Panich glanced at Cuki as she mentioned the meal. She wiped her mouth clean of crumbs that may have stuck themselves to her. She went to reply but was soon cut off by Bernkastel. She narrowed her eyes. "Please. I don't care for other peoples opinions." She crossed her legs and sat up straight. "I've had nothing better to do in this god forsaken realm then fight, since its the only think I've truly enjoyed. And every where I turn I hear about the breakers. Legendary warriors who defeated this Doctor Doom. The best in the city. So I came to see if the legend was true."
The saiyan princess paused a moment at Gogeta talking to the air, but simply brushed it off and continued. "And after that sample of your legendary strength from your elder, I want nothing more then to witness that power first hand. So would you indulge me?"
The saiyan princess paused a moment at Gogeta talking to the air, but simply brushed it off and continued. "And after that sample of your legendary strength from your elder, I want nothing more then to witness that power first hand. So would you indulge me?"