The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Cross says "lich is not a title its combination of lot work down the path of necromancy little demon." Cross says using a spell gilding all drunks to there rooms "it was fun being a version of my self that was so imprudent." As the changes to his aura, look, and dress went back to before made a bit of hell fire.

Cross thinks "I will reveal latter what I found out with my bugs."
Bernkastel rubbed her eyes and stared up finally noticing that people were returning, tucking the card into her pocket. "Oh, din' seeya dere... yea, issalllllll gone, huhuhuh. Woulda had more if I din' spill it on da floor cuzza Spina. One sip's allit takes for deze goobers ta get drunk! Haha, couldn' be me." She figured it must have been long past dinnertime by now if they just got back, squinting at the clock. "Wellll, I might be a lil'... iss' okayyy, I'll jus' go ta bed. Dum Gogie... I'm gunna hafta put a lock on my wine cabinet tomorrow," she muttered, using the table to stand up on her own, shutting her eyes at her vision doubling since it would make her legs feel like jelly. She stuck to the wall of the hallway feeling her way back to her room with her hands, which was making her go one step at a time. "Ugh, maybe I shoulda stayed in my corner." Her head started to swim and make her feel dizzy, slumping to the floor of her door with a hand feebly jiggling the doorknob. "Can't I jus' sleep here?..."
From within the city, small gremlin-like creatures appeared from the rubble near Goku and Broly. They were the same ones that appeared when Gogeta, Panich, and Brachi destroyed the city prior. They scrambled around looking for something between the buildings, too weak to lift even the smallest rubble without some teamwork. The gremlins that came out of the debris were carrying the Vortex Coins of those who had perished in the Broly and Gogeta fight. More and more gremlins surfaced with 1 or 2 coins at a time, showcasing that more people had died in their sleep than anticipated. The ones who had coins disappeared back into the rubble while the ones without coins scurried all around the legs of Goku, desperate to find a Coin.

Cuki frowned at Bernkastel's situation and gently lifted her up and placed her in her room. Without saying a word, Cuki carefully placed Bernkastel on her bed and tucked her in. She knew Bernkastel would change her clothes when she sobers up. The entire incident of today made Cuki emotionless to the situation involving Gogeta, Bernkastel, and Spina. 

She returned to Spina and did the same, tucking him in so he wouldn't hurt himself.

She made sure to leave a glass of water near the drunks' bedside with a few aspirins for the hangover they will most likely have. The door would remain open in case any of them threw up and started to choke. The girl moved to the dinner table where her food was, no doubt cold from her little endeavor. She said nothing to anyone, silently eating a cold meal, carefully listening to the others in case they acted up in their drunken state.

Just be... positive...
Cross says as the spell places the drunks on there sides "Worst case wend my alternate self casted drunken reprieve he did not add the hangover protection on them but that more a them issue."
[Edited my post]

Lucifer chuckled at Cross’ comments. “Oh, how you humor me. Keep it up.” He went upstairs, hearing the sounds of the drunken Breakers sleeping throughout the night as Cuki attempts to aid them at someway. “Rest assure, Cross, dealing with the concept of necromancy is no small feat.” Lucifer paused and decided to leave the sentence unfinished as he heads to his room for the night.

Next Day: Morning

An enormous groups of crows have taken residency on the rooftop of Cuki’s apartment complex. A numerous of crows pecked at the window, outright shrieking in rows full minute each.

Spina opened his eyes and risen from his bed. “Oh man…” The old Saiyan said. “What the hell happen…?” He noticed a couple of pills on the table and a glass of water. “Man, I’m drenched for water.” He chugged the entire glass in a second. Although Cross’ spell improved his mobility massively, he still couldn’t remember a thing. “Last thing I remember… was being slammed around… yeah, Cuki did that. I think.” He went towards the window and shutting it closed to drowned out the noisy crows, not realizing the abundance of it. “Damn birds are a lot more active now.”

He headed downstairs to the main lobby and turned on the television. “I wonder… what’s on.” He flipped through the channels, until he landed on the Reality News Network channel.

“As reported, we are still recovering from the massive damage that was done to the city once again. It is estimated that it will take years to fix the city, and recovered as many people as we could, although there were reports that they have went missing as well. Once again, the Breakers’ reckless behaviors have increased rapidly.” The woman said. She turned, hearing that they finally obtained the footage. “Thank to one our kind citizen, they managed to film the brief encounter of the battle.”

Spina narrowed his eyes upon seeing the footage of a drunk Gogeta fighting against Broly, whom the latter was unfamiliar with. “….what the? What the hell was this?! All that happened last night?!”

“Actually, it happened three days ago.”

Spina’s eyes widened. “Three days!? We were asleep for three damn days!?” He turned around, seeing Lucifer sitting on the stool chair, drinking juice.

“Fufu, you and the blue brothers were completely wasted on that wine.” Lucifer said. “Who knew you guys can’t handle high quality wine?” He took a snip of the juice. “Cross even had to waste his energy to sober you up, and you still couldn’t get up after that. I say, I didn’t expect to be that high tier… I was able to handle it just fine.”

