The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Panich glanced at Cuki as she mentioned the meal. She wiped her mouth clean of crumbs that may have stuck themselves to her. She went to reply but was soon cut off by Bernkastel. She narrowed her eyes. "Please. I don't care for other peoples opinions." She crossed her legs and sat up straight. "I've had nothing better to do in this god forsaken realm then fight, since its the only think I've truly enjoyed. And every where I turn I hear about the breakers. Legendary warriors who defeated this Doctor Doom. The best in the city. So I came to see if the legend was true." 

The saiyan princess paused a moment at Gogeta talking to the air, but simply brushed it off and continued. "And after that sample of your legendary strength from your elder, I want nothing more then to witness that power first hand. So would you indulge me?"
Reaching over to place a hand on the same shoulder that Whis touched, Bernkastel briefly closed her eyes to take his words to heart. Even though Whis had appeared for a fleeting moment, almost phantomlike, he had gone out of his way to have her and Cross bear witness to what he told Gogeta. Even though she had to accept the fact she might not see Lambdadelta again, Whis gave Bernkastel comfort. She wanted to ask him to stay but it wasn't her place. He earned the right to be on his own for the time being, so the least she could do in gratitude was to return the favor for his sacrifice. Most of the Breakers were Saiyans, and maybe the only way to get out of this rut was to provide a motivation. If she helped Gogeta stay focused on finding Vegetto, the others might follow suit.

Thank you Whis. Even now you're still teaching me things... I'll do my part too, she thought as she opened her eyes again. Her entire demeanor had changed and she looked relaxed yet attentive to Panich's reply. It was simple as she predicted, but Saiyans tended to be simple about many things. However, it was simple enough that if acknowledged could snowball into other interesting results.

"Hmm, I can respect that. Sure, why not?" Bernkastel finally answered. "Plus it would be unfair of me to deny you or Gogeta's wishes, all things considered. If you liked going up against Gogeta earlier, I think you might enjoy the prospect of facing Vegetto himself too, Panich. Have you ever fought someone who mastered the art of Ultra Instinct? If you haven't, he's your guy." She stretched her arms behind her head and popped her knuckles as she talked. "But we'll have to start looking for Vegetto to give you that chance. Until then, fighting us will be like practicing for it in that respect."
Brachi smirked.
"If you want to test your powers against me, let me know. I'll be happy to spar with you anywhere, anytime." She said to Panich, "same goes for you, Gogeta."
“No. If Doom made that channel, I have no interest. I rather buried such thoughts in the back of my mind.” Spina was surprised that Cuki was willingly wanting to flick to the channel that showcase such brutality of the battle. Why would Cuki even suggested such a bit and eager to jump on the coach to watch it live? These are the thoughts in Spina’s head that question Cuki’s decisions. 

Spina remained in his seat by the table, alarmed by Gogeta making conversation by himself. Originally, he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. “I guess the news hit him hard that he’s talking to himself now.” He thought to himself. “Not my place to ask… and rather not want to get involved in that mess.”

He turned to the young Saiyan girl, seemingly eager to fight them. Spina waited for Bernkastel to finish her statement regarding a challenge, particularly the idea of looking for him. “Don’t know about looking for him, but it seems that Panich doesn’t want training. She interested of seeing our fullest strength right away. The real deal.”

Spina took up, clenching his fist so much and his eyes narrowed. “You are not the first challenger that came to us. Nor will it be the last one. I’d assume you simply want to fight only one of us?” Spina asked Panich the pressing question. “I’m feeling a bit cranky after Ultraman shown up in our doorstep and knowingly, I have to restart the garden I picked up as a hobby, again, thanks do your little fireworks earlier…. So, I’ll be the one to take you on that challenge. Especially seeing that, uh, form… they called it Super Saiyan 4.”


