fond memory seeing you struggle."

Detective Spawn was baffled by the appearance of Doctor Doom. If Spina said was true, and the Red King seemingly looking for him, then his coin should still be in Metropolis. He placed his hands together, releasing a signal to sense a soul from the man. “…A machine.” Spawn said. “But how?”

“Do you truly believe Doctor Victor von Doom embarks his plans without calculating the smallest detail? Doom created us as enforcers of this new world moments before you arrived at the doorstep. And in the event that Doom would lose, somehow, we will still continue. Unfortunately, that blasted rock creatures ransack Doom’s castle, so I, the last surviving Doombot, simply waited for our next plan of action.”
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May says "Eather an AI that mind was mapped with Doom's mind or a clone. " May thinks "This may show something interesting for those that are messing with coining effect." May continues "but that hardly matters the real question is can we work with Doom or not. Sence all I was wend you all fought Doom was a live spectator I will let you all choose but at this point we are going need all the help we can get."
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