“….Where the hell were the others?” Spina said.

“Dunno, haven’t seen Panich after she found out the person, she was looking for wasn’t exactly the one. Brachi and uh, Bara, I believe… probably off somewhere. Cuki? Probably killing time.”

Spina grabbed his head, seeing the blue flair of light smashing against the city like fireworks. “Oh man… what did that dumbass do….!” He was irritated by the sounds of screaming crows. “Oh shit… and the crows…!”

“Pretty sure the nice news lady explains that the city got turned into a hell-zone.” Lucifer joked.

Three days have passed since the encounter with Panich and Hart. After Hart’s revelation about the world post Doom, she claims to have a way to get those that perished back. She had informed Panich to returned to the Breakers in the meantime (important note: no one knows about this part, so don’t outed Panich, this is critical for the story), and she’ll be in contact soon. “Return to the Breakers for now, and simply gather some intel. Ultraman and I will continue to do the heavy work from here”.

On the other hand, Ultraman was on the rooftop of the tallest building, still seemingly in ruins due to the Gogeta’s latest attack on the city. He was on the edge of the building, his eyes becoming dull as he seen the residents doing their best of piling rocks on the streets. Such a sight flash a memory before his eyes:

[memory starts]

“So you’re finally here Superman. I guess they chose the best of us to represent this world, eh? Two greatest heroes, and we will see who truly stands on top!” Ultraman said to Superman.

“No. You can have that title, Ultraman.” Superman said. “I don’t need it.”

Ultraman narrowed his eyes. “….What?”

“I finally free to do what I wish, something I never had time to do. I was so busy with hero work, so busy with making sure everyone’s lives is okay, that I put the needs of others than my own. I love being a hero, and absolutely love the people…but I want to express myself for once. And this world, provides such stimulus. So I’m heading out to see what this world has to offer. Such title as a hero…” Superman shook his head. “is no longer a valuable option for me. You take it. I’m going to find a man called Vegetto.”

Ultraman narrowed his eyes. “That bastard…!? He didn’t even look me in the eye. Why would he care about you?! You willingly going to throw all that away… for that!?”

“Because he was the greatest challenge I ever took on, if I stick with him, who knows what amazing things I get to explore.” Superman smiled. “Farewell… I hope you also don’t get stuck into the path of heroism. It's a tireless job, and I don't think you're even qualify for that. Give that up and find your own identity without chasing me…”

[memory ends]

Ultraman looks at his hand. “My identity… without him, I’m nothing… and apparently, Doom doesn’t even consider me a Superman. The Breakers don’t even take me seriously. Who am I?”
Cross thinks "I don't think is worth it and now that I know demonomancy as well some one that became a demon not only that but the ruler of hell." Cross starts to reading a book.


Cross says reading a book "Gogata and Bernkastel are still sleeping off the 3 days ago. Panich thanks to how Lucifer handled things chances are good that next time we see her she going be a foe."
"Tch, Gogeta's been more of a troublemaker than I thought..." Brachi's voice came from the hallway as she entered the room, looking not too pleased. 

Brachi's clothes were slightly tattered here and there, but a sudden glow which briefly surrounded her body repaired her clothes within seconds. The one who did this was none other than Majin Bara, whom followed Brachi into the room.

"Before you ask, I was training elsewhere in a remote location, making sure there was nobody else around. I've caused more than enough unintended collateral damage when chasing that stupid thief; at least I wanted to be sure I wouldn't do something like that again. It seems that Gogeta in his drunken state didn't seem to care much about that." Brachi said, clearly agitated by the current state of affairs.

"Can't we do something to help with repairing the damage done? I'm sure the people would appreciate this as a gesture of penance..." Majin Bara then asked.

"I would love to do my part on this, but people have apparently lost their trust in us... and I'm simply afraid of making things worse than they already are. Gogeta's actions has only increased that fear..." Brachi replied.

The loud yawn cut in to Brachi’s final sentence about halfway in, Gogeta slowly slogging his way into the nearby kitchen and unintentionally interrupting her with his obnoxious noise. He held a happy smile while he slowly shuffled into the kitchen like an old man; his body clearly battered and bruised from the battle. However the fusion seemed to be aloof of his state, reaching for the refrigerator door and letting out a large, unfiltered fart that rung out in the entire apartment. Even if the wine hadn’t hindered his control over his bowel movements, he likely would still be in the current state from the battle alone.

“Man I’m starving! I feel like I just got out of the best fight ever!”

He stumbled a bit, dropping some of the boxes from the takeout ordered a few days ago on the kitchen counter before waving widely to the others in the living room.

“Good morning!”
Both Brachi and Bara looked disgusted at this sudden display.

"Good morning..." Brachi said, "feeling good about yourself?"

Bara wanted to move in and heal Gogeta's injuries, but Brachi stopped her, shaking her head at her Majin bestie, who wisely backed off.
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