Outside of Cuki’s Apartment

A tall, slim handsome man with blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin, wearing a black tuxedo was standing near the entrance of the front gate. He look closer at the apartment, his eyes narrowed as if he was sensing something within the apartment. “Hmm… I don’t sense him anywhere. Did he not make it to this world, or...?" He placed his hand under his chin.
Gogeta had stood still, rubbing his chin and having tuned out the others in his deep thinking. Kass died, and Vegetto left. Huh...weird, I can't imagine him leaving at all. If it were me, I'd wanna just stay and fight cause it'd help me keep my mind off her death or something. Hmmm....

His entire thought process halted however, at Spina's words. In emptying his mind, Gogeta quickly made his way back around the couch and towards the others, his eyes on Spina with intrigue and wonder.

"There's a Super Saiyan 4?!"
Cross thinks "so the interloper is still around." Lady Lightstep says "As long they don't act like Ultraman or implead master its fine."
As Cuki washed and placed the dishes away, she lowered herself to the cabinets under her sink to get some extra soap until her ears perked up at a very familiar name. When Gogeta mentioned Whis' name, she instantly lifted her head up and hit it against the cabinet with a loud thud. She cringed slightly at the bump on her head but immediately pushed herself to her feet in order to hopefully see the angel. Her smile was wide and her expression was genuine joy and excitement; the first time in almost three years Cuki has ever been this happy.

"Whis! I'm so happy to see you! You have no idea how much I missed you! I just got done making food but I can totally make...more..?" Cuki's excitement quickly faded away when she did not see the blue angel in her apartment. She glanced at the others, almost as if seeking an answer. After another brief glance around her apartment, she realized Whis was nowhere to be found and that Gogeta was talking to himself. Her shoulders slumped before sheepishly placing a hand on the back of her neck. The young woman cleared her throat.

"Errm, sorry about that... I thought I heard a familiar name. Heh heh, don't know what came over me..." Cuki tried not to frown so she let her gaze fall to the floor to avoid any eye contact. Her tone sounded pumped but it occasionally cracked at how she held back her emotions. "Alright guys, let's make sure to cheer on Spina and Panich! Try not to destroy your garden again, Spina. The rest of you know the rules if you wanna fight, do it outside. Now let's hurry, I bet Panich is just itchin' for a good fight!"

The Saiyan tried to smile away her outburst from earlier but when her ears flatten on top of her head, it told another story. Whether or not people followed her or listened, she opened the balcony door and jumped over the railings, landing softly on her feet on the ground below. As she waited below, Cuki sat on the floor patiently, the frown more prominent on her face as she struggled to control her vivid emotions.

Maybe watching this fight will lift me up...
"Yes, let's not stall." Panich chuckled to at Cuki before standing up and facing Spina with a determined smirk. Despite their clear height and power difference, there was no fear in the saiyan princess, only excitement for the brawl. "Lead the way."

As she went to follow Spina she turned to Gogeta a moment before heading outside. "Short attention span I see. But don't worry, you'll have a chance to witness it again." 

On her way out with the group, Panich began stretching briefly before charging herself to her super saiyan 4 immediately. Her eyes and aura turned back to their golden shade and her body grew fur all over as her tail flicked back and forth. "I'm sure you won't be needing a warm up."
Alarmed by Cuki’s small window of excitement she’d display; Spina was starting to feel weird about her odd behavior regarding showing the Doom Battle. But at least, based on her reaction on seeing Whis, she’d shown a little essence of being herself again, even for a brief moment. Leaving that aside, Spina headed outside to give this new challenger a fight.

“Don’t worry about me destroying my garden. I worked hard on it during these years… and all of them being torched…” Spina turned to Panich, seeing her transformed straight into her strongest form, surprising him. “Hmph. Confident, are we? Guess we don’t need a warm-up.”

Spina stand in front of Brachi, nodding his head from side to side. “We don’t need to have the cast to jump on her at once—It won’t be fair. I’ll be taking her on alone.” He walked several steps towards her before stopping. “Alright, let’s get started. Panich, right? Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Spina... A Saiyan just like you. Now, come and show me everything you got. No need to hold back.” Extending his arm forward, balling his hand into a fist as aura roar around his body like a raging flame.
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